E!’s Fashion Police critique actor Chris Hemsworth’s pregnant wife
The last thing I wanna do is rip on a pregnant woman, but it’s a horrible dress on her.
It doesn’t look like a baby bump, it looks like a beer belly.
~ George Kotsiopoulos of E!’s Fashion Police commenting on Chris Hemsworth’s wife, who is pregnant with twins, and the maternity evening gown she wore to the Oscars, via The Daily Mail, March 4
[HT: Laura Loo; photo via Disney Dreaming.com]

Eh i dont watch the FP anymore but I used to. They make fun of everyone so that quote doesnt surprise me…meh.
“The last thing I wanna do is rip on a pregnant woman,”
Well, no one is holding a gun to your head.
Well is it a beer belly? Is it??????
Or is she pregnant with twins and looking stunning??
Now if he said she should have had an abortion then that would be cause for outrage. Their job is to get a laugh. Joan Rivers never bites her tongue. I thought it was worse when she mocked singer Adelle and said she was chubby. She mocked ” Lets not pretend that Adelle is thin. Shes big And she sang the song Rolling In The Deep so I just added Rolling In The Deep Fried Chicken.”
And yes for TWINS you rock that dress pretty lady!
If the guy doesnt like the dress on her then thats what hes paid for. To say what he thinks. They do it to women who arent pregnant and to men as well. I just turned it off because it is a booooring show.
I will give him a lil credit. He did say baby bump…not fetal bump!!
I love the color — the dress, not so much.
In all honesty, I think the dress IS horrible. Not bad on her, just bad. There are so many out there that would have better flattered her beautiful figure..
phillymiss, I love the color too.
Oh for pity’s sake. She looks pregnant. Guess what, no matter what we see in movies, bellies don’t always look pert and perky like a pair of fake breasts. She’s got two freaking people in there, for crying out loud!
I think she looks lovely.
I think all pregnant women that I’ve seen look really adorable, is that weird?
I think her and Chris seem like a nice couple and I don’t get the point of the “mean” fashion police shows or why people find it entertaining. She looks great!
The last thing I wanna do is rip on a pregnant woman……..but I will.
Pregnant bellies are adorable. I agree.
Don’t ever make the mistake of telling your pregnant wife “No, you don’t look fat I actually think you look better pregnant”. Bad mistake, Romeo.
Who’s Romeo? ;)
Certainly not me! If there’s a terrible way to attempt to pay someone a compliment, I’m sure I’ve done it.
She is attractive and has a very good looking babies bump. So no problem there. I do have to comment, however, on the dress. If you have ever seen Eastern European window curtains – that’s it. If not, come over to my house and you will understand…..
For the record Joan and company can make fun of themselves also. Juliana Ransick was voted one of the ugliest women on TV. Im sure plenty of men disagree. Rivers laughs about her own face and her plastic surgery.Its just a show based on opinions and it obviously gets ratings because its been on a long time. I remember when Joan and Melissa used to do the show.
In short i dont see his comment as mean or offensive.
They just address fashion just as some here like the dress or not. They would chew me like a dog bone as my pregnancy attire was sweats flip flops and night gowns. lol
Heather I don’t really care what these people say, I just don’t understand why anyone finds it entertaining.
“It doesn’t look like a baby bump, it looks like a beer belly.”
This comment is indeed idiotic Heather. If he would just stop after stating that the dress looks horrible on her, that would be more in line with his show’s purpose. Making it about the baby bump had nothing to do with fashion. Maybe the show needs to be renamed “Gossip “Police”?”
Yup. Focusing on the baby bump made it body bullying instead of fashion police. I still don’t get why anyone would want to watch this show though. Completely mystifying to me.
I grew a beer butt with my babies.
These pants make this guy’s head look as huge as a watermelon:
And the color looks awful with his hair!!
@ Jack …yeah as ive said I dont watch the show anymore but it was the topic of the day. Im not sure why that was especially since 3 abortion clinics were closed. I dont get the appeal but I know a heck of a lot of people like Joan just like people like Ellen. To me both shows are a drag!
DPL as far as you saying you dont understand why people watch all I can say is how would I know? Different people like different things. I could care less about what the elite are wearing. I just used to tune in now and again when it was Joan and Melissa. I dont like the new crew OR the show. However its all about ratings so they must have their fair share of viewers. Why do people watch Ellen or Bill Maher? I have no use for those shows. Used to watch Ellen too. Turned her off years ago.
I wish I could look as “horrible” as she looks, and have a sweet potato like Chris Helmsworth on my arm. Some people have all the luck….
DpL youre a far cry from stupid so no wonder you dont watch the FP. Why on earth are the Kardashians still on? Do you give a rats behind about that family anymore? Ive turned that off! But people must be watching. People =ratings..Ratings=$$$. And yes quite funny when the folks on the pannel look bad. George looks awful in that suit and Kelly generally looks silly in her outfits. Joans face looks terrible and Julianna is boring and doesnt always look so stunning herself. I guess with that I shall close my case.
But i still dont think George said anything that bad..Shrug. He said baby bump so I imagine the pro death viewers are penning their hate mail to him as we speak. Its not a baby bump you jerk ..its a fetus or product of conception.
Kristen, becoming a part of Holly-weird you’d not like. Chris would be working “on location” 6 or 7 months out of the year so that “on my arm” thing would not actually work out very well. Sorry to break it to you :)
The worst thing I ever say was some young Hollywood actress, extremely pregnant, dress in ragged short shorts, boots, and a brief top. She looked like she worked a $5.00 house. Someone give this woman a gift certificate to K-mart.
ElizabethG: In all honesty, I think the dress IS horrible. Not bad on her, just bad. There are so many out there that would have better flattered her beautiful figure..
This. What was she thinking?