Stanek Sunday funnies: “VA Memorial Day, Part II” edition
Continuing on with political cartoons lambasting President Obama for the VA scandal, here are more zingers.
In fact, there were so many I had to split these into two posts, six each. View Part I here. Please be sure to vote for your fav in the poll at the bottom of each post.
by Henry Payne at…
by Dana Summers at…
by John Deering at…
by Nate Beeler at…
by Michael Ramirez at…
by Chip Bok at…
Sadly…. The people who still insist that our salvation must come from our government will not be persuaded otherwise. They have nowhere else to turn.
If we go to war, it should always come with an automatic tax increase to fully fund veterans care until the last veteran has passed from that war. We send these kids off to war and don’t want to sacrifice back home to take care of them after. World war 2 was about a full nation sacrificing for the cause. Now we send our kids to fight and we cry for tax cuts to go shopping. These deaths and problems are on all of our heads.
WWII was financed by tax increases (which people willingly supported) and also by drives encouraging people to buy and hold War Bonds. People knew that they were loaning money to aid the war effort.
Our modern effort to secretly borrow money for daily operations — and then to hide the borrowing from the minds of the people — is gravely immoral. Insolvent, and unstable, and setting us up for catastrophe.
I’m not sure that money will solve the VA’s problems. It seems that there is a lack of willingness to address the problem. It is consistent with the government solutions to healthcare for poor and aging: Abortion, euthanasia, denial of care.
And rationing. And complete shutdowns of industries.
How is it not at least partially a money thing. When somebody comes back from war with an arm gone and ptsd,they need care, and that costs money. And veterans dying doesn’t make the general population as mad as tax increases does.
In 1960 my father, a WW2 vet, was in a VA hospital that can only be described as a sinkhole, though the staff did the best they could.
Raising taxes just gives a bunch of useless politicians money to waste and pork for their reelections. Taxes haven’t gone to help our veterans then and they aren’t now.
Why is it liberals always see tax increases as solutions to our problems?
Properly fund. If you two have solutions that don’t require government funding, I would LOVE to hear them.
How about good management of our tax dollars? We have yet to see that.
Say hello to the folks who will be running your health care.
I’m voting for #6 on this one.
Somethings money can not buy. Take care of yourself, your family and neighbor. Make sure your kids can not only read, but read cursive so they can read the ‘handwriting on the wall’.
See how badly the schools and the VA are doing? Some of the willfully blind are beginning to see the light even if the light is from burning piles of money … 17 Trillion and counting.
Anything that the government can give, they can also take away. Sounds like that can apply to health!
Ex-GOP ~ Folks give plenty. The bureaucracy sucks so much of it. More should be allocated to vets and less to giant salaries and fluff. It’s like a former co-worker of mine, griping about not having the luxury of going on a vacation like me, as she pulled up in her brand new car as I drove a 10 year old a to b car. I loathe people acting like they have no choices. Happy Memorial Day, y’all! I spent the morning watching and participating in honoring and crying for our fallen vets. Don’t tell me what we would not give to take better care of our soldiers.
Lifejoy – less money goes to actual care under the private model, but I do think things could be streamlined. I stand by my earlier statement though. If we will send them to war we should take care of them when they get home.
It is not a matter of taxation. The Feds already spend a trillion dollars more than they collect each year. We must dramatically increase the tax rate on citizens, and we must drastically cut our spending — and we will still be in a mess.
Meanwhile, the government could provide adequate healthcare for veterans if they wanted to. We don’t have to do it through a big military government bureaucracy, if that doesn’t work. We could fold the veterans into Medicare and even increase the Medicare tax on employees. At this time, I think a politician could win bipartisan and wide public support for a measure like that.
The public want to help our veterans. We don’t want to feed a worthless bureaucracy. Abolish the VA and let civilian care take over. We could still keep the VA hospitals open, with their specialty in treating combat conditions.
Just saying…. A creative solution that both simplifies government and serves better is possible.
I was gone this weekend, so forgot to respond…but I feel like my job here is about done.
If I got a right winger on the board to say that big government is a problem in health care, so we should expand Medicare to take care of people…well, that is music to my ears!