This is one of those times I’m not sure what is going on, so I’m just reporting the latest.
When last we left the Roderick “Why Can’t We All Just Brawl” King vandalism story (catch up just a couple posts down), University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point official Stephen Ward wrote in an email that while the Student Senate failed to defrock King, he had resigned.
But Students for Life of America reported in a press release late yesterday:
roderick question 2.jpg

Contrary to Ward’s e-mail, SFLA confirmed this afternoon by speaking with Erika Wardle, College of Natural Resources Caucus Chair and Student Senate member, that King is still a member of the Student Senate and was unanimously re-appointed to Student Senate for the 2008-2009 school year.
PFL further reported that the Student Senate found a provision in their constitution requiring the body to hold meetings before they can address the situation. Because the Student Senate has now adjourned for the school year, it will not take up the situation until its first meeting in the Fall 2008 semester.

The press release added that both the full Senate and the sabotaged Pointers for Life rejected the Senate Rules Committee’s recommendation that King be forced to write a letter of apology and hold off on his reelection until the Fall. PFL nixed the idea because King stated during the meeting he wasn’t sorry for vandalizing PFL’s crosses.

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