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On August 31 artist Jon McNaughton debuted an “interactive painting he has created with 60 symbols that detail the ‘Obamanation’ of the Barack Obama Presidency,” according to Fox News.

One of the most fascinating aspects of the painting is you can scroll over it on McNaughton’s website for detailed explanations of all the symbols. Three depict Obama pushing his anti-life agenda. Click to enlarge…

The abortion segment calls Obama out for his votes against the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act as state senator:

The most consistently pro-choice Congressman in US history with a score of 100% by The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), Obama has brought his radical infanticide ideologies with him to the White House.  With the passing of Obamacare and his recent mandate that all medical institutions, regardless of religious principle offer contraceptives, Obama has moved forward his insidious agenda.

Here’s a video by McNaughton explaining the thinking behind his painting…


What are your thoughts on the painting in general, the concept?

Using one’s artistic talents like this a novel way to expose Obama’s radical anti-life agenda. Does this give you any other creative ideas?

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