Created Equal has identified nine election year battleground states and plans, in conjunction with Operation Rescue, to launch a voter education Truth Truck tour utilizing huge mobile billboards showing images of aborted babies in at least seven of those states: Florida, Iowa, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Colorado and Nevada will be added as funding permits.

(Interestingly, Politico listed the underlined states in its piece today, “Obama’s seven states of gay marriage grief.”)

Created Equal’s 2012 “Vote Pro-Life” mobile billboard project will launch this month and run through Election Day:

  • Phase One: Ohio and Florida (includes GOP convention in Tampa)
  • Phase Two: North Carolina and Virginia (includes Democrat convention in Charlotte)
  • Phase Three: Pennsylvania
  • Phase Four: Missouri and Iowa

Again, additional state destinations will be added as funding permits. Donate to the endeavor here. I’m tentatively planning to meet up with the group at the DNC.

These will be on the truck sideboards. Click to enlarge…

And this will be on the back…

How America could be more horrified by graphic footage of pigs than babies, I’ll never understand. The goal of these graphic image campaigns is to force people to face the reality of “choice,” which they may never have.

From Created Equal’s press release on the campaign:

Despite the enormous impact of the billboard trucks by themselves, one of the project’s main goals is to secure free media coverage in each state and city we visit. This greatly increases our exposure and reduces the number of road hours required to have the desired impact on voters. This keeps the project very affordable. Dollar for dollar this campaign will deliver a strong pro-life message at a fraction of the cost of traditional voter education efforts….

It is close to impossible for any organization to wage an effective, affordable 50 state battle over abortion. On the other hand, statewide educational campaigns are most effective and completely doable in key battleground states. This strategy pays long-term dividends by having an effect on state abortion laws and helps elect pro-life federal, state and local representatives. Our objectives are clear. Our goals are defined.

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