Hannity’s America: Planned Parenthood’s rape cover-up
Sunday night Hannity’s America ran another exposé on Planned Parenthood.
The segment began by playing the 2nd of Lila Rose’s audiotapes showing PP would accept money to abort black babies.
But the bulk of the story was about an Ohio PP that aborted a 14-year-old girl who had been impregnated by her 21-year-old soccer coach.
OH has a parental consent law, but PP never contacted this girl’s parents, who were interviewed for the story. The girl, who said her rapist coerced her to abort, gave PP the man’s phone number for consent.
The family now has hired a high-powered attorney and are suing the PP in a case to be heard by the OH Supreme Court. PP is also being charged with failing to report suspected child abuse. PP is fighting release of the girl’s medical records, of course.
[HT: readers Kristina and JLM]

I think it’s hilarious that you write a glowing report on the Pope’s trip to the US on the same page where you accuse Planned Parenthood of rape.
Google “Ratzinger Crimen Sollicitationis”
There’s no proof the man raped any children, but he was a priciple figure in the cover-up.
Planned Parenthood continues to ruin young girls’ lives.
In August 2005 the Vatican requested – and was granted – Bush Administartion immunity from prosecution for the Pope in the child rape scandal.
“…There’s no proof the man raped any children, but he was a priciple figure in the cover-up.”
Now, if there was no proof that the man did rape the kid…what would he gain from being part of the cover-up?? And why would PP fight the release of the kids’ medical records as part of a criminal investigation?
Why hide anything if you’re innocent?
Why hide anything if you’re innocent?
Posted by: RSD at April 16, 2008 10:02 AM
Yeah, why ask the White House for prosecutorial immunity if you’re innocent?
The hierarchy of the RCC covered up case after case of pedophilia, molestation, rape – this has been proved time after time. The priests were accused of these crimes against children then just moved to a different parish where they had a whole new crop of potential victims. Of course the Pope would have rather this information never come into public knowledge. He ‘is’ the church and these scandals have cost the church millions. And if abuse was this widespread in the US I have to wonder what is going on in third world countries where protection of children is almost nonexistant.
That accusation is ridiculous and irrational.
And the accusation that my accusation is ridiculous and irrational is ridiculous and irrational.
TR, deleting your 10:18a comment. Stop the name-calling.
Yeah TR,
That’s it. The horror of what was done to those children never even crossed the popes mind. It was all about the millions that the church would lose. Couldn’t possibly have been thinking about the damage that these twisted priests would bring on the church. No, it’s just the money.
Show me this proof of which you speak…please.
TexasRed and Laura, maybe you could try to keep on topic. We are not talking about the pope. We are talking about Planned parenthood, and the cover-up rape video. Maybe you could share your thoughts on that instead of trying to sidestep around the issue?
That Crimen Sollicitationis was not designed to “cover up” sex abuse, canonists say, is clear in paragraph 15, which obligates anyone with knowledge of a priest abusing the confessional for that purpose to come forward, under pain of excommunication for failing to do so. This penalty is stipulated, the document says, “lest [the offense] remain occult and unpunished and always with inestimable detriment to souls.”
“Yeah, why ask the White House for prosecutorial immunity if you’re innocent?”
What does this have to do with the PP case?
Wait, wait.
I thought hospitals were supposed to keep medical records private? Releasing them so the media could post them all over the internet seems like a violation of patient confidentiality to me. =/
Not saying that they were doing right, but just wanted to know. If there were parental consent laws, they should have been following them.
“And the accusation that my accusation is ridiculous and irrational is ridiculous and irrational. ”
TexasRed and Laura, maybe you could try to keep on topic. We are not talking about the pope. We are talking about Planned parenthood, and the cover-up rape video.
Did an alleged rape occur, or was there just a prank phone call? Did she ask if their refrigerator was running or if they had Prince Albert in a can?
TR, deleting your 10:18a comment. Stop the name-calling.
Posted by: Jill Stanek at April 16, 2008 10:26 AM
Saying that a comment is ridiculous is not ‘name calling’.
Planned Parenthood continues to ruin young girls’ lives.
Posted by: Bethany at April 16, 2008 9:37 AM
That accusation is absurd and irrational.
Medical records are not private when they are covering up abuse. I’m an EMT, and I’m required to report suspected abuse. If I pulled a pregnant 14-year-old out of a wrecked car, I’d have to contact CPS and let them know that the girl was pregnant so they could investigate if she was an abuse victim. That’s not my judgment call.
It’s just that to the abortion lobby, abortion fixes everything. The guy brought her for an abortion, he was “being responsible” and the abuse is no problem. No live baby, all is well.
Yeah TR,
That’s it. The horror of what was done to those children never even crossed the popes mind. It was all about the millions that the church would lose. Couldn’t possibly have been thinking about the damage that these twisted priests would bring on the church. No, it’s just the money.
Show me this proof of which you speak…please.
Posted by: mk at April 16, 2008 10:27 AM
You want to pretend you were unaware of any of the facts I pointed out? What do I need to ‘prove’? That the RCC church hierarchy covered up molestation and rape? That the priests were moved from parish to parish without being punished? That the pope would have preferred these facts never become common knowledge? That the pope ‘is’ the church? That these pedophiles have cost the RCC millions of dollars? Just what do you want me to ‘prove’? Which of those facts were you not already aware of?
That accusation is ridiculous and irrational.
And the accusation that my accusation is ridiculous and irrational is ridiculous and irrational.
Posted by: Bethany at April 16, 2008 10:26 AM
Trying to pretend that PP ‘ruins’ young girls lives is absurd. PP has done more to help young girls than the RCC could ever hope to do. Ignorance is not an asset whether you want to face that fact or not. There is a higher probability of having a child at an early age causing life long negative impacts than having an abortion instead. Ignorance is what ruins girls lives and you support continued ignorance.
TexasRed and Laura, maybe you could try to keep on topic. We are not talking about the pope. We are talking about Planned parenthood, and the cover-up rape video. Maybe you could share your thoughts on that instead of trying to sidestep around the issue?
Posted by: Bethany at April 16, 2008 10:29 AM
What ‘issue’ do you imagine there ‘is’ beyond the ongoing lies and misinformation spread about Planned Parenthood? PP has done more to reduce abortion in the US than all the ‘sidewalk counselors’ in the country whether you can face that fact or not. PP teaches women to be sexually responsible and you resnt that. You are still trying to support the archaic delusion that ‘sex is only for making babies’ and that only women who will continue a pregnancy *should* be sexually active. Under any other circumstances its *wrong* and its a *sin*. That attitude is absurd. what do you imagine a receptionist SHOULD do when a girl calls and says she is pregnant by her BOYFRIEND? Tell her ‘come in and bring your boyfriend – the cops will pick him up here’?
Are the antichoicers fighting to make sure doctors who give prenatal care to underaged children get arrested if they dont inform the police?
Laura…perhaps you didn’t think anyone would follow your line to ‘www.politicalsoundoff.com’
Ohhh, Conspiracy Theory Central:
some examples of other stories (equal opportunity of course)!
. Ex-FBI agent claims Sonny Bono was murdered just before naming top U.S. officials involvement in drug ring.
. Archives show Clinton lied about NAFTA
. Re-vote donors all linked to Clinton
Ten wealthy Democrats have offered to pay for a new presidential primary in Michigan
“PP has done more to help young girls than the RCC could ever hope to do”
Oh my….you DARE compare PP’s work with the Church’s?
Well, I guess I can agree…The Church’s work is to bring souls to heaven. PP works to bring them somewhere other than that.
I don’t know if you can call that “help”, though…
I’m well aware that you are supposed to report suspected abuse. I wasn’t asking about that.
I was confused because medical records are supposed to be private and I was under the impression that people wanted them released to the media (which of course would spread all over the internet). I see that they probably meant they wanted it released ONLY to the investigation team.
Laura…perhaps you didn’t think anyone would follow your line to ‘www.politicalsoundoff.com’
Fine, here’s the entire extended sordid story from an even LESS reliable source:
“PP has done more to help young girls than the RCC could ever hope to do”
Oh my….you DARE compare PP’s work with the Church’s?
Well, I guess I can agree…The Church’s work is to bring souls to heaven. PP works to bring them somewhere other than that.
I don’t know if you can call that “help”, though…
Posted by: RSD at April 16, 2008 11:01 AM
So helping poor women get health care is trying to bring them ‘somewhere other than’ heaven? you really want to pretend that going to PP somehow is going to ‘condemn’ a woman? And yes, I do *dare* to compare the good done by PP versus all the pain and sorrow and damage done by the RCC. And PP comes out far ahead. Dont expect me to be favorably impressed by ANY aspect of the Roman Catholic Church.
Is the Laura posting here the old “FF”?
Or is this a new Laura?
I think this particular PP clinic was wrong to not research this situation better and learn more about what was going on. Id like to hear the details from an honest, objective, unbiased source.
…and who would that be, TR?
…and who would that be, TR?
Posted by: RSD at April 16, 2008 1:02 PM
It certainly wouldnt be LifeNews or Jill Stanek. Id like to see the story covered by one of the middle of the road main stream newspapers.
Sandy, she’s the same one.
The same one?
What are you doing back at this site? I thought you overstayed your welcome. Did I miss an apology somewhere?
You sure claim to know an awful lot about PP. Did you work for them?
Sandy, she never apologized, but Jill said she’s allowed to post as long as she doesn’t cross a line.
“..middle of the road main stream newspapers”
Like who?
Planned Parenthood continues to ruin young girls’ lives.
Uhh, I think the RAPIST got there first??!
PP is just as guilty as that rapist, Edyt.
“PP has done more to reduce abortion in the US than all the ‘sidewalk counselors’ in the country whether you can face that fact or not.”
And then there’s this gem from TR: yup, that’s why there are 4000 per day in the US. Some reduction!
I often wonder why PC fight so hard against ultrasounds, parental notification, no coercion bills, womens right to know, etc. When those bills can help reduce abortions wouldn’t PC be more than thrilled? They continually say safe, legal and RARE!!
Awesome comment Carla!
If PP wanted to reduce abortions, why don’t they have an unbiased counselor at every clinic so they can meet with women to understand why they are choosing abortion. Maybe a some type of profile analysis could determine if they really want the abortion or are being forced by parents or boyfriends, or if they just need resources to help them.
Why aren’t they given options to abortion at the clinics? These all seem like great ways to reduce abortion rates.
Jill had a post up quite awhile ago about a teenager who was picked up at school by her boyfriend’s mother and driven to the clinic for an abortion. Her mother found out and rushed to try and stop her. She knew her daughter needed her there as the boyfriend’s mom was intent on ending the pregnancy for the sake of her son. The clinic would not even let the girl’s own mother in and told her that her daughter had never been in the building.
Now, if abortion rights groups were so interested in reducing abortion, here was a perfect example of how they could have gotten her mother involved and let them work it out as a family. Instead they hid her in the clinic and kept her from her own mother.
What happened to the girl you mentioned that went to PP to get an abortion and left when she got a text message from her boyfriend telling her to leave? Didn’t PP call her up and tell her she made to quick of a decision?
Sounds like a sales call to me. I know another girl who aborted her ex-boyfriends baby to date the college football star. Her baby was within days of viability and the clinic kept calling her and telling her she better get in and get it done. She did.
She murdered her baby to date the football star.
Hi Sandy,
How about referring more girls to adoption agencies?? Options other than abortion, please!
The girl did not get the abortion! They did continue to call her though…harass much?
I also like your idea of an unbiased counselor. Let’s get all of the information out there. Why is that so hard??
Well, if it’s all about the money then I know why abortion is not rare……..
So glad the girl decided against abortion.
I can’t think of any other medical clinic that would call and try to sell you on an elective procedure. How disgusting that they sell death.
Where are these people’s souls.
Just heard of a 15 year old girl in my town who is being pressured by her parents and her boyfriend to abort. So far she is refusing. Now we do what we can do help her!! :)
If PP wanted to reduce abortions, why don’t they have an unbiased counselor at every clinic so they can meet with women to understand why they are choosing abortion. Maybe a some type of profile analysis could determine if they really want the abortion or are being forced by parents or boyfriends, or if they just need resources to help them.
Turning away profits isn’t something that Planned Parenthood does.
Giving up income in order to do the right thing is something that real prolife health care practitioners do.