(Prolifer)ations 4-30-09
by Bernadette P.
by new strategy to oppose pro-life legislation involved walking out of the committee meeting and a holding press conference…
After lamenting President Bush’s various pro-life cabinet picks – such as Tommy Thompson at Dept. of Health and Human Services followed by Michael Leavitt, Eric Keroack at Population Affairs (family planning) followed by Susan Orr, Andrew von Eschenbach at the Food & Drug Administration, and John Ashcroft as Attorney General – Kay Steiger at (Ted […]
Robert Novak wrote in his
This morning at 9:30a EST the Pope will celebrate Mass at the new Nationals Park baseball stadium in DC before an expected crowd of 45,000+. That crowd will include notorious Catholic pro-abort politicians, including Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry. And they plan to receive communion. Reported the Associated Press last night…