Pro-life blog buzz 6-28-13
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- Right to Life of Michigan says abortion advocates like to portray their views as mainstream, but they aren’t – not even among women:
According to the 2013 Gallup poll on abortion, 57% of women believe abortion should be illegal or legal in only a few circumstances, along with 59% of men.Only 28% of women agree with abortion advocates that abortion should be legal in every circumstance.
- ProLife NZ debunks the myths behind why women abort – with a little help from Guttmacher’s own statistics (click graphic to enlarge):
Many people think that women obtain most abortions to save their lives or physical health, for rape and incest, or to avoid birth defects. This is a fallacy that pro-abortion groups continue to cultivate because it helps them spread abortion in nations with pro-life laws and helps them retain abortion-on-demand once they have achieved it. - At Reproductive Research Audit, Dr. Jacqueline Harvey dissects a 2012 Lancet study which likely jumped the gun in claiming contraceptives reduce maternal mortality rates:
The article makes the bold claim that contraceptive use has cut the maternal mortality rate (MMR) by 40% by decreasing the rate of pregnancies and the number of unsafe abortions. While it is unknown why this article is only now attracting media attention, this conclusion is questioned by the findings of other recent publications, as well as discredited MMR statistics and equally-invalid calculations of “unmet need” for contraception. - RealChoice discusses the latest hashtag used by pro-choicers on Twitter – #ExposeCPCs – which pro-lifers are working to counteract. Christina Dunigan shares some great, fact-based examples of Tweets for pro-lifers to use.
- ProWomanProLife highlights Save the Storks, a mobile outreach to pregnant women which offers free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, and also connects them with pro-life resources to help them through pregnancy and beyond. The group has had a great number of women change their minds about aborting after seeing ultrasounds of their children – which would explain why abortion proponents strongly dislike the organization.
- Women’s Rights Without Frontiers reveals the serious health complications suffered by Chinese women who have multiple abortions. Whether forced or elective abortions, the complications remain the same, and exist for women in the United States, as well.
- The SPUC youth blog, Why I am Pro Life, says one theme at the recent Women Deliver conference, which was espoused by infanticide proponent Peter Singer, seemed to be that women have the right to kill via abortion but may not have right to conceive in the first place. Singer proves that abortion isn’t really about “women’s reproductive rights” but about those in power having the ability to control population.
Pointing out problems with adoption has led people to call me “anti-adoption.” However, it seems that you are only considered anti-abortion if you believe it should be illegal. Otherwise you are “pro-abort.”
Since I don’t believe adoption should be outlawed, doesn’t that make me “pro-adoption”?
Here’s another tweet you can do:
#ExposeCPC Maryland #abortion doctor pretends his office is clinic, tho not legally licensed 2run abortion facility.