Billboard: “Prenatal testing cannot predict this kind of love”
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~ Billboard spotted on I294 near O’Hare Airport in Chicago, sponsored by the International Down Syndrome Coalition. It states, “Prenatal testing cannot predict this kind of love.”

maybe, instead of pro-life we could be: ‘suprised-by-love’?
People think I’m weird when I think Down Syndrome kids are cute, but they are.
For some reason developmentally delayed people like me. There’s a guy at the YMCA who is always talking to me and I can’t understand much of what he’s saying but I just smile and nod. He goes swimming (he’s a good swimmer), takes public transportation, watches movies, and looks like he enjoys life. I don’t understand people who say that his life has no value.
I mentioned this before but whenever I go to prolife events or see pickets, etc., there are congnitively delayed and physically handicapped folks present. I’ve never seen any at pro-choice events.
And dogs. Dogs like me too!
Developmentally delayed people have always been drawn to me too, phillymiss.
Maybe they just sense that we like them “just the way they are”. :)
People with Down Syndrome are beautiful!! Just like everyone else!! :)
This little girlybug is adorable!
Ugh. This is why I’m not testing for this stuff. Why? I’ll love my baby if he/she lives five minutes, five days, or whatever. No matter what, I’ll love my baby.
And Pamela and Phillymiss, me too. :) Such beautiful, precious people. Like all of us humans! (Some are just buried under layers of grime and hate).
And I think parents are often surprised by love.
I know a man who often has his son with him. The son has DS and they sit in the bar and drink a beer together and watch a sports event on TV. I generally give them both a hug and I treat them the same. Why wouldnt I? The young man is able to hold a conversation and hes just as sweet as can be. just like any other father and son on an afternoon outing. Too bad pro aborts would rather see the poor guy dead due to his DS.
And might I add the dad is beaming with pride because nobody is treating his son like anything other than what he is…..a human being who deserves the basic respect just like any other human being. When the ladies come and hug him he hugs us back.
What’s this world coming too? it gettin to the point where people just can’t fear things that are different anymore.
The real irony is that DS, like PKU, is a treatable metabolic disorder in which symptons can be minimized. There is a dietary treatment available, Nutrivene, I know a DS child who has been on it since birth. At age 14mos, “Scotty” is standing, attempting to walk, has be “army crawling” for months, which indicates upper body strength, he is bright and very socially interactive, constantly moving and exploring, and while his DS features are apparent, they are not as profound as those of many DS children his age and no worse than when he was born. When I see pictures of him next to other DS children his age, the difference is profound. I am convinced the treatment is working.
Google “Nutrivene”.
I am glad they are fighting pre-natal discrimination with billboards.
In a cold dark world, any love is bright, warm and cozy.
I believe in miracles.
In a society that is huge on looks and perfection we really need to take a look at the big picture. Would you shoot your child if he or she had cancer? What if they lost a limb? Of course you wouldnt. What if they were burned in a fire? Does anyone else see the insanity of aborting a child with Ds?????
Hi Mary, I don’t mean to throw cold water on you, but DS is a genetic disorder more than a metabolic disorder. I’m sure proper nutrition can do wonders for any human body, but ultimately that 47th chromosome will still be there no matter what you eat. I have never heard of your suggestion before, though, so thanks. It’s not that they can’t metabolize a certain chemical that could be replaced somehow and cured in theory, they are truly different in their genetic makeup. Yet as the billboard points out, their humanity is patently obvious to at least most of us, and abortion is based on the old notion that different = disposable, just like slavery.
Hi Chris,
I am well aware that DS has a genetic basis, as do the metabolic disorders of hemophilia and PKU. There was also a time when it when it was known that these disorders could not be treated, sufferers just had to endure as best they could. We now know they can and people with these disorders can live normal lives. PKU, a devastating genetic/metabolic disorder, is no more thanks to knowing that by proper diet, the elimination of phenylalanine, the person can live a normal life.
DS children have the extra chromosome, 21. This extra chromosome results in a very complex set of circumstances that results in overproduction of hydrogen peroxide, which is the primary cause of mental and physical problems for DS children. It is even suggested these children are not born retarded, they become retarded because of the damage caused by this buildup.
Nutrivene is not a special diet. Most DS children are celiacs, and with the gluten free products available now that should not be much of a problem. Nutrivene is a supplement that helps eliminate this excess hydrogen peroxide and other destructive free radicals.
Nutrivene was formulated by the mother of a DS child who was determined to save her daughter, and did. Actually, it was Dr. Henry Turkel who first discovered DS as a metabolic disorder in the 1940s and developed a treatment similar to Nutrivene, which of course was rejected by the FDA but he was allowed to practice in Michigan, where he treated 5,000 DS children with some success.
As for “Scotty”, even other DS mothers marvel at his mobility and muscle strength. One of the hallmarks of DS is muscle flaccidity. He is obviously a very bright child, is absorbed by conversation, constantly exploring, and very interactive with his environment.
Shattering paradigms isn’t easy and DS children have been consigned to the medical junkheap for too long a time for people to believe they can actually be helped. Open up your mind Chris to the possiblity these children CAN be helped. Don’t wait for a blessing from the medical profession, you’ll never get one.
BTW, Jenny McCarthy was ridiculed when she claimed dietary changes reversed her child’s autism. Why, the sheepskins say this can’t be! What does some Hollywood ditz, and blonde yet, know? She’s only the child’s mother. You know what Chris? I believe the woman and cheer her on and hope other parents will listen to her. The sheepskins never will, they know better.
There is so much out there we don’t know or understand, and no one, not even the “experts” has all the answers. Chris, I strongly encourage an open mind and your own research. Its a great combination.
All these posts brought a little sunshine to my life on this cold, dreary day.