Babies dressed as turkeys: Gobble, gobble
Putting your baby in a turkey costume: The Thanksgiving tradition that should definitely exist if it doesn’t already. Here’s proof….
~ Huffington Post featuring babies dressed as Thanksgiving turkeys, November 27
[Photo via Jimmy Fallon on Instagram]
While many may consider a costume like this to be cute (and I myself used to think that sometimes they were) I now find them to be disrespectful to the dignity of the child. To me it’s just ultimately demeaning to this infant to be made an object of someone’s sense of humor. It just doesn’t sit well with me and regardless of how cute and innocent the costume may appear to be, I wouldn’t want people to be standing there looking at my CHILD dressed up as some characature and laughing at him.
I know… I’m “square”.
Honestly, this comes off a little creepy because turkeys are eaten on Thanksgiving.
Creepy? Huh? It just looks like a cute costume to me.
We dress kids up as pumpkins for Halloween. How is this different?
Ever heard of the expression, “You’re so cute, I could just eat you up!”?
Aren’t some turkeys pardoned on Thanksgiving? ;)
I think it’s cute. Of course, now I’m thinking of Paul Simon in a turkey suit.
I dressed my daughter in a turkey suit when she was seven months old. Sigh. There’s just no end to the ways I’m not doing it right, it seems.
Too cute. Nothing came to mind but how adorable this kid is. Thanks for sharing pic. The nay-sayers gotta get their minds out of the gutter.
It has been my experience that babies smile a lot whenever they see people laughing and smiling at them. Was there a particular event you experienced that made you uncomfortable and caused that occurred and caused your change of heart about pictures like this?
Also, I have a fifteen year old daughter who just ordered a Panda suit on-line…I think she expects (and probably even hopes) that people laugh and smile when they see her wearing it though.
I also had a tendency to nom nom nom on her feet and toes and tell her I wanted to eat her up after her bath because she was just so delicious smelling and happy and giggly and utterly, completely sweet.
She’s a fairly sane 14 y.o. (crossing my fingers for the rest of her teen-hood) now and will no doubt need to start therapy soon due to my cannibalistic tendencies. Man, I really did screw up.
You can do this, so long as you do NOT eat turkeys…