The Washington Post has an encouraging – albeit biasedstory today on the developing phenomenon of pro-life pharmacies:

When DMC Pharmacy opens this summer… in Chantilly [VA], the shelves will be stocked with allergy remedies, pain relievers, antiseptic ointments and almost everything else sold in any drugstore. But anyone who wants condoms, birth control pills or the Plan B emergency contraceptive will be turned away.
That’s because the drugstore… will be a “pro-life pharmacy” – meaning, among other things, that it will eschew all contraceptives.

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The pharmacy is one of a small but growing number of drugstores around the country that have become the latest front in a conflict pitting patients’ rights against those of health-care workers who assert a “right of conscience” to refuse to provide care or products that they find objectionable….

The pharmacies are emerging at a time when a variety of health-care workers are refusing to perform medical procedures they find objectionable. Fertility doctors have refused to inseminate gay women. Ambulance drivers have refused to transport patients for abortions. Anesthesiologists have refused to assist in sterilizations.
The most common, widely publicized conflicts have involved pharmacists who refuse to fill prescriptions for birth control pills, morning-after pills and other forms of contraception. They say they believe that such methods can cause what amounts to an abortion and that the contraceptives promote promiscuity, divorce, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and other societal woes….

Pro-“choicers” should have no problem with pharmacies choosing to promote life, right? Wrong. Continued the WP story:
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“I’m very, very troubled by this,” said Marcia Greenberger of the National Women’s Law Center…. “Contraception is essential for women’s health. A pharmacy like this is walling off an essential part of health care. That could endanger women’s health.”…
“Rape victims could end up in a pharmacy not understanding this pharmacy will not meet their needs,” Greenberger said.

Aside from the fact Greenberger omitted a word: Contraception is essentially dangerous for women’s health, what is her theoretical rape victim doing wandering to pharmacies instead of seeking medical care? Rape victims should go directly to hospitals.
Blogger Jessica at Feministing, apparently annoyed that I quoted her nonsense in my K-Mart “True Love Waits” post, took the opportunity to take a swipe at little ole “anti-choice nut” moi (! – not quoting here; read her post) while launching on these pharmacies:

Oh this got my blood boiling…. These pharmacies, organized by a group called Pharmacists for Life International, refuse to carry and dispense condoms, birth control pills or emergency contraception. Instead, they sell a whole load of bullsh**.

Tsk. Tsk. Jessica, your anti-choice intolerance is getting the best of you.
[Illustration courtesy of the Austin Chronicle via Feministing]

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