Stanek Sunday funnies: “Rape hypocrisy” edition
Here are my top five favorite political cartoons for the week….
by Henry Payne at…
by Robert Ariail at…
by Eric Allie at…
by The Bold Pursuit at Right Handed Cartoons…
by Bob Gorrell at…
The hypocrisy of the rape exception and the paradoxical irony that respect for self-determination could save rape victims and their babies from harassment and/or forced abortion.
That first cartoon made me lol
Anyone who tries to say that some rape is worse than other rape loses any credibility for me. And Todd Akin saying that rape rarely results in pregnancy doesn’t understand science or history. His “legitimate” and “forcible” rape distinctions are disgusting.
And I can’t believe other people are both apologizing for his statements and/or believe they are true.
A weird world we live in – a few months from now, the entire senate control could hinge on a very poorly worded (or dumb belief) of Akin.
If that is hypocrisy, then any exception to the general rule that homicide is wrong constitutes hypocrisy.
ST, You use the word any as loosely as you tie your shoes ;)
do you believe that there any exceptions to the general rule that homicide is immoral?
However I will grant you that any homicide is against the teachings of Jesus.
For example; I could kill somebody to stop them from killing others or myself and it would not be “immoral” in my eyes.
Bill Clinton was accused by five women of rape? Worse than I thought. Even if “just” one that is bad enough. But it certainly does say a great deal about the democrats that they would honor an accused (serial?) rapist as the keynote speaker.
Who says there is no difference between the parties? The democrats have no problem with the rape question as is evidenced by how easily they roll out Clinton and say nothing about Al Franken’s wierd attempt at making fun of rape. The republicans are mirror opposites.
And the funny thing is that the general public seems to understand all of this. It is so bad with the democrats now that we just kind of yawn when we hear of Clinton and Franken. But let a Republican say or do something miniscule in comparison and the democrats start popping champagne corks because the expectations are so much higher for Republicans.
Jerry -
I think it is silly to pretend that one side is some angelic being and the other isn’t. Quite frankly, you see the same MO with both sides. Look at Herman Cain. Look at Clinton.
The first step is to deny – the second step is to smear and discredit.
I do think though that you need to understand the phrase “innocent until proven guilty”. I don’t believe that you are suggesting that anybody who ever was accused of rape or another crime is automatically guilty. How many times was Clinton convicted of rape?
You just need to take the blinders off for a few moments once in a while. The democrats are going to support their folks unless it is politically or legally impossible. Same with the republicans.
Bill Clinton. John Edwards. Newt Gingrich. Herman Cain.
When you are judging this sort of stuff, take off the party glasses.
That’s because they support a woman getting an abortion. So no harm, no foul, right? As long as dems support a woman being able to “choice” a kid, using the woman sexually becomes less big of a deal, eh?
Herman Cain
Yawn. One accuser, who lived in the same apartment complex as Axlerod. ‘Cuz that’s legit.
xalisae -
EXACTLY – nice job – put on the party glasses, then react:
Next you should discredit them (if you are sticking to the script).
Ex-RINO, I though there was hard evidence against Clinton like semen stained dresses and cigars?
You’ve got the blinders on. The GOP does a heck of a lot less defending of their reprobates. Just take a look at two N.Y. congressmen in recent years. Weiner sends creepy photos of his…and it was like pulling hen’s teeth for he and the Dems to admit it and get him out. The GOP guy has a dumb photo of himself posing with his shirt off and immediately resigns.
Clinton and Caine are no comparison, both in believability and severity.
care to put on your rosy party glasses and give me your analysis of Kerry Gauthier’s recent troubles?
Hans -
Christopher Lee resigned not because he took a picture with his shirt off – he was a married man having an affair.
Weiner himself did not admit it for quite a while – after he did, he was gone.
David Vitter hangs out with hookers, and the GOP stood behind him and elected him.
I’ll say it again Hans – the parties look at it in regards to politics first, morality second. If they believe they can stand the scandal and it won’t hurt them, they don’t go after the guy.
Yah, that was a lot worse than toe-tapping at the Denver airport.
The GOP stood by Vitter because because his scandal was six years in the past. If someone says they’ve repented and already moved on, who are we to point fingers?
And he was excoriated by Coulter and Ingraham, I believe. But I like Coulter’s point that at least conservatives try to live by what they say. Dems try to get away with their bad behavior whether they preach against it or not.
What’s to talk about – he did a stupid thing, Dayton and other Dems asked him to step aside, and after some waffling, he stepped aside.
And again, even in Minnesota – they’ve got both parties behaving badly – you follow the Amy Koch story?
Hans -
Unfortunately, we could trade candidate stories all day long.
Both parties are less than perfect. Both parties stand behind their guys when it makes political sense to them. If you want to argue differently, please read through these lists and get back to me:
Yeah, there are plenty of scandals on both sides. But get back to me when a GOP mayor is overwhelmingly re-elected after a hookers and cocaine tape, a senator is re-elected after abandoning a girl underwater in his car, or a president is re-elected after hitting on two very young and low-level government employees, groping a troubled and desparate acquaintance, and possibly raping another.
I draw a distinct line between sexual misconduct and sexual assault. An accused rapist, flasher, and sexual abuser will be introducing Obama at the DN convention. Yes I know he was accused, not convicted. But does anyone seriously think Clinton would be convicted? Sure, like Ted Kennedy would be. Also, how many men do you know have been repeatedly accused of sexual assault? Don’t you think an innocent man would stop at nothing to prove his innocence? But why should Clinton when he had his own “bimbo eruption squad” to handle these little embarassments? He’s got the silence of the feminists whose agenda he supports so a blind eye will be turned.
He has a media referring to flashing as “propositioning”. Even religious leaders including Billy Graham made excuses for him. As a result my respect for Graham is non existent.
Clinton had his goons, James Carville is one, trash and destroy these women, portraying them as liars, bimbos, trailer trash, and obsessed with Clinton. Does anyone think these women had a prayer against the Clinton political machine?
At least Akin apologized. Does anyone recall any apologies from Clinton to the women whose lives and reputations he trashed?
Come on now Jerry,
Don’t you know that Franken just made an “indelicate joke” when he wrote about drugging Lesley Stahl, tying her up and raping her in a closet, and then taking pictures of her in various positions?
Goodness man, lighten up!
Mary -
Bill Clinton has essentially been proven guilty of what a lot of other politicians have – of having an affair.
Anything else is rumors and accusations. I’m sure Clinton would have fought the accusations – who knows how tight of a case there would have been.
You may have lost respect for Billy Graham (I don’t rememember the details of his defense) but I lost a whole lot of respect for the country as a whole.
Remember the replaying of the clip of Clinton’s testimony? There he was looking down over his reading glasses, looking for all the world like Benjamin Franklin’s older brother, saying Monica Lewinsky was a “good girl…um, woman”.
His approval in the polls went up! Yeesh!
For crying out loud! We knew Clinton was a philanderer. What we didn’t know was that he was a textbook case of sexual harrassment. Then he lied and attempted to cover up an extremely uneven employer / employee relationship that was very relevant to a lawsuit.
That is what he was impeached for.
Hans -
And I’m sure if he was a Republican, he would have not only been defended, but also elected as a Supreme Court Justice.
All I’m saying is that neither party is perfect, both sides support or don’t support when it is politically convenient, and to pretend one party is a bunch of church boys and the other is a bunch of hooligans – I think that is naive.
That’s all I’m saying.
Buddy, you don’t have blinders on. You have Stevie Wonders’ sunglasses. No GOP president would have gotten away with what Clinton did. He never would have made it through the primaries in the first place.
EG: “I’m sure Clinton would have fought the accusations – who knows how tight of a case there would have been.”
Yeah, who knows. But the fact that no one knows is always taken by those who are irritated that a liberal president fell to legitimate grounds for severely disrespecting him, as some cause for imaginative vindication. “Hold off those feelings of contempt ’cause, ya know, ya never know…”
You’re using weasel words, EG.
Ex-RINO says: June 10, 2012 at 11:08 pm “For the record, I have three kids, my wife and I would never ever have considered an abortion, and I’m against it as I equate it to murder.”
Ex-RINO says: June 11, 2012 at 7:56 am “…at the end of the day, I’m more likely than not to vote Democrat…”
EX-RINOsays: August 26, 2012 at 2:58 pm
1. I think it is silly to pretend that one side is some angelic being and the other isn’t.
2. Quite frankly, you see the same MO with both sides.
3. Look at Herman Cain. Look at Clinton.
4. The first step is to deny – the second step is to smear and discredit.
1. You seem to be the only one laboring under that delusion.
2. “There you go again.” [Ronald Reagan] Your equivocations are flimsier and flimsier.
3. Exhibit 1. Bill Clinton was accused of sexual assualt by multiple women and he was disbarred by the Arkanasas Bar Association because he lied/perjured/ and attempted to suborn perjuried testimony in an attempt to conceal his pattern of philandering.
Hermain Cain was accused of ‘sexual harrassment’. Making unsolicited and unwanted verbal communications about sex.
Not quite the same thing.
4. Exhibit 1. is an example of #4.
EGV 5:41PM
Interesting that an innocent man would offer a$700,000 settlement and a vague apology. Interesting that Ms. Jones said she didn’t want the money but demanded an apology. Clinton would become the first president cited for contempt of court. His testimony under oath was both false and evasive with the intent of obstructing Paula Jones’ case.
Lifelong Democrat and enthusiastic Clinton supporter Kathleen Willey accused Clinton of groping her in the WH, then trying to pressure her to lie about it. Clinton’s goons went to work to portray Ms Willey as an obsessed admirer of Clinton and of questionable mental stability.
Exactly how I would expect a falsely accused man to act.
Ken –
I invite you to read through this entire post, and the two links I provided. You can’t boil down this entire argument to Clinton vs Cain.
Furthermore, if you’d like to get all the accusers together in a room to put a chart together, feel free. I’ve simply suggested that the GOP is not filled with angelic beings. You aren’t very convincing by simply arguing that what GOP people have done is not as bad as what others have done. That’s a lame argument.
Mary -
I don’t think it is interesting at all – I think Clinton was guilty of a lot of stuff. I think Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, John Edwards, and a lot of other politicians are guilty of a lot of stuff as well. Difficult to know for sure in so many cases though because it doesn’t often move beyond accusations.
For the record I do not excuse ‘sexual harrassment’, no matter the party affiliation and gender of the one who does it.
But I do not take every accusation at face value. There has to be some corroborating evidence or a pattern of misbehavior on the part of the accused.
ChappaquiddiCk make false aCCusations as often as they change their girdles.
Ken -
And I’m sure that the evidence you need lies squarely with if you find an “R” or a “D” behind their name.
Look – all I’m suggesting is that as Americans, as Christians (or whatever else is represented on this board) – I think it is okay to get mad at both parties at their behavior. Given the responses on this thread, it seems like people are willing to give their favorite politicians a free pass as long as their behavior doesn’t cross the threshold of what somebody else has set. That’s sad to me.
ChappaquiddiCk makes false aCCusations as often as she changes her girdle.
Ex-RINO says: June 10, 2012 at 11:08 pm “For the record, I have three kids, my wife and I would never ever have considered an abortion, and I’m against it as I equate it to murder.”
Ex-RINO says: June 11, 2012 at 7:56 am “…at the end of the day, I’m more likely than not to vote Democrat…”
Please cite the examples on this post where pro-lifers/conservatives have been willing to give a republican a pass who has been accused of rape or sexual harrassment.
What most of us are not willing to do is concede the accusations/allegations of liberal/progressives are true just because they say so.
Akin has not been accused of any kind of crime. He said something stupid and he said it stupidly. He admitted his factual error and aplogized for his choice of words, but what he did NOT do, GOD BLESS HIS PEA PICKIN HEART, is throw out the baby with bathwater.
Children conceived as rape are everybit as human and valueable and worthy of protection as those conceived as a result of consenual sex.
Bless your pea pickin pro-life conservative heart.
If I was not already married, I would pursue a relationship with a woman like you.
As it is I am happily married and I can only tip my hat to you and say, “You go girl.”
Ex, there is a TOTAL double standard when it comes to sex scandals. Sorry you don’t see it. Or,if you do, you have learned to live with it.
You try and negotiate your Christianity so it can live side by side with today’s democratic party. You will not be able to. Every social conservative I know will call out evil, no matter who it is. Your folks call it a lifestyle choice. Man, that fence you’re on must HURT.
It is Minnesota democRATs who can’t decide what do with one of their MALE members who has admitted to engaging in oral sex with a 17 year old boy.
There was time where a sexual predator like this would have been ‘tarred and feathered’ and ‘ridin out of town’ on a very rough hewn rail and it would have been a bi-paritisan endeavor.
“Man, that fence you’re on must HURT. ”
Almost as much as that rough hewn rail.
Ken -
This whole thread is a bunch of folks dismissing/ignoring the sins of one party. Read through the posts. When any behavior of any GOP politician comes up, it has been ignored and the person has moved to somebody else to try to set a higher bar.
If you want to talk Akin, that’s a separate conversation and has nothing to do with the one we’re having – no need to try to hijack the thread simply because you are having a hard time making your point.
Courtnay – I feel I might be the only person on this board that doesn’t put party above behavior. Read through the thread. I’ve said Clinton, Edwards, and others have done unacceptable things (most likely in some cases – not everything goes to court).
Everyone else is tripping over themselves to build their idols back up.
EGV 8:05PM
The case against Clinton went far beyond accusations, all the way to perjury and obstruction of justice. Even Gloria Allred, feminist lawyer and Clinton supporter acknowledged this.
Oh and did you hear of Juanita Brodderick, a Clinton supporter who accused him of rape? Gee, I am beginning to see a pattern here.
Ken -
Gauthier stepped down, and there didn’t seem to be much indecision that you have cited – here’s an article for you -
Who was on the other side of the debate – Democrats telling him to stay in the race? Maybe I missed it.
Mary -
Bill Clinton did improper things – illegal things, stupid things, and immoral things. At the least, he had affairs – but it could have been much more than that. I don’t know all the facts, so I can’t do anything but speculate.
Folks on the GOP side have also done illegal things, stupid things, and immoral things.
To gloss over that is simply naive.
That is all that I’m saying. To say one party is perfect and the other isn’t is a joke (and not a ha-ha joke).
Hi Ken, 8:51PM
Now they also have a senator who discussed his sick rape fantasy, oh excuse me, according to one of our feminist trolls, this is an “indelicate joke” about a TV journalist.
Quite a collection they have there.
Ken 8:44PM— Oh my goodness, what kind words. Whatever brought that on, thank you.
EGV 9:02PM
There are any number of Republicans who would get no round of applause from me, so this is not an issue of party affiliation to me. Its one of double standards.
You are so right! I need to lighten up, put on my party hat, and go watch the ultimate flim flam duo (the B&B boys…Bill and Barack) perform at the Democrat National Convention. I suppose they will be passing out condoms just as was done at the olympics. Maybe even a couple of gay pride side shows with homosexuals mocking nuns, and a crowning of a Ms. Planned Parenthood too! Maybe they can get Al Franken up on stage to give a performance of his favorite rape skit. Great fun for the whole family!
“Bill Clinton did improper things – illegal things, stupid things, and immoral things”
Ex-RINO, what you don’t seem to get is that the Dems have no qualms about nominating a cad who abused women and cheated on his wife and perjured himself about his philandering as KEYNOTE SPEAKER at their convention. And the theme of the convention that he is speaking at is “the GOP doesn’t respect women. WOW
Did the GOP ban Newt and Cain from the convention?
“Rep. Kerry Gauthier, 56, told The Associated Press the decision was his own after multiple conversations with Democratic leaders pressing him to withdraw. He said he had been going back and forth about running “every 20 minutes for a week.”
Ken – you said “It is Minnesota democRATs who can’t decide”
The quote you posted said that the Democratic leaders were pressing him to withdraw – he was the one going back and forth.
Your quote seems to contradict what, at least I thought, you were claiming.
Were you claiming that he wasn’t sure if he should jump out, but everyone else was telling him to leave?
If so, that’s a weird thing to claim, but okay.
Give it up my friend. You say we are wearing glasses… have on blinders. It is preposterous to put up Cain and Newt against Clinton. Being unfaithful is one thing, forcible sexual advances and rape quite another. The former is not moral, but usually it is not illegal. The latter is both immoral and illegal. Everyone knows about Clinton’s sordid “activities” and just as with OJ we all know who is guilty.
Jerry -
My argument hasn’t been about ranking the sins of people in either party.
I would challenge your assertion: “But let a Republican say or do something miniscule in comparison and the democrats start popping champagne corks because the expectations are so much higher for Republicans.”
When anybody on either party does anything remotely stupid, the parties go into crunch mode. The attacking party figures out how much they stand to gain with the attacks, and the defending party figures out what, politically, makes sense for them.
On both sides, if anybody does anything remotely scandalous these days, we know about it within minutes. Look how many instances were quickly brought up on just this thread.
“We” know about it.
Remember the youtube video interviews of 20-somethings who didn’t know jack about jack, and are thus vulnerable to whatever demagogue exploits their entertainment-oriented media channels?
Half the population has an IQ under 100, EG. And likewise, half the population is far less informed than the other half. And for every half of Republicans who are closet birthers, there’s a half of the Democrats who are truthers.
“We” aren’t the only citizens who vote.
I imagine that’s why Xbox is currently pimping out MTV’s “Rock The Vote” campaign, along with a new news app from NBC that had a top stories of “Worst Week Ever For GOP”, and “Is The GOP In Trouble”? They answered their own question with a poll in the app, though. The approval questions for Obama was a 52% disapproval rating. For Biden, 59% disapproval. On an Xbox 360 console poll. If you can’t get a youth vote poll with good favorables on an Xbox 360 console, Dems are in trouble, regardless of all the propaganda they can disseminate from NBC and MTV.
(the favorable opinions were nearly equal to the no opinions, though, for what that’s worth. ;P )
Ex, it’s not so much about who has done what. It’s about how the media provides attention and sometimes cover to which party.
Evil is evil, and nastiness is nastiness. Bill Clinton was NEVER going to be held responsible for his. Can you imagine–just try–what the mainstream press would have done to George BUsh if he were called out under similar circumstances??
At least I am aligned with a party who will draw a distinction between right and wrong actions, and for whom being intolerant against the latter is not the MOST AWFUL SIN EVER.
Rasqual -
Unfortunately, that is true.
Courtnay -
I think we’ve beat this previous question to death – but your latest post had me thinking…
What SHOULD the media cover, and with so many places to get news, is saying that a news station, or chunk of stations are biased – is that a hollow argument?
I get most of my news from CNN – I occasionally watch Fox, NBC – and I get a lot of news from internet sites (like this one). I see bias, sure – but all those places are trying to make a profit, and running information that plays to their base. I always have the choice to turn the channel if I’d like and go to a different station.
I think it is just a hollow argument. When people typically say that the media is biased, they mean that they don’t agree with whatever station they are talking about.
When people typically say that the media is biased, they mean that they don’t agree with whatever station they are talking about.
Some bias is natural, true, and good. For example we pro-lifers on Jill Stanek’s site are biased to exposing the truth about abortion.
Conversely, most MSM bias is prejudiced to support secularism, moral relativism, and leftist ideology and is full of lies.
Is there any reason why that is?
Jerry -
Most TV news stations are watched by old people – I think the left old people flock to the places like NBC – the old and borderline crazy people flock to Fox. Fox, MSNBC – I don’t consider them news anyways.
I think the under 55 crowd typically gets their news online – and it is tough to say what is “mainstream” online.
Is there any reason why that is?
Because it has been institutionalized in establishments of learning. They are groomed to be that way from the time they are in elementary school, and it gets worse and worse as they climb the educational ladder. I dropped my Poli Sci class after a week, because I was sick of the teacher talking down to me and attacking openly my convictions in every class while refusing to give me an opportunity to defend myself.