UPDATE, 4/4, 6:15a: As thought, O’Reilly bumped the Students for Life/Tiller video last night. Will let you know when it is next scheduled. Am told “soon.”
O’Reilly’s Talking Points Memo on Fr. Michael Pfleger and his segment on Pfleger follow. View the Fox producer’s unedited interview with Pfleger here.
Gotta say Pfleger’s friend, Louis Farrakhan, was actually preaching accurately in the clip O’Reilly ran. In it Farrakhan condemned “wicked Jews… false Jews” for spreading filth in America via their Hollywood influence.
We would call them liberal Jews, or perhaps Jews In Name Only. They do not practice the tenets of their faith but instead believe and promote the tenets of liberal ideology. Certainly O’Reilly could have found a clearer example of Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism.
But I digress. I do appreciate O’Reilly taking on anti-American racist, and basically crazy hate speech from the pulpit.

Read yesterday’s post on page 2.

I wrote on March 5 about Fr. Michael Pfleger of St. Sabina’s Catholic Church in Chicago. Pfleger has donated to Barack Obama and invited both Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton to speak from his pulpit.
On March 30 Michelle Malkin covered Jeremiah Wright’s surprise visit to St. Sabina’s, for which he received a standing o.
factor2.jpgTonight The O’Reilly Factor is going to run a story on Pfleger. Should be good.
And looks like we’re getting a double header.
The Factor is also going to run video of the Students for Life encounter with George Tiller at a Feminist Majority Foundation event last month held at the National Education Association’s DC headquarters. Here’s my post on this and the video.
Be warned, however, that word on the street is the Tiller segment may get bumped by another breaking story The Factor is working on.

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