Sunday night Hannity’s America ran another exposé on Planned Parenthood.
The segment began by playing the 2nd of Lila Rose’s audiotapes showing PP would accept money to abort black babies.
But the bulk of the story was about an Ohio PP that aborted a 14-year-old girl who had been impregnated by her 21-year-old soccer coach.
OH has a parental consent law, but PP never contacted this girl’s parents, who were interviewed for the story. The girl, who said her rapist coerced her to abort, gave PP the man’s phone number for consent.
The family now has hired a high-powered attorney and are suing the PP in a case to be heard by the OH Supreme Court. PP is also being charged with failing to report suspected child abuse. PP is fighting release of the girl’s medical records, of course.

[HT: readers Kristina and JLM]

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