Born Alive TRUTH LOgo.jpg is getting fabulous press, as you can tell by all the news I’ve posted. Monday’s Associated Press story ended up in over 3,000 worldwide news outlets. Our YouTube video of the Gianna ad has been viewed almost 90,000 times, and at least 6 others have posted the ad, so a total of about 130,000 have viewed it. 49 blogs and websites are linking to
Here’s yesterday’s Washington Times piece…

Initially pushed to the sidelines by the presidential nominees, independent political groups are readying a 24/7 barrage of attack ads designed to influence Americans’ choices at the ballot box in November….
Both presidential hopefuls once derided these independent [tax-exempt political groups known as 527s]…. named for their section of the tax code and limited to few campaign-finance restrictions – and so they remained mostly dormant for months.
But as the campaign heats up, 527s and other political action committees from across the political spectrum are planning major pushes to influence voters in the final 6 weeks of the campaign….
A new 527 called Born Alive Truth is running an ad in NM and OH featuring Gianna Jessen, who was born after a failed abortion.
“If Barack Obama had his way I would not be here,” she says in the ad, which cites his votes on a bill in the IL Senate.
A Planned Parenthood action fund ad defends Mr. Obama and says, “John McCain is twisting the facts.” It suggests “after 26 years in Washington” he is nothing more than “another politician who will say anything to get elected.”…
[T]he majority of the ads running are against Mr. Obama….
[A]n Atlantic blog report that unnamed Obama aides had “quietly” signaled to 527 groups that they could use their activity to attack the Republican.
But senior Obama adviser Robert Gibbs said on MSNBC Monday, “We don’t want people to participate in 527s.”
“In fact, many 527s on the Democratic side folded because we asked people not to participate in that type of campaign, but instead participate in our campaign,” he said.

That’s fine with me.
If you haven’t donated to yet, please do now and help get the Gianna ad to more states.

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