NARAL director: Pro-choicers use “logic,” not glitter bombs
It’s all talk with no actual facts or proof to back it up.
In the pro-choice movement, we advocate using logic, reason and the strong values of our issue rather than glitter.
~ NARAL Pro-Choice Texas executive director Heather Busby, responding to an email from the TX Department of Public Safety which stated that glitter bombs have become a “weapon of choice” for pro-choice and pro-gay advocates, as quoted by the Texas Tribune, March 6
Yeah. Vulva costumes are way more logical than glitter bombs.
@NARAL: We are surprised when the pro-abortion movement does something so tame and harmless as glitter bombs…. or a loud dance party right next to our prayer vigil. We are surprised that you are merely loud, without being rude or threatening or inciting violence. We don’t expect law-abiding and civil behavior from you.
We expect feces, tampons, “Hail Satan,” violence, and threats of riots.
Wait a sec… I just realized that this is NARAL, responding to an inquiry from Texas Dept. of Public Safety.
NARAL has no choice but to deny, deny, deny….. while Texas already knows how pro-borts behave.
The subtext is that Texas law enforcement expects NARAL will have a private chat with the extremists, warning them that what can happen if they continue to antagonize the legislators.
Both NARAL and Texas are sending a message to the glitter-bombers by making this response public. “Quit with the harrassments, and don’t even think about escalation… or there will be inspectors at our clinics next week and the week after, with police escorts and lights turning the whole time.”
“Logic, reason, and the strong values of our issue…”
Where’s the camera? Are we being Punk’d?