Pro-abortion Eva Longoria not feeling the need to procreate
No, I’m not one of those women that’s like, ‘Oh I must procreate!’ So, no. I think kids are a product of love, so if you find the right person and you want to have a family with that person then that’s when the time is right…
I don’t think if I’m 50 and single – I’m not going to go and [have a baby] by myself.
~ Pro-abortion actress Eva Longoria, Access Hollywood, September 25

Eh good for her then. Just like pro abort Jennifer Aniston. The sad part about it is that they could adopt and love a baby. Too self absorbed….BTW never have been a fan of this woman.
I mean how far do they believe their acting careers are gonna take them? Id read that Aniston wanted to be the next Rita Hayworth…yeah I see that’s worked out. And I couldn’t sit through a single episode of desperate housewifes…it was painful. However to be fair if they don’t want kids then don’t have any. That’s fine by me. Just get your tubes tied and call it a day but do stop promoting abortion!
Find the “right” person.
Have a baby when the time is “right.”
The problem with pro abort celebrities is that their children are precious ( Pink ) and other children can be disposed of. Although I’m always gonna give credit to my pL celebs!!
I think the most damning thing about such a statement is she completely understands that real love is missing in her life – evidenced by the fact she doesn’t have any children.
Here’s some news for you Eva – the only right person you need to find is Jesus Christ. Find him and you’ll know real love – he died for you, and rose to give you new life.
He can be found if you seek him with a truthful heart.
Can someone please explain to me what do these strange hollywood female types see in professional sports players?
Thomas R. Idk…i suspect they meet like ordinary people because after all they ARE just people ….they bleed red and die just like we do but HOLLYWOOD marriages usually don’t last because these people are so superficial ..not all but most. Eva would have a lot to offer a child but apparently its not her cup of tea. Anyway if abortion was supposed to eliminate poverty then why do we still have poverty?
I don’t think they meet like ordinary people. Had I went to some function in Hollywood, I would have been mistaken for the waiter. But at my local disco (when I was younger) that was a totally different story.
TR lol…truth is I’ve met a lot of celebrities and my mother always told me ” you won’t be impressed.” And I wasn’t. You can see all of their imperfections and heavy make up. Anyway the majority of them are liberals so I simply boycotte their movies perfumes music…etc
Thomas the professional sports players are good looking and rich, maybe they are even nice guys (well, not Tony Parker, he’s a cheater).
Chris, people who don’t have children can still know what “real love” is, I don’t think that’s a fair statement.
I agree Jack, they can always get a puppy…
Jack to be fair, I thought what Chris meant was that she doesn’t have children because according to her criterion, you have to find “the right one” i.e. true love. So she apparently doesn’t think she’s found it yet because there’s no one she’d want to start a family with. That’s what I gleaned both from her comment and Chris’.
I think her comment was dumb though. Because that is *totally* what’s running through most moms’ heads: “Oh I must procreate!!” Way to make making babies sound so clinical and cold, Eva. 9_9
Also Thomas R I have no clue. But what do sports pros see in these Hollywood type women?? It goes both ways.
Hmm I must have misread, thanks.
No it does not LibertyBelle. There is a power differential that is evident from day one. But look no further. Tony Parker saw an impressionable woman whom he took advantage of. Any more proof?
I don’t really consider women children, so I think I’ll give Eva the benefit of the doubt and think she decided to marry because… she wanted to marry. She was married before Parker, she was married two years and got divorced. She wasn’t a child. He’s a cheating idiot, but she’s not a kid. She wasn’t poor, she wasn’t in desperate circumstances, etc.
Why in the world do you think grown women are children who can’t make their own decisions on who to marry or sleep with or whatever? I am never going to get this way of thinking.
What? Eva Longoria is a star and wealthy in her own right – most of these “hollywood types” as you said are when they marry their sports pros husbands. Tiger Woods’ wife is a successful model on her own, for example. So no, there’s usually not a power difference going on.
Here’s another thought ….she could afford to adopt and experience true love and joy from motherhood. There are plenty of poor souls in need of love right here in the USA…But some women aren’t cut out to be mothers so then I guess it’s best they remain childless. But I really never could understand a rich pro abort like Madonna. She’s had at least 11 and she can’t exactly use poverty as an excuse.
I did not mean power differential financially. They have prenups for that anyway. Emotionally maybe?
I am beginning to think you are reading too much into my comments Jack. If you review my posts from day one of joining this blog, you will see that I give women a lot of credit and more than the deadbeat guys even. Please don’t cite anything that I do not state. Tony was the one who cheated, not Eva. She wanted to marry for love, he wanted to marry for more objective reasons.
Just because their marriage failed doesn’t mean they didn’t marry on equal footing. Marriages get bad sometimes, people make mistakes and fail and do bad things and it usually wasn’t their original plan.
I don’t mean to read more into your comments but it seems as though you give people motivations that you can’t possibly know. Sometimes people cheat, doesn’t mean they intended to or they didn’t love the person originally. Sometimes life just sucks. I don’t think anyone is a perfect innocent or a perfect deadbeat so I don’t really like to make assumptions about someone else’s marriage, you know?
I just think it’s offensive to Eva to act like she was a little girl who got taken advantage of. She was a grown woman in her thirties who married of her own volition, I’m sorry that it didn’t work out and that he did what he did, but it doesn’t mean that she was taken advantage of in the beginning.
Both sides bring all sorts of life issues into their union. Some of them are put into the open for the other to know and some are never disclosed by either side to the other person.
Sometimes people cheat, doesn’t mean they intended to or they didn’t love the person originally.
Yes they did intend to because they made that choice and followed through. Lack of intent means nothing in the face of taken action. As far as love is concerned, I think that you and I differ on how we define it.
Yeah I had read the book Bad As I Wanna Be by Dennis Rodman. I guess Madonna pestered him endlessly to meet. Even Rodman himself exclaimed ” I had no idea what this mega rich mega white woman saw in me that she wanted to meet me so badly.” Once they hooked up he pretty much told her he wasn’t a fan of hers. In any event Madonna wanted a baby from him. She would time her ovulation and fly him out to wherever she was to try to conceive. It never happened. That’s why they call it Hollywierd.
” Yes they did intend to because they made that choice and followed through. Lack of intent means nothing in the face of taken action. As far as love is concerned, I think that you and I differ on how we define it.”
Lol I stated that completely wrong. I didn’t mean that cheating is like an accident or something. I just meant I don’t think everyone who ends up cheating got married thinking “well, I’m totally going to cheat on this person, I don’t love them really”. You know what I mean? I know that getting cheated on is awfully painful, I’ve been through that, but I don’t think that we can assume that Mr Parker got married with the intention on being a bad person. And I don’t think you love the person who choose to cheat on at that time, but you may have loved them at one point. I do believe my ex loved me at one point, but unfortunately our marriage was a mess. I just don’t think we got married with the intention that it would fall apart. That’s all I mean. Marriages are complicated things.
Again you assign words to me that I never stated. I did not state she was taken advantage of in the beginning, did I? I stated that he took advantage of her by cheating of which btw she had no clue for sometime.
I understand your points but you do read too much into my comments and provide your own interpretation of my words.
Thanks Jack for finally reading me unedited, I appreciate that. Eva got the short end of the stick either way you look at it (and I don’t again mean financially).
I think most people make their own interpretations of what people say, I am trying not to! I just misunderstood what you were trying to get across.
People cheat but id say that in Hollywood with so many attractive women its probably even worse. I’m not giving Parker a free pass..just saying that the temptation is probably greater..for women as well. $ and power can be a curse.
No worries, you do realize that we are on the same side don’t you. Both of us support the same outcomes but we just reason how we get there differently.
Lol Heather, you can say the same thing about people who live in Miami or idk San Diego. There’s a plethora of barely clothed attractive people running around and somehow plenty of people manage not to cheat! It’s about self-control and respecting your partner. I don’t get why anyone would cheat really, seems like a high risk activity with so many downsides it can’t possibly be worth it to anyone.
Yeah I realize we are on the same side Thomas, I just tend to take the worst interpretation of people’s comments, it’s a failing of mine. I’m sorry and I’ll try to remember to ask for clarification if something is at all vague.
True Jack….I don’t believe cheating is about looks anyway but rather sometimes people feel something is missing in a marriage.
Tiger Woods’ wife is a successful model on her own, for example
No, she wasn’t really. She had done some modeling — nothing major — but when he met her she was working as a nanny for another golfer. Now she’s the world’s richest ex-nanny!
My point also about too much $ and power…look at how many famous people have died from drugs and suffer from duel addictions. Look at Charlie Sheen. Drugs gambler lust for prostitutes. Its really a wonder he’s still alive.
LibertyBelle @ 3:08 – spot on.
Heather @ 4:36 – Ravi Zacharias has an interesting observation: mankind doesn’t suffer from poverty as much as seeking pleasure (in the world) but never really finding it. You’re right – that is a curse. Take Larry Ellison ‘s backing/winning the America’s Cup. Okay, now he’s won in a spectacular showdown, but what’s next? Winning again? NBD for Larry. Only God provides the infinite unfulfilled quest.
I think achievements pale in comparison to relationships – particularly with all of your own family (where you came from and those you beget).
Right Chris…It just proves that money can’t buy happiness …it can buy you comfort and nice things. But it can’t fill an empty void in the soul.
Isn’t this woman promoting all your favorite things? Self-restraint, selflessness, personal responsibility, etc. etc.
BV yes but not if she’s pro abortion.
And how is she avoiding ‘procreation’ exactly? Anyone buy that the star of Desperate Housewives is also abstaining? It’s not a sacrifice if you’re doing all the same things and then just acting like you’re giving something up.
Once again Hollywood reduces us to our basest, turns us into machines (“pro-cre-ate, pro-cre-ate”), and then tries to make it look pretty with the big bow of ‘love’ and ’emotion’. Gag me.
BlueVelvet says:
September 27, 2013 at 9:26 pm
Isn’t this woman promoting all your favorite things? Self-restraint, selflessness, personal responsibility, etc. etc.
Not really. There’s nothing in her statement about self-restraint or self-giving love. And having “protected” sex with several partners (or even one partner) is still selfish and irresponsible behavior.
She’s saying, “I don’t want a child, and you’ll never know it if I get pregnant.”
She did not say, “A child would be wonderful! But every child deserves a father and a mother. I will have to wait until there is a loving and faithful husband in my life, and I don’t know if that will happen.” That would be a statement full of self-restraint and self-respect and awareness of personal responsibility.
Longoria seems to be saying that it isn’t a great idea to bring children into the world based on a compulsion to have children. To me, that’s the antithesis of selfishness. People here seem to truly believe that just having a baby is, in and of itself, an altruistic act.
No Megs. Creating a life and then NOT KILLING HIM OR HER is the altruistic act.
“Creating a life and then not killing him or her is the altruistic act.”
Possibly. But ya just can’t legislate altruism — otherwise, it’s coercion, see? The House Repubs have made that point all too well in the past few years.
What we can legislate is not killing each other. Even when it seems like that’s the best choice. Because, like, college.
Because, like, so sad, too bad.
I hope attacking me every time I comment on here makes you feel better about your own failed ambition.
It IS sad, Megan, There you have my full agreement. If bringing up the very reason why you feel compelled to come here is an attack, well, then you can quit or get the help you need and deserve.
And anytime you’d like some updates on my 3 failed ambitions (they usually go by Emmy, Blaise and Payton), just let me know. I’d be glad to tell you about their awesomeness.
And for what reason, do you presume, that I come to this blog? Because I’m just sooo consumed with guilt and misery? If that were the case, I’d take up drinking. I’d develop an addiction to prescription painkillers. I’d quit my job and fly to New Zealand. Something a little more, I dunno, glamorous then engaging with some pious, self-satisfied internet trolls.
Nah, I’d mostly just like to register my absolute and total disgust with the people who think they’re justified in taking away a woman’s right to decide if and how their bodies are used for gestation. Ant-choice = pro-slavery.
Lol well you’ve done that for, what, four or five years here? Something like that. Does it make you happy or satisfy you or what?
Cool. You’ve made your case known, Megs. We all get how your abortion made your life possible.
Time to move on. Doesn’t NARAL have a board where y’all could brag about your abortion rescues?
And how long have you been here for, Jack? What’s the point, for you, especially when you spend half the time defending yourself against “allies” who can’t seem to accept that God doesn’t care about their mommyblog, gay people aren’t going to rot in hell and that it’s maybe not okay to cut food stamps in order to raise the defense budget? Helloooo, what planet are YOU on?
“We all get how your abortion made your life possible.’
Except that I rarely talk about my abortion, so whatever you’re thinking is bizarre fantasy and projection.
Ha, yeah sometimes true. I just think it’s important for undecided people to see that you don’t have to be Christian or straight or a middle-class white person to care about the unborn. And I do think my feelers are quite a bit less important than that. And I think I can get people to be a little more open-minded. I know why I’m here, I was just wondering what you get out of it for so long.
BV compared to most pro aborts I will give you some credit on keeping it civil ….some are so evil and hateful. I have a friend who aborted in 96 and she still maintains that it was for the best. However when her teen daughter became pregnant she did NOT want her to abort and she loves her grandson. Makes me think that deep down she IS regretting her own. I hope both of you find healing.
I don’t know your circumstances. My friend did it to finish school but she was in her 20s then. She began to suffer emotional disturbances and night terrors a few years ago. Now she takes medication and doctors don’t know what’s brought this on. Could her abortion be coming back to haunt her now?
I am just so sorry that being pro-abortion makes a person so grim and dark. All this “choice” talk takes away any humanity assigned to a human being at conception, and these pro-aborts seem so happy about it. I do agree Heather that having an abortion hunts a person – not always so overt but it does nonetheless become evident in their references to humanity in general.
I pray that all post-abortive women find their way back into viewing the human condition as inherently good, it is healthy for the soul.
I remain convinced there are women who have no need or desire to have children and shouldn’t. I see plenty of women producing children who shouldn’t be. Women who reproduce to satisfy their own needs. I can say the same concerning marriage. People often go into both parenthood and marriage only to get some very unpleasant surprises.
We shouldn’t have some idealized mentality where reproduction is concerned, just as we shouldn’t have an idealized mentality concerning marriage.
However, just as we don’t kill an unwanted spouse, nor do we kill and “unwanted” baby. born or unborn. It used to anger me seeing women come in for abortions followed by tubal ligations. Oh gee, I just didn’t around to having a tubal sooner, was the usual excuse. We’re talking one day surgery here, where she would be discharged by noon. About the same amount of time and effort it took for an abortion, which she had no trouble finding time for.
Mary good point