Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Bernadette P.

  • Pro-Life with Christ reports on a recent statement by Sen. John Kerry, 2004 Democratic presidential nominee and pro-abortion “Catholic,” that the ambassador to the Vatican shouldn’t be someone like him…

    I think that if you’re going to have an ambassador who has access to His Holiness and who has the ability to be able to represent all the other things which you want to come together on, it is best not to, you know, make things difficult from the outset.
    And obviously given the position of the Church… I’d try to find someone who doesn’t open up that front, so to speak, and has the ability to represent where we find the common ground.
    Does it have to be [a pro-life person]? No, but that would be my recommendation.

  • According to the American Papist, over 300k printed signatures are en route to Notre Dame trustees, fellows, and high-ranking bishops and cardinals across the country:

    [I]t took The Cardinal Newman Society more than 24 hours to prepare the data and print more than 64k sheets of paper, double sided, which were then bound in notebooks and sent via FedEx….
    “Only the Notre Dame Trustees and Fellows have direct authority over Father Jenkins, so their meetings on Friday [May 1] are our best hope for an end to this scandal,” said Patrick Reilly, President….

    Click to enlarge…
    petitions to nd.jpg

  • Forest Nymph draws attention to a Daily Colonial article about the Cemetery of the Innocents, a display of 4k white crosses on the George Washington University campus yard.
    cemetery of innocents.jpgThe display, designed to remember the number of abortions performed daily, was part of GW Pro-Life Day which concluded with an evening speaker on the impact of abortion in the African-American community.
    Students who saw the display had mixed reactions, but were positive overall. Vickie Graf, the group’s president, added:

    At a school like GW, people argue about abortion as an intangible issue… when you see the number of babies killed per day on the way to class… then you can see it.

    [Photo of cemetery courtesy of the Daily Colonel]

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