Stanek Sunday quote: “He looked around at them in anger”
Another time he went into the synagogue, and a man with a shriveled hand was there. Some of them were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, so they watched him closely to see if he would heal him on the Sabbath.
Jesus said to the man with the shriveled hand, “Stand up in front of everyone.” Then Jesus asked them, “Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?” But they remained silent. He looked around at them in anger* and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored.
Then the Pharisees went out and began to plot with the Herodians how they might kill Jesus.
~ Mark 3:1-6, New International Version
*The only time in Scripture Jesus was said to be angry. Definition from the Koine Greek, “Wrath, anger, the feeling and expression of strong displeasure and hostility.”
[Graphic via]

Would Jesus be angry with us for our stubborness … fondness for mediocrity … comfort … preserve the status quo? Would we kill Him again … aren’t aborted babies His modern face?
About a month and a half ago, this was the text used for the sermon in my church. Much to my surprise, the pastor actually connected the the underlined portion to abortion. It is always lawful, he said, to save life, and we ought to desire to save the lives of unborn babies rather than remaining indifferent.
First time in my life I had ever heard abortion mentioned in a church sermon.
Did anyone else think of the Biola incident when they read this quote? (Methinks the website owner has a heart for justice.)
Diana is being persecuted for following Christ’s example and the authorities at Biola are acting a lot like the Pharisees, but this time the modern-day Pharisees are plotting with B.O. and Planned Parenthood Inc. Different actors, same play.
Hi prolifist….Unfortunately I stopped going to church because they don’t address abortion. I’m glad it was mentioned in your church!!
The only preacher on TV I have ever seen address abortion on TV was John Hagee …he said “We have 75 million children dead in this country all in the name of CHOICE ..all because of murder through abortion.” More people in the pulpit need to send this message !!!
Jesus was angered at those who did not care about saving lives but about destroying them. Surely he would be angry in many “churches” today that support the pro-abortion agenda.
Jesus got angry. This Scripture is the only time it is specifically said that he was angry. But there is little doubt he was angry when cleared those who were making a mockery out of God’s house and the worship of God out of the temple.
God, I believe, would clear out many churches today where God is mocked because they claim to worship The Lord of Life but bow to the idol of the culture of death.
That’s something to be angry about.
Anger is not always a bad thing, and the Bible never says that it is. It is in fact a sin not to be angry about some things.
Over 55 million children killed by abortion in the USA since 1973 and many “churches” supporting abortion on demand. That angers me.
Did anyone else think of the Biola incident when they read this quote?
Hi Tyler, I did. When I first saw this picture of Jesus, I thought it might be the look He was giving leaders at Biola as they were being nasty to Diana for showing the truth of abortion.
I also got choked up thinking about the times I am sure I have been given and deserved this look of righteous anger from my Savior.
The artist has really captured the “What are you doing? You know better than this” stare-down of a loving parent.
Heather, Pastor Rod Parsley also talks about abortion. Much more often, in fact. than John Hagee.
People don’t know Jesus the Messiah at all – but that lack of knowledge isn’t the source of his anger. It’s knowing him, his sovereignty, availability and willingness to heal and save and despite that knowledge willfully committing evil in his face then calling him evil for what he does.
The Pharisees knew who Christ was – yet rejected him anyway, because they desired power – by doing this, they blasphemed the Holy Spirit. They painted Christ as the lawbreaker, when he was healing people out of love.
I read passages in the Old Testament – God has a righteous anger that is more to be feared than anything else. Period.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
That’s great Pamela. I’m not familiar with him.