“Vote Pro-Life” mobile billboard campaign to roll into battleground states
Created Equal has identified nine election year battleground states and plans, in conjunction with Operation Rescue, to launch a voter education Truth Truck tour utilizing huge mobile billboards showing images of aborted babies in at least seven of those states: Florida, Iowa, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Colorado and Nevada will be added as funding permits.
(Interestingly, Politico listed the underlined states in its piece today, “Obama’s seven states of gay marriage grief.”)
Created Equal’s 2012 “Vote Pro-Life” mobile billboard project will launch this month and run through Election Day:
- Phase One: Ohio and Florida (includes GOP convention in Tampa)
- Phase Two: North Carolina and Virginia (includes Democrat convention in Charlotte)
- Phase Three: Pennsylvania
- Phase Four: Missouri and Iowa
Again, additional state destinations will be added as funding permits. Donate to the endeavor here. I’m tentatively planning to meet up with the group at the DNC.
These will be on the truck sideboards. Click to enlarge…
And this will be on the back…
How America could be more horrified by graphic footage of pigs than babies, I’ll never understand. The goal of these graphic image campaigns is to force people to face the reality of “choice,” which they may never have.
From Created Equal’s press release on the campaign:
Despite the enormous impact of the billboard trucks by themselves, one of the project’s main goals is to secure free media coverage in each state and city we visit. This greatly increases our exposure and reduces the number of road hours required to have the desired impact on voters. This keeps the project very affordable. Dollar for dollar this campaign will deliver a strong pro-life message at a fraction of the cost of traditional voter education efforts….
It is close to impossible for any organization to wage an effective, affordable 50 state battle over abortion. On the other hand, statewide educational campaigns are most effective and completely doable in key battleground states. This strategy pays long-term dividends by having an effect on state abortion laws and helps elect pro-life federal, state and local representatives. Our objectives are clear. Our goals are defined.

A nice little reminder to voters on the fence that a vote for the GOP is also a vote for the extremists and loonies to whom the GOP is beholden lately (see also: the expulsion of moderate Republicans such as Dick Lugar). Yup, I’m sure Mitt Romney appreciates the help.
Will “Swissy Missy” Bachmann be offering yodeling lessons at the GOP convention?
Aw, c’mon, ladies! Can’t you tell us how proud you are of the pics? After all, it’s all about your right to end another life. Own it!
Or, instead… you can react by calling people who wan to end the violence of abortion loony… or go out on a limb and take a random shot at Bachman for no obvious reason! (Hint: if you’re going to try and distract people away from abortion pictures, do your best to be relevant.)
Lots of people are offended by the pictures; more and more are realizing there must be a better way to solve our problems than abortion. If you want to keep your ‘right’ to abortion, you will have to start explaining why the content of aborted victims’ pictures is good and necessary for women… Tell us why what we see is worth defending. Good luck!
If you defend abortion- Own it, ladies!
Murder is hard to look at. Manson never believed he supported mass murder either. Murder is often the option of convenience; a way to make the murderer’s life easier. There has always been evil, and to address it, the solution always begins the same way – look it in the eye. This is a difficult but necessary way to look at evil and let more people see what it means to take a child’s life.
@Mary Ann- Right on!
Protecting children at every age and stage of life, HOW INSANE, AMIRITE, JOAN?!
You know me, joan. You know that I tend to actually be pretty middle-of-the-road. You know I support this. Now multiply me by thousands. Scared yet?
If she’s not, I am! :)
im glad they’re doing this but it is SO incredibly difficult to look at these photos w/o wanting to faint in sadness. i think unfortunately people will see them as “gross” (liberals anyway) instead of seeing them as truth.
Joan and mp–this is what you spend your time defending. Look at it. Own it. Make peace with it.
Oh you can’t……that’s right. That’s why we talk about”potential persons” and”blastocytes” on this blog.
That’s HUMAN blood, you zombies.
I’ve made peace with your silly shock pictures. And my policy towards them is the same as my policy towards any other shock pictures: as long as I don’t have to look at them when I’m having lunch, knock yourself out.
Why, precisely, are they silly?
Because, Courtnay, Joan has to label them as trivial and unimportant. If she didn’t, she would actually have to address the ideas and the morality behind the pictures.
I think it may be a self-defense mechanism to protect her mentally from coming to terms with the reality of the pro choice worldview.
A proud choicer would be happy to eat lunch watching these pics, right? And you could eat your fetus cookies for dessert.
Whatever would make you lose your appetite, Joan? Aren’t you proud of choice? The pics merely show what you defend every day. Own it, girl! Celebrate!
Face it.
Your side is losing.
I saw my first pro life mobile billboard today. I happened to be out to lunch with several friends and the makeup of the group made the sight of the billboard have a huge effect. In front of me was a mother, wondering how she would explain to her 8 year old son what was on the side of the truck. Seated on her left was a newlywed who is planning to start a family soon. To her right was a friend who just a few weeks ago had her fourth miscarriage. I can’t imagine what she is going through wanting so badly to start a family and having it taken away from her. To my right was another friend. She is 9 weeks pregnant. She had a late miscarriage last year. Can you imagine what these people must be feeling seeing something that happend to them, not as a choice but as a force of nature, being depicted on the side of a truck sitting outside a restaurant while they attempted to eat their lunch. This isn’t an issue of pro life or pro choice. This is just terrible advertising. People ar polarized on this issue for deep seated reasons and I can’t imagine that horrific images are going to change anyone’s mind. If anything, I believe it will further separate the two groups.
To Appalled – are any of the people you described pro choice? How do they feel about abortion by choice? I have also lost children, but believe this is a very necessary step.
I think it’s that whole pro-choicer trying to equate miscarriage with abortion thing again. Sad.