New Stanek WND column, “Abortion as art sport”
In search of taboos to breach for breach’s sake, the liberal artistic community is finally dredging the bottom of the barrel: abortion.
Interesting that it took them longer to mock abortion than crucifixes.
You likely missed the comedy video sketch Damon Wayans of posted last week called “AbortionMan.” So I’ll describe it for you, or you can view it at YouTube.
In “AbortionMan” a young woman calls her boyfriend to tell him she’s pregnant….
[T]he sleazy guy hangs up the phone and calls for AbortionMan to rescue him from the plight of progeny….
AbortionMan makes quick work of things, kicking and punching the mother in the abdomen and stomping on it when she collapses to the ground. The stomp aborts the crying, bloody preborn baby, who flies through the air and lands in the bushes where he or she presumably dies….
Damon made this sketch for the negative attention buzz, to make people like me mad. Celebrities desperate to hold the waning spotlight are so sad….
One person getting way more negative attention than she expected was Yale art student Aliza Shvarts.
Last week, the Yale Daily News announced Shvarts’ exhibit in a senior art show opening yesterday would feature a number of her own very young self-aborted children, mixed with blood and smeared on plastic sheeting wrapped around a cube and suspended from the ceiling.
On the surrounding walls videos would play Shvarts completing her self-abortions in a bathtub.
Shvarts said she obtained the human elements of her project by artificially inseminating herself multiple times over the course of nine months and then ingesting abortion drugs.
These episodes put abortion advocates in a terrible position….
Continue reading my column today, “Abortion as art sport,” on

I would think all the anti-life, proaborts on this board would find the abortionman skit quite entertaining. They don’t seem to mind perpetrating violence against preborn females, so their “horror” at the violent attack on the pregnant mother doesn’t really wash. They’ve nothing against abortion so the violent expulsion of the baby isn’t of any concern either.
For them to think otherwise is inconsistent. If you’re going to be proabortion, please be consistent about it.You can’t support violence in one form and not in another.
Damon made this sketch for the negative attention buzz, to make people like me mad. Celebrities desperate to hold the waning spotlight are so sad….
Jill, indeed – that was a stupid one.
Patricia, nope.
I wish Barbara would of called Abortion man.
“I would think all the anti-life, proaborts on this board would find the abortionman skit quite entertaining.”
Yes I’m sure they would. I, however, as a pro-choicer think that it is absolutly disgusting. Forced or even coecered abortion is in my opinion an act similar to, if not worse then rape and whoever commits it should be locked away from society for a very, very long time. Or executed.
“If you’re going to be proabortion, please be consistent about it.You can’t support violence in one form and not in another.”
Do you mean pro-choice or actual pro-abortion? A pro-choicer feels no one but the mother has the right to decide wether or not to be pregnant. Having the “abortion man” abort against the mothers wishes isn’t pro-choice, it’s pro-abortion. And are you implying if you are for a woman’s right to an abortion you should be for anyone’s right to kill a baby? I could say, if you are for slaughtering cows you should be for slaughtering babies. But I don’t because there are multiple levels to our arguments.
Oh sorry the above was me, your kitten Jess : )
PeachPit, “I’m like that mother in Texas who gave thier kid brain damage by holding him under water. I’m just like Barbara Bush!” Gotta love that Family Guy : ) I don’t think George Bush is a bad person, I think he came into office at the worng time. Like I wouldn’t mind it if he was my neighbor, he’d probably be a good one.
PP – that’s would have, not would of. Just a friendly grammar tip.
I wish Barbara would of called Abortion man.
PeachPit, I’ve talked to her a little, having been in the same recreational area a few times, and she’s really pretty cool. Not always on the same page as her son.
Anonymous, very well said. Letting the woman decide is a far cry from attacking her on the street.
We need to pray for all those who are supporting abortion and do not respect the dignity of human life. This is a war of good against evil, and we shouldn’t forget that.
Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
This is not about the bottom of the barrel, that’s being too nice. It’s about what is under the barrel.
you seem so adamant that pro-choice is a good. Please explain to me why a moral relativist would hold consistency as a ‘truism’. If consistency itself is relative, is there any moral aspect to personal decision making?
is the ‘problem’: “no-problem, I’m gonna do what I’m gonna do …. don’t disturb me with the facts, already!”?
This is a war of good against evil, and we shouldn’t forget that.
Janet, it’s a “war” of opinions. The greater evil is not letting the woman decide, IMO.
I don’t think George Bush is a bad person, I think he came into office at the worng time.
Jess, while I think he’s actually been fairly lucky in circumstances, the “wrong time” or “right time” sure does apply; very hard to avoid getting blamed for the “wrong.”
My impression is AbortionMan sends a pro-life message, not an anti-life message.
It shows the humanity of the fetus by the “No Baby” sign on his chest. A baby, not a blob of tissue pops out of the woman. The woman recognizes that she is with child and WANTS to share the good news. She is only afraid of her boyfriend’s reaction. She is coerced into the abortion – showing that is an act of violence – contrasted with the love she expressed when she thought her boyfriend wanted to start a family. It shows that a woman does not necessarily choose and abortion because it is the right choice for her.
Abortionman is shown to be violent and coarse and without regard for a woman’s natural impulses to nurture.
I think getting this message out is a good one. The joke is on the abortion industry, not the pro-life side. Sometimes humour teaches a message without preaching.
I am actively, vocally pro-life.
Jill, Damon was clearly depicting the disgusting horror of abortion in his video. You seemed to miss the fact that his histrionics were not an endorsement. Quite the opposite.
“Do you mean pro-choice or actual pro-abortion?”
I still don’t see the difference between a PRO-ABORT (one who choses to support abortion) and a PRO-CHOICE (one who supports the mom who chooses abortion)…the result is the same though, the support of an abortion = dead baby.
Is there less guilt/ stigma on the latter term because it’s somebody else’s decision to end the life of an unborn baby?
If the mom chooses LIFE for the unborn baby in the womb, is that still considered a PRO-CHOICE position?
IF so, could we say PRO-CHOICE-LIFE and PRO-CHOICE-DEATH, instead to clear things up?
I want an answer from Patricia to my previous question, which was:
Do you think the AMA is “politicized and run by people with a proabort agenda”? How about the editorial board of the New England Journal of Medicine, which published the Melbye study?
Is there ANYONE whose word you would believe? Or do you think that ANY professional medical/scientific organization which admits that the large majority of published data contradict the alleged link between induced abortion and subsequent breast cancer is automatically “politicized and run by people with a proabort agenda”?
How about the National Academy of Sciences? Would you believe them? Or if they acknowledged the proven fact that induced abortion does not increase the risk of subsequent breast cancer (at least not among Danes), would you say THEY were also “politicized and run by people with a proabort agenda”?
How about your own doctor, whom you pay to tell you the truth? If (s)he acknowledged that induced abortion does not cause subsequent breast cancer (as nearly all primary-care physicians do) would you call him/her a lying proabort?
Whom WOULD you recognize as an objective medical authority–the Catholic Church, which does not even CLAIM to be objective about this?
IF so, could we say PRO-CHOICE-LIFE and PRO-CHOICE-DEATH, instead to clear things up?
RSD, you can say anything, but the fact of the “yes or no” of Pro-Choice not being the same as the “yes” of Pro-Abortion remains.
It’s understood that the choice here is the woman’s as related to continuing a pregnancy or not.
Somebody who is actually “pro-abortion” would be just as Anti-Choice as any Pro-Lifer.
“I still don’t see the difference between a PRO-ABORT (one who choses to support abortion) and a PRO-CHOICE (one who supports the mom who chooses abortion)”
Allow me to help you see :)
First of all, let me clarify the definitions. Pro-abortion means the support for abortion, pro-choice means supporting a woman and her decision between keeping and killing her baby. A pro-choicer does not necessarily prefer abortion, but rather has a level of apathy towards the fact that an abortion is never a good choice. We ought not confuse the two terms, as pro-choicers often are pro-choice only because they wish not judgment upon some women and their difficult circumstances. I’m not saying it’s any better to be pro-choice, mind you, but there is a HUGE difference in intention behind the two stances…
Hope that helps :)
“Is there less guilt/ stigma on the latter term because it’s somebody else’s decision to end the life of an unborn baby?”
No but there is less knowledge of factual information. In most cases, there is more ignorance involved with being pro-choice, as most pro-abortion folks do know the severity of the issue and still choose death…
If the mom chooses LIFE for the unborn baby in the womb, is that still considered a PRO-CHOICE position?
That is the litmus test. If someone is truly pro-choice, then they are happy when a woman chooses life. If they are not… if they want a woman to choose abortion, then they are actually pro-abortion. Most of our opponents are pro-choice though. They are merely misunderstood most of the time.
“IF so, could we say PRO-CHOICE-LIFE and PRO-CHOICE-DEATH, instead to clear things up?”
Not all pro-choicers are for abortion. Some just don’t want to “impose” their own “beliefs” on others, which would mean they are actually at fault more for negligence towards the issue than actively desiring that unborn babies be killed.
“Somebody who is actually “pro-abortion” would be just as Anti-Choice as any Pro-Lifer.”
I’ve never heard that! That is a really excellent point!
RSD, pro-choice allows the woman to choose how many children she gives birth to. A person can be against abortion and still be pro-choice. If the woman say, choose to have 20 children a pro-choicer believes that is fine. If a woman chooses to have no children she also has that right, wether through abstinence, or birth control which could include abortion. See a pro-choicer could want abortion banned, allowing a woman to choose through abstinance only.
A person who is pro-abortion could say a woman who already has five children shouldn’t have anymore, and should be forced to have an abortion. Or that a man can force a woman to abort, parents could force her to abort etc, and that’s pro-abortion.
Even if I wanted to end abortion through making it illegal, I would still be pro-choice because I support a woman’s right to choose wether or not to have children. Women can choose to have children or not have them. Do you understand what I mean? I’m making sense to myself I don’t know if I make sense to you lol : )
A PRO-ABORT would be someone who seeks to increase the number of abortions done.
Somoeone who went around puncturing condoms through the wrappers on pharmacy shelves in order to increase the number of abortions done would be a pro-abort.
PRO-CHOICE means someone who thinks pregnant women should be allowed to decide for themselves whether to have an abortion or to grow the pregnancy. A pro-choice person doesn’t care how many abortions are done, so long as every pregnant woman who wants one, gets one, and every pregnant woman who doesn’t want one, doesn’t get one forced on her.
The Chinese government, which forces abortion on some pregnant women, is pro-abort but NOT pro-choice.
Someone who supports the woman’s right to have an abortion if she so chooses, but who tries by means of persuasion and/or reward to CONVINCE her to CHOOSE to grow her pregnancy, is both pro-choice AND pro-life.
RSD, you wrote: “If the mom chooses LIFE for the unborn baby in the womb, is that still considered a PRO-CHOICE position? ”
Yes, of course. As long as the pregnant woman gets to decide, that’s pro-choice.
Does this make it clear? I really don’t see why it’s so difficult for some people to understand this distinction.
I suspect that (some) right-to-lifers (such as YOU, Jill Stanek, and YOU, RSD) who pretend not to understand the distinction actually do understand it, but they prefer to misuse the term “pro-abort” to describe pro-choice people because it sounds more pejorative to them. All you succeed in doing by misusing the term “pro-abort” this way is showing yourselves to be either muddle-headed or dishonest.
I know the polygamous sect of the LDS forced women to get married and have as many children as they could. That isn’t pro-choice. A person shouldn’t try to coerce women into having sex or children by saying, you’ll regret it, you’ll go to hell, you’ll get breast cancer, etc. A nun who chooses to abstain from sex for life? Pro-choice.
So I think almost everyone on this board is pro-choice. Even if they don’t want abortion to be one of the choices.
You make no sense.
I have always wanted 4 children. I have 3 in heaven and 4 here with me. SO I am……..A MOM!
Ew I actually just watched the video and it’s so much worse then I thought. Way to use those racial slurs too. Disgusting.
If anyone else was traumatized by this, here’s one of my favorite new singers Hera. Enjoy!
Why don’t I make sense Carla? You wanted four children, you have four children and three in heaven, you seem happy. I mean not happy that you can’t be with all your children but you are their Mom. I agree with you. You have seven children. You choose to. Good for you I’m happy for you.
I am trying to follow the whole proabort, prochoice, prolife, antichoice logic of your comments….my head is spinning.
You make it sound like getting pregnant, which doesn’t always happen when you “want” it to, carrying and bearing children is a RIGHT.
It’s not. It’s a divine privilege, kitten. :)
Thank You all for your input…the answers were varied but interesting.
One last question though, if you guys ‘really’ support CHOICE, How come I don’t remember anybody celebrating(except us pro-lifers) when young mom’s on their way to the abortion clinic suddenly change their minds and choose to have the baby instead?
*and don’t tell me they were ‘forced’ and ‘shouted at’ by pro-lifers to change their minds…
“It’s not. It’s a divine privilege, kitten. :)”
So when women don’t get pregnant is God doing it to spite them? I know that’s not what you meant but that’s how I read it. It’s basically biology. Sperm meets egg, egg implants, boom you’re preggers. Sometimes it doesn’t happen, sometimes it does.
RSD, if the Mom wants to have the baby then I’m happy she is going to have it and I wish her all the best. I believe women should be informed of all their options and the consequences of those actions. I have no problem with sidewalk counselors. People who go there just to scream “evil whore” at people aren’t helping anyone. But yeah sidewalk councilors are fine.
Wait so Carla do you think every woman should try and have children if they can?
if you guys ‘really’ support CHOICE, How come I don’t remember anybody celebrating (except us pro-lifers) when young moms on their way to the abortion clinic suddenly change their minds and choose to have the baby instead?
RSD, that’s fine with me.
“RSD, if the Mom wants to have the baby then I’m happy she is going to have it and I wish her all the best”
That still doesn’t answer my question on past comments of so-called ‘pro-choice’ folks…
So, does this mean you also support the actions of
this misguided girl from Yale?
It was her CHOICE, right? And you’re pro-choice, right?
Yes I guess I do support her. But like I said you can be pro-choice but not include the choice of abortion. I’m not the voice of every pro-choicer. Why doesn’t it answer your question?
“I’m not the voice of every pro-choicer.”
..good for you, Jess…there might still be hope…
Hope for me? How?
“RSD, that’s fine with me.”
Ok Doug…I’ll accept that…the deafining sound of silence from so-called pro-choice people when a baby is saved from abortion by the CHOICE of it’s mother proves my original point.
…a chance for a change of heart, Jess…
Hi Jess,
God does nothing in spite. I never knew for sure whether I could have children. Who knows for sure until they try?
I can’t tell every woman to have a child if they want one. I also don’t should on people.
I want you to know that you are a like a little sister to me. I pray for you a lot!!
RSD, you wrote: “So, does this mean you also support the actions of
this misguided girl from Yale?
It was her CHOICE, right? And you’re pro-choice, right?”
I support her RIGHT to do what she did, but I think it was a poor choice.
Jess said
I think Jess has been drinking the “Kool-Aid” and smooching the hamsters too much.
Jess – haven’t you been warned that kissing hamsters can scramble your brains worse than crack?
Thank you Carla that means a lot to me : )
Why is it “a poor choice”?
RSD, first of all because it resulted in bad art.
Secondly, because it unnecessarily killed a number of human zygotes.
Thirdly, because it was a waste of medical resources.
Why do you care about what happens to a number of human zygotes she “produces”’s her body, right?
RSD, why shouldn’t I care about the zygotes? If you haven’t already figured this out, I recognize the unborn as human persons.
Yup to my 5:57am post (it really wasn’t that early here in Canada!!) and
Nope to yours: “Janet, it’s a “war” of opinions. The greater evil is not letting the woman decide, IMO.”
Posted by: Doug at April 23, 2008 10:54 AM
It’s not a war of opinions – it’s a war between good and evil and you back evil.
Letting the woman decide what? Whether to kill her own baby or not. Some choice. Your thinking is inconsistent.
Oh and BTW, I share neither your sense of humour nor your ideology. I’d think that was quite apparent by now. ;-P
You MUST be ADHD. You simply cannot seem to identify the topic on a post but simply rant and rave about whatever seems to bother you.
Instead of wasting my time I’m going to eat my delicious ricotta-spinach shells and go for a lovely bike ride.
Patricia, I am still waiting for an answer from you to my previous question, which I reproduce below. If you persist in your refusal to answer, I can only conclude that you understand that your position on the alleged abortion-breast cancer “link” is wrong, but are unwilling to admit it. That’s childish.
The question was:
Do you think the AMA is “politicized and run by people with a proabort agenda”? How about the editorial board of the New England Journal of Medicine, which published the Melbye study?
Is there ANYONE whose word you would believe? Or do you think that ANY professional medical/scientific organization which admits that the large majority of published data contradict the alleged link between induced abortion and subsequent breast cancer is automatically “politicized and run by people with a proabort agenda”?
How about the National Academy of Sciences? Would you believe them? Or if they acknowledged the proven fact that induced abortion does not increase the risk of subsequent breast cancer (at least not among Danes), would you say THEY were also “politicized and run by people with a proabort agenda”?
How about your own doctor, whom you pay to tell you the truth? If (s)he acknowledged that induced abortion does not cause subsequent breast cancer (as nearly all primary-care physicians do) would you call him/her a lying proabort?
Whom WOULD you recognize as an objective medical authority–the Catholic Church, which does not even CLAIM to be objective about this?
“RSD, why shouldn’t I care about the zygotes? If you haven’t already figured this out, I recognize the unborn as human persons.
Posted by: SoMG at April 23, 2008 3:26 PM”
I must be missing something…you care about the unborn being aborted by this college girl yet you still support abortion for other women (just not this young girl)????
“RSD, that’s fine with me.”
Ok Doug…I’ll accept that…the deafining sound of silence from so-called pro-choice people when a baby is saved from abortion by the CHOICE of it’s mother proves my original point.
What point? Pro-Choicers are for leaving it up to the woman. I’m not going to yell and scream, regardless of which choice she makes.
Patricia: It’s not a war of opinions – it’s a war between good and evil and you back evil.
Oh please. “Evil” is an opinion. You view things one way, I view them another. I see the greater evil in denying the woman her choice.
Letting the woman decide what? Whether to kill her own baby or not. Some choice. Your thinking is inconsistent.
No, not inconsistent. I am for less suffering. I realize that we can argue about at what point the unborn can suffer, but to a point in gestation no suffering is possible, while the pregnant woman most certainly can suffer.
Why should she have to do what you want her to?
I’d rather see a thousand unwanted pregnancies be ended, versus having the suffering that one child can endure in Darfur, etc.
“What point?”
That you so-called pro-choicers really support abortion and NOT the choice of the woman…
Well, RSD, that’s just not true.
Well, Doug, that may be, BUT the actions of you so-called pro-choicers prove otherwise.
And you know the old saying “Actions (or inactions, in this case) speak louder than words”.
RSD, you wrote: “I must be missing something…you care about the unborn being aborted by this college girl yet you still support abortion for other women (just not this young girl)????”
Well, Doug, that may be, BUT the actions of you so-called pro-choicers prove otherwise.
Honestly, RSD, I disagree there -I think you’re vastly over-generalizing from what IMO is a non-existent particular anyway.
Is “AbortionMan” pro-life?
Right before comedian Chris Rock was to emcee the Academy Awards in 2005, Matt Drudge linked to a story about one of Rock’s routines, abortion. In that routine Rock said: Abortion, it’s beautiful, it’s beautiful abortion is legal. I love…