Celebrity dads show off tattoos of their children’s names
LeBron is another inductee into the Proud Papa Club. The athlete has gotten tattoos in honor of his sons, LeBron James Jr. and Bryce Maximus, which include their first initials on his triceps and their portraits on his arms.
He also has his mother’s name tattooed on his right shoulder and the word “family” along his rib cage.
~ Elina Bolokhova reporting on Celebrity Dad Tattoos worn by various celebrities, including basketball star LeBron James (pictured), Kobe Bryant, and actor Johnny Depp to name a few, The Dad Project via Parenting, May 16
Yep LeBron James was top Cleveland Cavalier!! Shout out!! My husband was so thrilled with our son he got some cute tattoos to honor him!
I’m not really into tattoos (for myself) but if I ever did get one I can’t think of one that I wouldn’t get sick of other than my kids’ names and birthdates and/or portraits. I almost got a tattoo when I was 20 and my husband (then boyfriend) talked me out of it. Looking back I am SO GLAD he did because what I was going to get is totally not my thing now. But a tattoo of our boys would be something I could never get sick of.
I’m not a basketball fan, nor am I a fan of tattoos, and I haven’t given any thought to Mr. James before now.
But after a bit of reflection, I have come to realize that a tattoo is both a permanent thing and a public statement — much like marriage vows used to be. And if Mr. James is willing to make this sort of public statement of fidelity and devotion to his family, then he has earned my admiration!
I got five tats before I had kids and I always wanted to get something honoring my kids. It’s just so expensive.
I like LeBron anyway, good basketball player. I’m glad he’s proud of his kids.
I’d rather spend the money on the actual children, I didn’t get any tats til my son had finished school. – but that’s just me.
And if I had a surfeit of funds like these people then I’d just give more to charity.