Washington Times on BornAliveTruth.org
BornAliveTruth.org is getting fabulous press, as you can tell by all the news I’ve posted. Monday’s Associated Press story ended up in over 3,000 worldwide news outlets. Our YouTube video of the Gianna ad has been viewed almost 90,000 times, and at least 6 others have posted the ad, so a total of about 130,000 have viewed it. 49 blogs and websites are linking to BornAliveTruth.org.
Here’s yesterday’s Washington Times piece…
Initially pushed to the sidelines by the presidential nominees, independent political groups are readying a 24/7 barrage of attack ads designed to influence Americans’ choices at the ballot box in November….
Both presidential hopefuls once derided these independent [tax-exempt political groups known as 527s]…. named for their section of the tax code and limited to few campaign-finance restrictions – and so they remained mostly dormant for months.
But as the campaign heats up, 527s and other political action committees from across the political spectrum are planning major pushes to influence voters in the final 6 weeks of the campaign….
A new 527 called Born Alive Truth is running an ad in NM and OH featuring Gianna Jessen, who was born after a failed abortion.
“If Barack Obama had his way I would not be here,” she says in the ad, which cites his votes on a bill in the IL Senate.
A Planned Parenthood action fund ad defends Mr. Obama and says, “John McCain is twisting the facts.” It suggests “after 26 years in Washington” he is nothing more than “another politician who will say anything to get elected.”…
[T]he majority of the ads running are against Mr. Obama….
[A]n Atlantic blog report that unnamed Obama aides had “quietly” signaled to 527 groups that they could use their activity to attack the Republican.
But senior Obama adviser Robert Gibbs said on MSNBC Monday, “We don’t want people to participate in 527s.”
“In fact, many 527s on the Democratic side folded because we asked people not to participate in that type of campaign, but instead participate in our campaign,” he said.
That’s fine with me.
If you haven’t donated to BornAliveTruth.org yet, please do now and help get the Gianna ad to more states.

Time to get the spanish translation of that ad. I seriously believe that if the sensibilities of hispanics see for themselves yet another reason not to trust Obama, it will only hurt him. Hispanic usually means catolico, comprende?
Who’s on your espanol staff?
Ditto to what Carder just said.
A large amount of the Latino community is also very poor, and generally come election time they are going to vote for the candidate who will help get them out of poverty rather than paying attention to their ‘religious principles’.
A large amount of the Latino community is also very poor, and generally come election time they are going to vote for the candidate who will help get them out of poverty rather than paying attention to their ‘religious principles’.
Posted by: Erin at September 18, 2008 9:53 AM
Spoken by a person who obviously has no “religious principles.”
Frankly, I think that’s pretty insulting to much of the hispanic population who are deeply religious and family-oriented.
And I also agree with Carder.
Erin, I don’t believe in the government to supply with me all my needs. I’m learning to trust God for these things, to work and pray. And so, I hope, do many of the Hispanic Roman Catholics. Besides, I think that they care about those less “lucky” than themselves, i.e. they care about the innocent children condemned to death around them by people such as you, who would encourage a desperate mother in her decision to kill her child. And you care about those poorer than yourself? You give? Or you would have the government steal from the rich and give to the poor?
It’s not the job of the civil government to redistribute wealth. The church is the agent of God’s mercy, not the state. The state is the agent of God’s justice.
I understand that Hispanics/ Latinos have a huge devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe…She is a symbol/ inspiration for pregnant women.
Check out this link:
Maybe that could be included in the message, too!
And we all know how much 527s contributed to sinking Kerry 4 years ago.
A lot of the Catholic voters I’ve talked to here (granted their white, not Hispanic) are planning no to vote at all or write-in, mainly because of the abortion issue. They won’t support Obama due to his stances on abortion, and won’t for McCain because they don’t like his positions on the issues, at all. Kinda chuckled to myself a bit after hearing that. Wanted to go the route of the Reagan aid and say well if Obama is better on everything else, including every other “moral”/life issue, perhaps that’d be the best use of your vote, but I restrained myself.
not helping much yet, Obama has yet again regained his lead in the polls despite all this 527 coverage. On top of that the electoral numbers (aka pundits throwing darts on a board until people actually vote) shows McCain’s electoral “lead” falling. I don’t put much trust in state polls and slightly more faith in national polls, but its a sign that the 527’s are doing little at the moment to help out McCain. Personally I feel they might hurt him in the end, but we’ll see after it all plays out.
Obama pales in comparison to McCain on EVERY life issue Dan.
Carder, Excellent idea. I don’t think Jill would have trouble finding help on making a Spanish translation of Gianna’s ad with all of her contacts. Contact Eduardo Verastegui’s production company?
Erin @ 9:53,
A large amount of the Latino community is also very poor, and generally come election time they are going to vote for the candidate who will help get them out of poverty rather than paying attention to their ‘religious principles’.
I think Erin makes a very good point. I asked an Hispanic friend of mine a few years ago why so many Hispanics in the U.S. have left the Catholic Church for other churches and he said a good part of the reason was the impression that they would be better served there. Unfortunately, many Hispanic Catholics do not follow the Catholic Church’s teaching on abortion.
According to National Right to Life:
Between 1990 and 2000, more than 2 million Hispanic babies were aborte in the U.S. This is 15.2% of all abortions in the U.S. Latin American women represent 12.8% of women of child bearing age, but they represent more than 20% of the abortions.
To add to my original suggestion: the spanish ad would probably be even more powerful if instead of using Gianna, use a hispanic survivor of abortion. I’m sure they exist.
What say you, Christina? You’re ususally on the cutting edge of abortion survivors.
Cosnidering that poverty-stricken Mexicansm approach the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine in Mexico City on their knees, we might have to amend that little statement of yours.
For the record, I’m hispanic, so I see this as a sitting duck issue for McCain.
really? What about this whole of supporting war McCain has? It doesn’t help that Palin thinks war with Russia might pan out to be a good idea sometime soon, and McCain’s infamous bomb bomb Iran song. All this violates the Church’s policy of a just war. Pre-emptive war is not supported, at all. It is completely contradictory to the teachings of the Bible where killing of any kind is to be avoided.
Obama is against the death penalty as well, another life issue that, again, the Church has spoken against.
Obama supports cutting taxes for 80% of this nation, giving the poor of this nation slightly more money in their pockets. He also wans to create a living wage, which is also supported by the majority of religious groups. Not to mention expanding job programs etc to help people’s lives now and raise them out of poverty.
He also wants to expand the Nurse-Family partnership to all low income families, something I think any pro-lifer could easily get behind. Pre-natal care is vital to any expectant mother/family.
I think he has a fairly strong stance on “life” issues overall, aside from abortion as yu would all readily point out.
” Or you would have the government steal from the rich and give to the poor?”
This just killed me when I heard it…and nobody seems to have caught it.
When Obama was on O’Reilly, Bill quizzed him on the Robin Hood agenda.
His response: Listen. Forward to 8:05
This is a man that says he personally is against abortion, but does not feel that he has the right to FORCE HIS MORAL PRINCIPLES on others.
And also says If you have a waitress making minimum wage, what’s so hard about taking some of the money from the rich to help her out “IT’S THE NEIGHBORLY THING TO DO!!”
How nuts is that? He’ll kill babies, cuz he can’t put his morals on others, but he’ll force us to be “NEIGHBORLY” because HE BELIEVES IT’S THE RIGHT THING TO DO?????
O’REILLY: It’s not income redistribution.
OBAMA: Well, but the problem is, if I am sitting pretty, and you’ve got a waitress who is making minimum wage plus tips, and I can afford it if she can’t, what’s the big deal for me to say I’m going to pay a little bit more?
O’REILLY: Because it inhibits…
OBAMA: That is neighborliness.
you wont be giving a dime, in fact I bet you get a cut under Obama’s plan, bigger than McCain’s cut too.
Its those in Holywood and CEOs of huge corporations that will see a raise in their tax bill and would be supporting these programs.
I actually think that aspect of his plan is great. For that 1% of the population seeing the increase, a lot can be done with the money.
I know I didnt address the apparent contradiction, and really I could care less. I mean, McCain was all out against the AIG bail out, then he was all for it. He tends to be a bigger, not to mention faster, flip flopper than Obama.
that 1% seeing the biggest*
It doesn’t inhibit growth, which I’m assuming O’Reilley was going to say. Small business owners will flourish under Obama.
For that 1% of the population seeing the biggest increase, a lot can be done with the money.
Dan, your grammar is still fatally wrong or ambiguous here.
Jon, it’s ambiguos. Heck, it may be wrong too. I was trying to imply it can go towards prgrams helping the impovershed as well as pay for the previously mentioned programs.
Ugh, I hate these school keyboards. Sorry for the spelling mistakes.
Thankfully we are (theoretically) getting new keyboards and monitors soon.
IT DOESN’T MATTER whether I will be affected. What matters is that Obama has no problem FORCING me or anyone, to be NEIGHBORLY. That is not his job. Or the governments.
I agree, we need to help the poor. BUT NOT THROUGH THE GOVERNMENT.
And as for nurse visits…who asked the government to step in and tell people how to raise their kids. If they want help, they’ll ask for it. But to send someone in, someone that I don’t know, someone whose values and morals could be completely different than mine, to “help” me raise my kids????? Just because I’m poor?????
Are you kidding me? He’s not talking about someone giving you prenatal vitamins and telling you how to care for the umbilical cord!
The trained nurses use
proven methods to help improve the mental and physical health of the family by providing counseling on
substance abuse, creating and achieving personal goals, and effective methods of nurturing children. Proven
benefits of these types of programs include improved women’s prenatal health, a reduction in childhood
injuries, fewer unintended subsequent pregnancies
THIS IS NOT THEIR J!!!! Don’t you get this? This is socialism bordering on communism!!!!
He might make a great pastor, or missionary, but this is NOT what the government is supposed to be doing! IT’S JUST NOT!!!
I know that you are young. I can only hope that some day you’ll see what this man represents, and how very, very frightening it is.
He is not our Mother. He is not our Father. He is not our Priest. He is not our Pastor. He is not our friend.
He wants to be the president of the United States. This does NOT entail, subsidies (aka tax breaks), forced neighborlyness, educating our children the moment they come out of the womb…
This man says he came from humble beginnings…humble beginnings my A**! His grandmother was the head of the BANK OF HAWAII!
Our ancestors built this country with their hands. With sweat. With fierce determination. NOTHING was HANDED to them.
Many times my kids have done things that I was ashamed of. When they would say, “But everyone did it” I would say “We are not everyone. We are the Hastings. That name means something”
I can say the same about my faith. I am not everyone. I am a CATHOLIC, and that means something.
I am also an AMERICAN! And that means something. It means that the government DOES NOT solve my problems. I do. And if I can’t then I keep on trying. Sometimes I will ask for help…from friends, from family, from my church…but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna allow the country that my great grandparents fought for, left their homes and families for, ON THEIR OWN, become a socialist wet nurse!
Deep Breath.
I’m just really tired of people holding their hand out and say “HEY, WHAT ABOUT ME?” Well, if you take your hand back, you might be able to use it to pull yourself up from the bootstraps that Obama just GAVE you.
Its those in Holywood and CEOs of huge corporations that will see a raise in their tax bill and would be supporting these programs.
Posted by: Dan at September 18, 2008 10:55 AM
Um, and then in turn because of greater tax burdens, those CEOs can turn around and pass that penalty on in various ways to his/her employees. OH, GOODY!
sorry, should read “their employees.”
I know I didnt address the apparent contradiction, and really I could care less. I mean, McCain was all out against the AIG bail out, then he was all for it. He tends to be a bigger, not to mention faster, flip flopper than Obama.
We are not talking about changing your mind here Dan. We are talking about hypocrisy.
And the fact that you DON’T CARE is truly frightening.
I just saw the new Don Cheadle movie. It had a great scene in it.
Don’s character had been captured. 2 US agents come in to interrogate him. One starts to beat him up, the other stops him. Then that one starts to ask him questions, and offers him immunity for giving up information.
Cheadles response says it all. He asks “You know what the difference between him and you is? He KNOWS he’s an a**hole”.
The point being, McCain admits that he makes mistakes. He knows what he’s done, and is perfectly willing to admit when he’s been wrong, and change accordingly.
Obama, in his own estimation, IS NEVER WRONG! He is unaware that he is a hypocrite.
I am also an AMERICAN! And that means something. It means that the government DOES NOT solve my problems. I do. And if I can’t then I keep on trying. Sometimes I will ask for help…from friends, from family, from my church…but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna allow the country that my great grandparents fought for, left their homes and families for, ON THEIR OWN, become a socialist wet nurse!
Deep Breath.
I’m just really tired of people holding their hand out and say “HEY, WHAT ABOUT ME?” Well, if you take your hand back, you might be able to use it to pull yourself up from the bootstraps that Obama just GAVE you.
Posted by: mk (aka mullet troll) at September 18, 2008 11:12 AM
The mullet troll has spoken!!! Brilliantly.
MK said, “Our ancestors built this country with their hands. With sweat. With fierce determination. NOTHING was HANDED to them.”
I agree with MK almost 100%, let’s say 99%. I quibble mostly because I want to link to a recent Cal Thomas’s most recent Townhall article, “Lessons from the Puritans,” which quotes Christianity Today as saying,
“American culture has been strangely enamored of the image of ‘the self-made person’ – the person who becomes rich and famous through his or her own efforts. The idea of having status handed over as a gift does not appeal to such an outlook. Yet the Puritans denied that there can even be such a thing as a self-made person. Based on an ethic of grace, Puritanism viewed prosperity solely as God’s gift.”
The Puritans certainly did not believe that the civil government should steal and squander.
I don’t think it’s possible to be an unaware hypocrite. It’s knowing your acting falsly that defines the term.
1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.
Send that definition to Obama. Then he can be an “informed” hypocrite!
I’ll give you that 1%. Should have added it myself.
I think our ancestors are weeping, watching the country that they built get turned into a kindergarten for a bunch of pantywaists. They left England precisely because of this mentality. They would be horrified that all of the blood they shed will serve only to bring them full circle back to the place that they fled.
Mr. Obama who wants to force the rest of us to pay for all of his social programs gave about $250 dollars in charitable donations last year. What do you think about that?
I WAS SHOCKED!!!!!!!!!
“Obama, in his own estimation, IS NEVER WRONG! He is unaware that he is a hypocrite.”
Remember when Bush said he couldn’t come up with his biggest mistake?
Remember when Obama said when he was young he made stupid mistakes? Remember in one of the primary debates when Obama said he was wrong to not be at one of the votes dealing with foreign policy [he and Hillary were both not there]?
McCain saying “I never said that” when what he’s saying is on tape is not admitting when he’s wrong, it’s denying reality.
he’s a POLITICIAN. By definition their all hypocrites, McCain included. He’s gone back and forth on some issues so quickly im surprised he doesnt get whiplash. Then again congress would be full of people wearing neckbraces.
And yet when a politician once and awhile makes sense, like Biden is reserving a final judgement on the AIG deal because he wants more information, their considered “waffling.” ugh.
passing on the “penalty” (I still dont understand how taxes are a penalty, but in any case) will only hurt the company in the end. Employees will be less willing to work for the company and may begin looking at companies elsewhere. On top of that it breeds resentment because quite simply its a matter of greed that the tax cost is passed on to employees.
mk, I disagree with you about Obama. I think he’s an inspirational and intelligent leader who will really help get our country back on the right track.
Join us.
CEO’s make massive amounts of money. Millions of dollars. I wouldn’t mind some of that money going to employees. That’s not happening. Heaven forbid employees are being paid better and CEOs are only being paid 13 million a year, instead of 14.
Thank you for that post.
Add in the “thanks but no thanks” on the bridge to nowhere thats been repeated so many times by his campaign as well. She only said “no thanks” after congress said No. And then kept the money and diffused it to other projects.
as for CEOs- agreed.
passing on the “penalty” (I still dont understand how taxes are a penalty, but in any case) will only hurt the company in the end. Employees will be less willing to work for the company and may begin looking at companies elsewhere. On top of that it breeds resentment because quite simply its a matter of greed that the tax cost is passed on to employees.
Posted by: Dan at September 18, 2008 11:35 AM
Of course it breeds resentment. However, with employees being less willing to work somewhere and “look at companies elsewhere” it really does nothing to solve the problem. If you’ve got the majority of corporate America being taxed like this, it will be a widespread issue. Excessive taxes hurt EVERYONE, Dan. When the cost of producing something goes UP, due to government taxes or otherwise, who ends up paying for it? The company passes that extra expense on to the consumer and its employees.
You don’t consider taxes to be a penalty?? Somebody who has done nothing to help you earn your money comes and says, “I’ll have some of that, thank you very much” should be WELCOMED?
It’s worse than having a teenager come and go through your purse for cash.
Wow, re-reading a couple of my posts I feel like some hostility or frustration might be coming across and I want to apologize for that. It has nothing to do with anything here, lots of stuff going on on my end, though compared to whats going on with X, my problems are nothing.
OBAMA gave more than $250 in charitable donations last year. I was incorrect. Biden’s donations are much lower. Post to follow.
CEO’s make massive amounts of money. Millions of dollars. I wouldn’t mind some of that money going to employees. That’s not happening. Heaven forbid employees are being paid better and CEOs are only being paid 13 million a year, instead of 14.
Posted by: prettyinpink at September 18, 2008 11:38 AM
Oh, I hear ya on that one. ;) But we live in a capitalistic society (thank God) and not a communist/socialist one.
At least for the time being.
Taxes don’t all go to welfare programs! Taxes are NECESSARY. They pay for our government, programs, agencies, courts, interstate projects, inspections, investigations of ethic violations, etc. In short, Taxes allow this country to run effectively by paying for anything and everything government related (in theory). We aren’t even paying the whole bill, China is footing a good part of it because Americans can’t seem to live with paying more to run the government that keeps things (theoretically) running smoothly.
Published on NewsBusters.org (http://newsbusters.org)
Will Media Report Biden’s Miserly Charitable Donations?
By Noel Sheppard
Created 2008-09-12 15:52
Democrat vice presidential nominee Joe Biden gives significantly less money to charity as a percentage of his household income than the average American.
In fact, in the last ten years, Biden and his wife have averaged 98 percent less in charitable donations than the typical household in their income bracket. Such was revealed Friday when Biden released his family’s tax returns for the last ten years.
As the Obama/Biden ticket champions itself as the candidates for the little guy and the downtrodden, one has to wonder how much press coverage this story will get. As marvelously reported [1] by the TaxProf Blog Friday (emphasis added, grateful h/t Jennifer Rubin [2]):
Despite income ranging from $210,432 – $321,379 over the ten-year period, the Bidens have given only $120 – $995 per year to charity, which amounts to 0.06% – 0.31% of their income. […]
It is jarring that a couple earning over $200,000 per year would give as little as $2 per week to charity. This giving compares very unfavorably to John McCain, whose tax returns [3] show that he gave 27.3% – 28.6% of his income to charity in 2006-2007. During the same period, the Obamas’ tax returns [4] show that they gave 5.8% – 6.1% of their income to charity.
Perhaps the Obama-Biden campaign needs a new slogan: “Change You Can Believe In (As Long As Someone Else Pays For It)”
Update: Independent Sector reports [5] that 89% of American households contribute to charity, with an average contribution of $1,620 — 3.1% of income.
IRS statistics reveal that the average taxpayer with AGI over $200,000 makes over $20,000 of charitable contributions.
Wow. The average taxpayer with AGI over $200,000 gives $20,000 to charity? Yet, in the past ten years, the Bidens have averaged $369, or 98 percent less.
One has to think that if the same were true for McCain, this would be front-page, headline news.
Will media be all over this revelation?
Stay tuned.
“But we live in a capitalistic society (thank God) and not a communist/socialist one.”
I think we all know that capitalism needs limits for a functioning society. I think those limits should include a fair wage, and would not mind having CEOs getting paid a little less to make that happen.
Taxes don’t all go to welfare programs! Taxes are NECESSARY. They pay for our government, programs, agencies, courts, interstate projects, inspections, investigations of ethic violations, etc. In short, Taxes allow this country to run effectively by paying for anything and everything government related (in theory).
I’m aware of what taxes pay for, Dan. I have a problem with excessive taxation. Our government could get by on a great deal less than what they take in. Spending is out of control. But the solution is not to take MORE from the wealthy and companies. The wealthy in this country pay nearly half their income in taxes. I realize that they’re left with more than your average bear, but taxing them even more really IS penalizing them for their prosperity.
That is NOT what America is about!!!
When you allow people to keep more of their own money, everyone benefits.
I think he’s an inspirational and intelligent leader who will really help get our country back on the right track.
Save it for Oprah.
I think we all know that capitalism needs limits for a functioning society. I think those limits should include a fair wage, and would not mind having CEOs getting paid a little less to make that happen.
We’re not talking about fair wages. That is a legitimate gripe. We are talking about give subsidies to people and calling it a tax break. Half the people that will get the “tax break” don’t pay taxes to begin with. What they will be getting is a check in the mail, garnered from those that DO pay taxes!
“But we live in a capitalistic society (thank God) and not a communist/socialist one.”
I think we all know that capitalism needs limits for a functioning society. I think those limits should include a fair wage, and would not mind having CEOs getting paid a little less to make that happen.
Posted by: prettyinpink at September 18, 2008 11:52 AM
A little less here, a little less there…and pretty soon we’re not capitalists anymore…we’re communists. You really need to look at the bigger picture here and how this affects society as a whole.
Janet, they tried the same thing with Gore. It apparently doesn’t register with some people that not everyone deducts all their charitable giving on their tax forms. I know I sure don’t. I throw a few receipts in when I send it to my CPA, but I bet it’s less than 50% of what I donate each year.
I don’t do it for the tax break.
As for McCain, he could give away 100% of his income and not feel the pinch. His second wife is a fairly wealthy woman I heard.
What they will be getting is a check in the mail, garnered from those that DO pay taxes!
Posted by: mk (aka mullet troll) at September 18, 2008 11:57 AM
But a lot of people will say, “But how is that WRONG?”
Those people need to get out their old history textbooks and read a little bit about Marxism.
“A lot of the Catholic voters I’ve talked to here (granted their white, not Hispanic) are planning no to vote at all or write-in, mainly because of the abortion issue. They won’t support Obama due to his stances on abortion, and won’t for McCain because they don’t like his positions on the issues, at all. Kinda chuckled to myself a bit after hearing that. Wanted to go the route of the Reagan aid and say well if Obama is better on everything else, including every other “moral”/life issue, perhaps that’d be the best use of your vote, but I restrained myself.
Posted by: Dan at September 18, 2008 10:19 AM”
Perhaps you’ve never seen Bill Clinton’s video about Candidate X and Candidate Y. Google it, it’ll be a learning experience.
Add in the “thanks but no thanks” on the bridge to nowhere thats been repeated so many times by his campaign as well. She only said “no thanks” after congress said No. And then kept the money and diffused it to other projects.
She was allotted that money for TRANSPORTATION. She decided against the bridge (TRANSPORTATION) because it wasn’t worth it. She will use it for other forms of TRANSPORTATION!
It’s true, as widely reported, that Palin endorsed the project in a gubernatorial primary debate in 2006, going along with the state’s congressional delegation. Later, she defeated Murkowski and another candidate in the primary and was elected governor in the general election. In December 2006, Palin was sworn in.
Palin had initially heard second-guessing of the bridge project from her transition team. She, in turn, asked for a status report on a number of planned highways and bridges from transportation department officials.
The report was drafted by deputy transportation chief John McKinnon, a Murkowski appointee. His report didn’t make a recommendation, but his implicit advice was that the money for the Gravina Bridge could be better used on other projects. One reason: It was a local bridge, not a regional one. Another reason: It was very expensive.
As 2007 wore on, Palin learned of various transportation needs around the state, McKinnon told me. Moving ahead on the Gravina Bridge would prevent many of these needs from being met for lack of funds.
But Palin could have done just that. One option was simply to couple $300 million in state funds with the $100 million in federal money and build the bridge. Or Palin could have tapped other federal highway funds Alaska had received. “The governor could have said I’m going to put all our federal funds into the bridge,” according to McKinnon.
Still another option was to use federal funds collected over a period of 3 or 4 years to construct the bridge. However, none of these options was particularly attractive. The project was resented in other regions of Alaska and had become the target of national criticism.
So Palin decided to terminate it and instruct transportation officials to “look for the most fiscally responsible alternative.” As of yet they haven’t found one.
In announcing her decision, Palin said, “It’s clear that Congress has little interest in spending any more money on a bridge between Ketchikan and Gravina Island We need to focus on what we can do, rather than fight over what has happened.”
The Bridge to Nowhere was dead. Palin could have saved it, but she didn’t. She killed it. And today, instead of a bridge, travelers get to and from Gravina Island the old-fashioned and inexpensive way–by a ferry.
Fred Barnes is executive editor of THE WEEKLY STANDARD.
Do you even care about the truth? You fall for Obama’s lies. You don’t look for the truth about the accusations against Palin.
Seems very lazy to me.
Taxes don’t all go to welfare programs!
“CEO’s make massive amounts of money. Millions of dollars. I wouldn’t mind some of that money going to employees. That’s not happening. Heaven forbid employees are being paid better and CEOs are only being paid 13 million a year, instead of 14.”
You mean like Harold Raines PIP? ex CEO of Fanny Mae, Clinton appointee and Obama’s lead finacial advisor who made 100 million dollars?
When John McCain tried to pass a bill in 2005 to have oversight of Fanny Mae, congressional Democrats blocked it.
“You really need to look at the bigger picture here and how this affects society as a whole.”
Hm…I look at the poverty and unemployment rate, and I’d say a fair wage would affect society as a whole in terms of people being able to live in a good apartment, have legitimate jobs, and not relying on welfare checks as much.
Great Britain has a minimum wage over 7 dollars. I don’t think they are communist.
LOL Pip,
Great Britain has a minimum wage over 7 dollars. I don’t think they are communist.
But they ARE Socialist! Regardless, again, no one is talking about a fair wage…
When Democrats like Joe Biden say it’s “patriotic” for wealthy Americans to pay higher taxes than they already are ( http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080918/ap_on_el_pr/biden_taxes_3 ) then that is typical Democrat politics.
We will not see Democrats cutting their spending in Washington, but now they want to tax the wealthy more so they can “cut taxes” on the middle class. What that means is that they actually aren’t going to spend less money in Washington, they’re just going to play Robin Hood.
It means that politicians will STILL not be accountable for their excessive spending and tax burdens, but people who don’t understand how this works will say, “Hey, it’s ok, I’ll vote for you again because you give me ‘free’ stuff, and better YET, you take it from people whom I resent because they have more stuff than I do!”
Jasper I want to see everyone with a fair wage, even if CEOs get a little less a year. It doesn’t matter what party they are.
“I think he’s an inspirational and intelligent leader who will really help get our country back on the right track.
Join us.
Posted by: Hal at September 18, 2008 11:37 AM”
Said the spider to the unsuspecting fly….
No, MK, she knew taking 300million in STATE funds for the bridge wouldn’t fly with voters, they wanted someone else to pay for a state project, thus the pork request.
Ha. MK is no “unspuspecting fly.”
You’re hopeless. Did you even read what I posted???
She made a judgment call. A good one. Would you be happier if she built the bridge?????
Mwahahahahahhaha…I’m building a web of my own.
I did read it. I dont see it so much as a judgment call as common sense and changing positions to lose criticism.
Hal, Dan, Pip,
What if Obama suddenly decides that everyone making over 80,000 a year will be taxed so that welfare checks can be written for folks that don’t work?
Or how about 40,000? What happens when it’s YOU that he wants to take money from?
I don’t think that Great Britain is a socialist state. I think it is a parliamentary democracy.
Andrew Sullivan has been chronically the lies of Governor Palin over the last week or two. It appears she lies about strange things, like her teleprompter malfunctioning (it didn’t) or asking her “girls” if she should run for vice presidient (she didn’t) A reader comments:
Regarding the “odd lies” of Sarah Palin. I grew up in a deeply evangelical family, and through the lens of evangelical thinking the world is magical, populated with demons and angels, devils and gods. You are taught not to believe your eyes or your senses, that the wisdom of man is foolishness to god. That belief is Truth. That belief is Truth before reality is truth. What comes out of this is what I’ll call magical thinking.
You feel the presence of God, feel Him talking to you, feel the mission of your life, the purpose the plan the direction given to you by God. So everything becomes like a mythic fairy tale. You get in the habit of fitting the day to day realities into a ‘story’ the life story of God’s purpose in your life.
This is how Sarah becoming Governor is destiny.
Her memory is constantly rewriting the reality to fit her proscribed vision within an evangelical Christianity that has direct contact with god. If you see all of her ‘lies’ through this lens they begin to make perfect sense.
Thought I would share: I can totally feel what she is feeling. And if you look at those leaked emails, the prayer talk, and faith talk and god talk, it completely fills your thoughts every moment of every day.
Reminds me of a good Colbert clip:
I’ll tell you what I told my grandfather and Jasper when he inquired-
If they increase my taxes (admittedly I pay little because of my status as student and I work so little) to help those less fortunate I will gladly pay them. I see it as a duty as a citizen to pay taxes and if in the process it helps those less fortunate by giving to welfare funds, so be it.
Just thought I’d add something interesting here:
I was listening to “This American Life” a couple weeks ago in which they interviewed two guys who lost their jobs and became homeless in New York City. They were pretty upbeat, and had some interesting things to say. For instance they were very adamant that if a homeless person says they haven’t eaten in days in New York City, they are liars. They said that the Churches are awesome (these were not religious people) and provide enough good, hot meals every day. They were also very quick to say that the government program food SUCKS!
Freedom: 1
Socialism: 0
Spoken like a guy that has no one to be accountable to. No kids, no cars, no mortgage…Did your folks cosign your student loans?
Go Ricky P!
mk, you seem miffed today. Everything ok?
Ricky P-
It’s too bad the market sucks so bad that they became homeless after losing their jobs. But oh well..
Hal: You feel the presence of God, feel Him talking to you, feel the mission of your life, the purpose the plan the direction given to you by God. So everything becomes like a mythic fairy tale. You get in the habit of fitting the day to day realities into a ‘story’ the life story of God’s purpose in your life.
Wow, if this is a fairy tale, get me OUT! LOL That’s so stupid.
Christianity and living for God’s purpose in your life doesn’t ever turn out like a mythic fairy tale. It isn’t easy to follow in obedience, but it’s sooo worth it. :)
I have seen God move in my life in ways that can never be explained away. Who am I? Nobody. I am nobody special at all, and I don’t know why He cares for me or for anyone else, for that matter. I just know that He does, and that if we could all get our heads out of our behinds every day, we’d see that the lives we live aren’t for US at all. We’re here to touch the lives that are around us.
I am amazed every day at God’s grace, and at the way He weaves the tapestries of our lives together. One of my formerly atheist friends said this to me just weeks before he died: “If we would only open our eyes and look, we’d see His grace every day.”
So, this thing may be tougher than a fairy tale, but it’s definitely got a great ending. :D
Amen, Kel. :)
whatever floats your boat Kel.
Obama has been floating a lie recently, some of you may have noticed, he says that he’s going to cut taxes for 95% of the people. That is a lie, 33% don’t pay any federal income taxes at all. That means he will be sending them checks.
Actually, it’s not always the government’s fault contrary to the belief of some. This guy lost his job due to his heavy abuse of alcohol, morning to night, every day. The other guy was living in his house at the time he lost this job, and they decided to become homeless as an experiment in which they would have more time to pursue poetry.
Okay, that probably wasn’t clear. Guy 1 was living in the house of Guy 2, when Guy 2 lost his job. Guy 1 didn’t have a job.
No, mk. My loans are mine, period. Granted I dont have much thanks to the scholarship I got. I am responsible for everything I do, my parents will help me out of a crunch once, if that, and then I’m on my own to learn for myself anyway. They’ll contribute food or something, or send a care package once in awhile, but I’m on my own for cash and whatever I may need to do with it.
As for accountability. I am accountable for my portion of rent, bills, etc. I’m accountable not only to my other 3 roomates but myself. All this is going to end up on my credit score, and I REALLY dont want to screw it up period, let alone this early in the game.
On the part of those two people, I don’t know those stories and stand corrected.
However, the unemployment rate and its affect on the economy is deplorable. I think our financial problems right now are a little disturbing, no? I don’t think letting poor people get poorer is the answer.
We have a pro-life film we want to donate to your cause. Please call us at (330)633-6093 or email us at promiseheart@lpemail.com. Thank you.
Esty Crissman & “Promiseheart”
whatever floats your boat Kel.
Posted by: Hal at September 18, 2008 12:57 PM
Kel: Hal’s boat is beached these days.
Jill, someday your love will be rewarded. Some day those babies you held will be alive to thank you. Someday I hope you get the recognition for finding beauty being thrown away. I think of you every time I see an animal because they are beauty and people don’t really see it. You are a hero, Jill. I hope people will see it’s the same love that reveals the beauty. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJt-322IY4o
Eileen, you’re easily impressed.
Wall Street Journal picked up the 527 story, bornalivetruth is mentioned.
Looks like you’ve got quite the competition though jill, there are 527 ads out there going after Palin’s views.
Posted by: mk (aka mullet troll) at September 18, 2008 10:50 AM
MK, don’t you LOVE how he says “What’s the big deal if I can afford it…” regarding the waitress? But he made over WELL over 1 million last year (and millions in years before for his books) but gave LESS than 1% to charity!
Yep, he’s REALLY going to help those poor people. I don’t make anywhere NEAR a million in 10 years but I give a larger percentage to charity.
He’s not going to take from the rich and give to the poor. According to him I’M rich, which is just silly considering my hubby’s a teacher and we have six kids.
Dan please, taxes have been PROVEN to have been lower during the Bush years than during the Clinton years for the middle class. And Obama wants to take the Bush tax cuts away. Or is this the week he says he doesn’t? I can’t keep up with his back and forth.
“Republicans say Obama doesn’t understand that people generally are more conservative than liberal and tend not to be single-issue voters on abortion.”
Your own party is beginning to admit that a majority of people don’t vote on abortion alone.
Granted, it’s meant more to make Obama look dumb than anything else
Kristen, look at the numbers:
Here’s how the average tax bill could change in 2009 if either John McCain’s or Barack Obama’s tax proposals were fully in place.
Income Avg. tax bill Avg. tax bill
Over $2.9M -$269,364 +$701,885
$603K and up -$45,361 +$115,974
$227K-$603K -$7,871 +$12
$161K-$227K -$4,380 -$2,789
$112K-$161K -$2,614 -$2,204
$66K-$112K -$1,009 -$1,290
$38K-$66K -$319 -$1,042
$19K-$38K -$113 -$892
Under $19K -$19 -$567
Source:The Tax Policy Center
If you are among the Americans who make less than 112,000 dollars, you’ll get more with Obama in the white house.
“Distributionally, they’re markedly different. But in terms of their impact on revenue, the two plans are not terribly different,” said Roberton Williams, principal research associate at the Tax Policy Center and the former deputy assistant director for tax analysis at the Congressional Budget Office.
Recent Polls don’t even take the (R) meltdown into account and yet already seem to suggest the Palin bump is over … Now what are they going to do with her?
Battleground ………. Mc’Cane’ +2
Rasmussen …………. Tie
Pew Research ………. Tie
Newsweek ……………Tie
Reuters/Zogby ……..Obama +2
Gallup …………………Obama +4
Hotline FD ……………Obama +4
Quinnipiac ……………Obama +4
ABC/NY Times ………Obama +5
Posted by: Dan at September 18, 2008 12:39 PM
That’s called charity Dan. When has the government EVER been a good place to give your money for the benefit of someone else? For cryin’ out loud don’t you remember the $400.00 toilet seats?
The charities take the money and have little to no red tape to give back to the people in need. I don’t donate to the Red Cross because so little goes to those in need. I donate only to charities that give back at least 90 cents on the dollar. One of the best ones is the American Indian College Fund.
The government is incapable of helping in the way they want. I say that about a Republican or Democratic Congress/Administration. There is too much red tape. Charity should be left to CHARITIES!!! And the more money I have at home the more money I GIVE TO CHARITY!
I mean really, are you just to busy to look up a good place to donate to? What’s the problem? There are charities that do everything from paying your rent while you go to school to free education for displaced homemakers or abused spouses.
Posted by: Dan at September 18, 2008 4:26 PM
Gee, then if you want to give more you should vote for McCain. Why are you voting Obama?
Oh come on, Hal… You have to admit that it was funny!
Kris: “… The government is incapable of helping in the way they want. “
SG: That claim might have validity, however it is more true that commerce unregulated gives US the economic meltdown currently under way … The (R) legacy. If government is inefficient, lack of government is catastrophic.
The shift in Polls suggests America understands this.
Kel 12:53 p.m.
Just had to say—-Wow! I love what you said!
Amanda: maybe it’s because Palin’s supporters don;t need to demonstrate – they are too busy living their average lives that the average family lives…..
Goody gumdrops. Amanda is here. Stop having fun.
We Catholics don’t typically pray for the Second Coming – we just prepare for it – but I think, if Obama becomes president, maybe we should join our Protestant friends and start praying for Jesus to come back and for the inevitable Apocalypse to get going. After all, what would represent a greater failure for mankind than the election of the Obamanation? I always figured that Jesus would not return until we humans screwed up badly enough. Well, electing someone like Barry as the leader of the free world would just about do it.
“If you are among the Americans who make less than 112,000 dollars, you’ll get more with Obama in the white house.”
I love the liberal phraseology there. He probably doesn’t even get it! Am I right, folks?
“After all, what would represent a greater failure for mankind than the election of the Obamanation?”
Clearly, and without a doubt, the election of McCain and Palin.
Obama in the White House sounds as bad as it could get. I pray for Jesus to come back. Quickly.
Have I told you lately that I enjoy your posts? I do.
Oh, BTW, libs, back in 2005 when McCain was fighting to reform Fannie and Freddie to stop this financial disaster from happening, what was Obama doing? Did he vote “present”, or was he too busy campaigning for president to support these reforms?
It’s clear that McCain actually supports reform, unlike Obama, who only supports himself.
Carla, I’m rather pleasant when I’m not having a volcanic apoplectic meltdown. But, baby killers have that effect on me sometimes.
“Baby killers,” heh.
See, an example of something that has the potential of driving me into a mad rage is when a psychotic baby killer who should not be allowed to vote laughs at the idea of killing babies, with a comment like “heh”.
mission accomplished
Amanda’s filth has been deleted.
Can’t say I’m particularly angry right now, Hal. Hell-bound miscreants like you and Obama shouldn’t be allowed to get away with pulling real human beings down with you.
‘Somebody’ said:
“On Monday, [Mc’Cane’] said the economy was fundamentally sound, and he was fundamentally wrong.
On Tuesday, he said the government should stand by and allow one of the nation’s largest insurers to collapse, putting the well-being of millions of Americans at risk. But by Wednesday, he changed his mind.
He said he would take on the ol’ boy network, but he seemed to forget that he took seven of the biggest lobbyists in Washington from that network and put them in charge of your campaign.
John McCain can’t decide whether he’s Barry Goldwater or Dennis Kucinich.”
‘Somebody’ also said:
“Yesterday, John McCain actually said that if he’s president that he’ll take on, and I quote, ‘the old boys network in Washington.’ Now I’m not making this up. This is somebody who’s been in Congress for twenty-six years, who put seven of the most powerful Washington lobbyists in charge of his campaign. And now he tells us that he’s the one who’s gonna’ to take on the old boys network. The old boys network? In the McCain campaign that’s called a staff meeting. Come, on!”
So you can quote Barack Hussein Obama stumpin…your point Snerd??
Obama/Biden = 40 years in the Senate
Nevermind that Biden is also completely wrapped up in the Democrat Culture of Corruption and always has been.
Nevermind that Obama is a creation of the Chicago Democrat Machine.
Yeah, sure, they’re going to bring “Change” alright. Change Karl Marx can believe in.
Hahaha Jasper, censorship is awesome, isn’t it?
Care to tell me what rule I violated? If you can’t tell me, I’d be happy to ask MK. I already cut and pasted my posts.
You want to read a Biblical parable against communism and socialis, read the prable of the talents here in Matthew 25 or how Liberals really make me laugh:
“The Parable of the Talents
14″Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them. 15To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. 16The man who had received the five talents went at once and put his money to work and gained five more. 17So also, the one with the two talents gained two more. 18But the man who had received the one talent went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.
19″After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. 20The man who had received the five talents brought the other five. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five more.’
21″His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
22″The man with the two talents also came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with two talents; see, I have gained two more.’
23″His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
24″Then the man who had received the one talent came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.’
26″His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? 27Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.
28″ ‘Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents. 29For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. 30And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'”
Anyone who reads and understands this could never be a socialist or a communist or a Liberal or a Democrat.
Um..Jasper..I was just going to say that Amanda would be back to mock you for deleting her and Here She Is!! Hi Amanda! :)
My McPoint ….
McFlippity-Floppity’s Lobbist run campaign, with EXXONjohn, who “don’t know much about the economy” … that’s the point! John is starting to look foolish.
The (R) party is largely a front for the Big Business, whose (R) supported ‘laissez faire’ (i.e. deregulated economy) has given us this meltdown. It is my belief that the NeoCons really don’t care about abortion. It is just a wedge is they can use to get you to support them. Someone wrote a book about the White House laughing at the (R)eligious (R)ight, I think.
Anywayz … McInane and his ‘Straight Talk Express’ is starting the get a rougher ride in the MSM. The MSM, who have generally liked Honest John, are gettin turned off by his lies … their terminology, not mine … They are sorta referring to John’s “best before date”, as having expired during his presidential candidacy
Barack has just Tee’d off on Lobbist-John, in this new climate change scale meltdown … and knocked on outta the park. I mean ‘Taking on Lobbyist would be a McCain staff meeting …’
This might be the final nail in the McCain Campaign. The bloom seem to be comin off of Sa(R)ah, ready-for-command-but-NOT-sufficiently-in-command-to-meet-the-press, Palin …
Because you just came in to bash/insult Jill instead of debating any issue.
MisHan: “… Anyone who reads and understands this could never be a socialist or a communist or a Liberal or a Democrat.”
SG: Not a very ‘talent’-ed interpretation … In fact it seems to me you’ve buried you head in the sand, on this one.
God-the-Capitalist, indeed!
The (G)ronkness must’ve wailed when they saw the imaginary viables splitting the sides of the trees. Then upon the feebles the m(C)oin of the realm couldn’ve been there.
Of course all of that byes the (R)ules of gaugements because the (Gubmint) desirables upping the pale-in.
“To those whom much is given, much is expected”
Back to my shows now, have fun bashin us liberals some more.
P.S. Amanda’s comments were far less inflammatory then HM accusing people of hating Christ.
whoa, i leave the computer for a few hours and i muss out on all the fun stuff!
I have always felt a sorry for Liberals. They focus on what others have, and what others should do for them. The very definition of passive/agression. Non-workers, non-achievers who begrudge the success of others and believe that fairness is a goal only achieved by handicapping others.
It’s a sad and unrealistic outlook because they really don’t have control of that others do and by spending time and energy swiping at shadows, real achievers are living their lives and making real differences.
Always trying to catch up and never making progress. Wanting other peoples’ money and respect without doing the work to earn it.
As much as liberal/socialists aggravate me, I am so happy I don’t have to be one 24/7/365. Negative energy and outlook, nothing good comes of it.
“Baby killers,” heh.
Posted by: Hal at September 18, 2008 6:24 PM
Nice to see you have had your typical reaction to abortion!
So I earned an academic scholarship by doing absolutely no work, sitting on my butt, and not caring about anything because I’m a liberal?
I dont understand the hard work my family went through, opening a small business, and then eventually closing the same business because of a petty argument between two brothers?
I dont understand the value of hardwork while my mom busts her butt trying to have enough to support myself, my sister, and herself? And somehow manages to pull it off?
I wwant everything handed to me by virtue of my political beliefs? Because I simply couldnt you need to work hard to get things to work?
Don’t get me started on this, because I most likely will end up getting myself banned for going to far.
“So I earned an academic scholarship by doing absolutely no work, sitting on my butt, and not caring about anything”
Snerd Gronk 4:43PM
If the American public understands this, then why isn’t Obama 20 points ahead of McCain? Even the Democrat Party is concerned about this.
So on what do they and their toadies in the MSM lay blame? Racism. Even though the only people to bring up race have been the Democrats,…and their MSM toadies.
Ha Ha. Very amusing.
Yeah, Mary, I guess it’s very close in my state of PA because of racist white Democrats. After all, I voted for Lynn Swann for Governor in 2006, but the racist white Democrats went and voted for Ed “Culture of Corruption” Rendell because he’s white and he has a letter “D” after his name.
What’s to be done with all of these racist white Democrats??
Okay Dan, maybe it’s how you look at things. You told me your family’s situation as a list of beefs and lacks.
Kudos to you on the scholarship, you have worked hard and achieved that.
Your family had a dispute that wasn’t worked out and the business went down — those things happen. My father built a business too and we sold it because of a dispute — we have gone on to other things. Family businesses are very challenging, but the fact that your Dad took the plunge and did it is a great example.
You work hard and so does your Mom — I’m glad you can see that and your work and scholarship surely makes her proud. Good things are what society should encourage — hard work pays off.
Truely Liberal folks aren’t interested in hard work, but equality. Their hope is to have an equal outcome, which is really impossible. Since making everyone work hard is more challenging than taking the proceeds from one and giving it to another — that is the route they pursue. It’s handicapping your Mom’s work to give it someone else.
I don’t know if you are in college or not, but I would ask you to give serious thought to the impact that your work ethic has on your life. Hard work meets challenges head-on, not in a passive/aggressive way. I can tell you that embracing passive/agressive and score-keeping mentalities are a sure way to dissatisfaction in life and work. That mindset places you as an begrudged observer in life — looking for lacks instead of opportunities.
In the end people want leaders and associates that work to solve problems instead of quantifying and rehashing them. Scorekeepers do okay in the payroll or attendance office — they don’t make it to the CEO or Chancellor’s chair very often.
Dan, many if not most students who get academic scholarships “earn” them by sitting on their butts doing nothing, and think they’re somehow special because they got high scores on tests and that that somehow has anything to do with the real world.
Like all pompous, elitist snobs, you think that the world owes you something because you have slightly above-average intelligence. While you waste your God-given talent on stupid crap, you cluck your tongue about how wonderful you are and how hard you’ve worked, as if high school is somehow “hard work”. Then you demand that the truly productive people in society give you a piece of their pie. Why? Because you’re jealous and greedy. That’s all.
It has often been said that capitalism is an ideology based on greed. Actually, while a capitalist may be motivated by greed, you do not necessarily need to be greedy to be a proponent of economic freedom. Liberalism, however, is always motivated by greed, and the desire to steal from the haves just because they have, regardless of how they earned it. And I guarantee you that they didn’t earn it by sitting around on their butts memorizing answers for a test and then bragging about how awesome they are because they got a scholarship.
John, 8:42PM
I understand its you and your angry fellow citizens who cling to your guns and religion and hate anyone “different” from yourselves.
Also John, concerning Lynn Swann, don’t you realize “real” black people never to leave the Democrat plantation? According to liberal Newsweek or Time anyway, since it was one of them who suggested Clarence Thomas was not a “real” black. Apparently “real” black people think exactly like, you know, black people are supposed to think. After all, black people think exactly alike, right?
Do these liberals ever listen to themselves? Do they realize just how patronizing and racist they really are?
Right, Mary. Lynn Swann isn’t “really” black. Sarah Palin isn’t “really” female. You can’t be “really” black or female unless you’re also a liberal. But yeah, we conservatives are the racists and the sexists. Sure.
Yes, because I can SO afford to go to any college without that scholarship. Believe me, if I had the cash I wouldn’t have taken the scholarship. I CANNOT afford school any other way. And I did work my @$$ off you… ugh.
I wish I didnt need the scholarship, itd be nice. I wish I had the financial security that some people that went to my school had, who didnt bother applying to fafsa and/or turned down scholarships awarded to them by their school. I dont brag about my scholarship, I try not to mention it at all costs, and I’ve been known to get ticked at my mom for bringing it up in company. I only bring it up when people question whether or no I put in the work or the effort, and that was done by the use of a generalization that pissed me off.
I don’t want equal outcome, I want equal opportunities, and that is quite simply not available without major changes in educational systems, namely in the inner cities, not to mention providing people with the economic opportunity to be able to provide themselves and/or their children the resources to have the opportunity to pull themselves out of poverty. I dont debate that there are problems in the welfare system, or that some people simply dont care or dont try. It does need reform, but it also needs to exist.
John —
I would disagree with you on scholarships. My daughter is working very hard in her school work, the marching band and her outside job. She is motivated and the scholarships she has been offered didn’t come easy.
That said, many do squander their achievements and advantages instead of using them for further achievement. I saw a stat recently that said that children told that they did well because they were smart hit achievement plateaus when compared to children praised for their hard work and intelligence. Intelligence is often seen as the luck of the draw while hard work can be seen as personal effort and achievement.
I used to do well went I was smart, but eventually I figured out to do better I had to work hard.
How about doing an ad (in Spanish) with Eduardo Verastegui introducing Gianna?
LB, I admittedly used a bit of hyperbole there to see if I could get a rise out of Dan. And I see I disgusted him.
I just think it’s funny that liberals get upset when you question their intelligence or their work ethic, but laugh in your face when you lament the thousands of lives lost to abortion every single day. It’s something that never ceases to amaze, amuse, and sicken me all at the same time.
Dan 9:03PM
Its Democrats, who, beholden to the teachers’ unions, have opposed vouchers which would truly give low income parents choices on where to send their children to school and perhaps truly improve their children’s prospects for a better education and life.
I understand that bastion of liberalism and tolerance, San Francisco, outlawed the ROTC from high schools. Never mind that students joined by their own choice and with parental consent. Never mind that students were admitted with no regard to race, religion, gender, ethnicity, and sexual preference. Never mind that the ROTC was providing these students with much needed discipline and the chance for a future, likely college after a stint in the military or a military career.
And what of the students who truly wanted to belong to this organization, for whom it would truly provide a future, and who had devoted so much time and energy? They were SOL.
By the way I congragulate you on your scholarship and hard work. I have no problem with help going to those who truly need it and don’t squander it.
school vouchers is not a viable option. The cost of running a public school is far lower than that of a private school. Not to mention, private schools dont want to risk the gov stepping in by accepting government vouchers, and since they can accept or reject anyone for any reason, they very well feasibly could reject all voucher users.
As for JROTC, I have friends in it, but we do not have it offered at our highschool. We have ROTC at my college as well, however a majority of the students would rather not have the association on campus, but the school is pretty much black mailed into it so they can accept federal dollars/funding of any kind.
Mary- I think you have ROTC confused or something, people typically spend time in ROTC while in college and then give (I think) 2-4 years of military service, after which they will be reimbursed for college expenses. ROTC is a college organization simply because you need to be 18 to join, perhaps you meant JROTC.
Thank you.
Yup, you succeeded in ticking me off. Congratulations.
Your turn:
I’m likely rejoining the Catholic Church, confirmation and all. Of course there were other developments as well, but I’ll let you try and figure them out. I already invited Jill to as well. Dunno if she took up the offer, haven’t gotten an e-mail or any other sign that she read what I wrote.
Vouchers would give the money spent on the student directly to the parents to send their child where they see fit. This can be another public school, private, or parochial.
I can’t imagine any school would be that anxious to reject students, and lose money. Also public schools have the option to reject students if they are disruptive, challenged, etc.
It may well have been JROTC, it was at high school level. While people don’t want the military on their campus, they won’t object to the military being called upon to help them in their time of need or to protect them.
Dan —
I’m glad we had that dialog. I want equal opportunity too and do work for that. I also see that oftentimes the school establishment (unions & admin) just don’t want to do the hard work of inspiring teachers and students using the tools they already have. Instead most effort (at least in Chicago) goes to running around looking for money. You know they should show me an achievement every now and then if they want me to invest my money there.
I think vouchers should be really looked at as a way to shake up a system that has stagnated on failure for decades. We owe children more, we owe them inspired teachers and through curricula. We owe them a school system that talks about getting things done and not getting more money. No business would ever let a department get a bigger budget, if all it did year after years was to ask for money “just cuz”.
John — I figure you were being sarcastic, but as we are wading through college apps and my kid is going pillar to post with her activities .. I had to stick up the the hardworking student.
Night all, I have to finish work on a workshop I’m doing. Hard work, I’m a bit tired of it at the moment. :)
Sheesh, I sure hope when this election is over we can all stop drinking the Haterade that is going on here, and get back to getting along. All this Snotty McMean stuff is a little too much for my peaceful soul to take.
Some of us are voting for McCain, some of us are voting for Obama, some of us aren’t voting at all, let’s move on PLEAAAAASE.
they don’t mind using the typical methods such as commercials, streets campaigns/flyers, door to door, whatever but when you’re at school you shouldn’t be distracted by people in fatigues asking you to consider joining up. I was flooded with flyers in highschool, but on top of that there would be a couple people wearing fatigues and offering free keychains/laynyards/etc at school talking to students about joining up soon or when eligible, or even trying to convince them to put off college. I understand the sentiment/reasons for it, but when I’m at school I’d rather not be approached by salesmen of any kind, no matter what they’re trying to sell me.
I think education needs to be a bigger part of most towns/cities budget. There need to be incentives for skilled teachers to go to the inner cities and teach, but when small towns offer more money, cities can’t match it due to lack of funds. Not to mention the failing arts programs in many schools. They were going to cut a bunch of art classes at my school until parents did something about it by pushing for donations at performances on top of paying admission, going door to door, doing telathons, etc. until enough money was raised to aid the school, and now they do their best to work with one another. It isn’t just governments though, parents in the community need to push, fight, and do whatever they can to energize people and recognize the problems occurring in the school system and air them. The problem is, I feel, that a lot of parents care, but not enough that it motivates them outright to say something.
Lewandowski: Back With a Vengeance.
My, I’ve missed you.
really? I can honestly say he’s one of few people on here I dont mind having go away for a little bit. The constant insults and generalizations might be most of that though.
I agree with Elizabeth… Election time seems to bring out the worst in some people…
As for the whole scholarship debate going on: kids who recieve scholarships obviously worked their a$*es off in high school, or else colleges wouldnt take notice and offer them one. It could be from academics or sports. Either way, they obviously earned it. Plus they have to keep it throughout college. If you dont live up to your institutions expectations, they will take your scholarship away from you.
long time no see, how you been? :)
and exactly. I have to keep at least a 3.2 or I can kiss my scholarship good bye.
“Some of us are voting for McCain, some of us are voting for Obama, some of us aren’t voting at all, let’s move on PLEAAAAASE.”
Currently in the supreme court we have 4 justices against Roe v. Wade, and 5 for it. In the next 4 years, probably 2 will retire, most likly pro-Roe justices Stevens and Ginsberg.
If a pro-abort is elected President, we can forget about overturning Roe for a long, long time. The stakes are too high, that’s why this election is so important.
I am doing the best I can under the circumstances at the moment. Too much work and school + no sleep + irritating mother + sick grandfather = high stress levels for me :o(
How are you doing these days?
And I am proud of you for getting a scholarship and keeping it. I wish I would’ve put forth effort in high school so I could have gotten one. But I was lazy and didnt care.
That’s nice Jasper, all that will do is turn abortion into a states decision..and let’s say the majority of states still want abortion legal. Abortion’s still legal then. So where’s the big diff here?
And that’s fine if you want to debate politics, that’s not what’s going on here..there’s a lot of snarky going on..not much intelligent debating.
“That’s nice Jasper, all that will do is turn abortion into a states decision..and let’s say the majority of states still want abortion legal. Abortion’s still legal then. So where’s the big diff here?”
But it’s the first critical step that is needed. Many conservative (red) states would then be able abortion illegal by law. This cannot happen if Roe is present.
Elizabeth: You’re right on target…
I must say I am completely agreeing with you at the moment :o)
If Roe v. Wade was overturned (hypothetically)it would be sent down to the states.
Now then… Yes, some states already have legislation in place to make abortions illegal if Roe is ever overturned. Some have discussed making legislation to make it illegal (this includes my state). Some states, would have legislation that would keep abortions legal.
So, we’ll have some states that outlaw abortions, some that allow them, and probably some that only allow them in certain circumstances. A woman will merely travel to another state to obtain her abortion. And in all honesty, what have y’all accomplished then?
Before outlawing slavery completely, it’s legality was limited to certain states. Ensuring equal rights for African Americans was a long struggle, but was successful.
So overturning Roe is another step of the process.
Dan, 9:39PM
I often found some religious and political organizations on campus bothersome, but hey that’s life and people have the right to belong to what they want. I have the right to ignore them or tell them to buzz off if I don’t want to talk to them. I certainly wouldn’t argue that they should be banned.
I never found JROTC or ROTC bothersome, in fact they were usually the ones being harassed and ridiculed and wanted nothing more than to be left in peace.
Now Jasper,
We have had a conservative President for 8 years, and what, abortion’s STILL LEGAL?
I’m sorry, but I don’t think McCain will overturn Roe v. Wade, and even if he did, it’s then the states decision, so abortion wouldn’t REALLY be illegal now would it?
Anyway, that’s not really what my point was from my first post. There’s a lot of anger going on in here, and I guess that’s to be expected with the election. I just made my comment so people could keep things in perspective here. We’ve had a conservative President and VP and it’s still legal, there’s no reason to get all angry and mean that people aren’t voting for a conservative president and VP who won’t change abortion’s status is this country.
And even if Roe v. Wade gets overturned, it would take a GIANT moral shift in our country’s mindset to get people to stop considering abortion as an option. It’s very engrained in people’s logic when it comes to dealing with unplanned pregnancies, women’s rights, etc. I’m not saying making abortions illegal wouldn’t be a great thing because it WOULD, but it’s not like this cure-all for what’s wrong with our country. It is a baddddd symptom for an even WORSE disease within our society. And until people start acknowledging THAT, abortion will remain.
You’re correct. Although, I highly doubt that the states that want to keep abortion legal will start a civil war over the issue.
Although, I feel the need to point out that the Civil War was fought b/c Lincoln would not allow slavery to “spread” to other states. “Lincoln did not propose federal laws against slavery where it already existed, but he had, in his 1858 House Divided Speech, expressed a desire to “arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction”.[1] Much of the political battle in the 1850s focused on the expansion of slavery into the newly created territories. All of the organized territories were likely to become free-soil states, which increased the Southern movement toward secession. Both the South and North thought if Slavery was confined it wither and die. This is why seven Southern states declared their secession from the Union even before Lincoln took office.
If the South had never attacked Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861 the Civil War would have never began. And in all honesty if the war had never started and slavery was kept legal in states that already had it…who knows if it would still be legal today or not
I am not supporting slavery, and I am not saying that it is right. I am simply stating facts.
And in all honesty if the war had never started and slavery was kept legal in states that already had it…who knows if it would still be legal today or not
Now THAT’S a scary thought right there. Can you even IMAGINE? I sure can’t.
(Hopefully, somebody someday will say that about abortion :))
We’re on a roll tonight girl… I completely agree again (hocker). Thinking that slavery could still be legal in this country is a very scary thought. But in all honesty, we dont know if it still would or not. The South got pissed and attacked the North…hence the war and the end of Slavery.
As for the abortion sentence….I think we’ll always disagree on that topic…but at least we can still have friendly debates and we get along :o)
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think McCain will overturn Roe v. Wade, and even if he did, it’s then the states decision, so abortion wouldn’t REALLY be illegal now would it?
Presidents can’t overturn Roe, Supreme Court Justices can. President Bush has already put 2 good justices on the court Roberts and Alito, a first step in getting Roe overturned. To elect Obama would be a step backwards.
“We’ve had a conservative President and VP and it’s still legal, there’s no reason to get all angry and mean that people aren’t voting for a conservative president and VP who won’t change abortion’s status is this country.”
That’s not true Elizabeth. Remember President Clinton vetoed te PBA ban twice? Then President Bush signed it into law?
really? What about this whole of supporting war McCain has? It doesn’t help that Palin thinks war with Russia might pan out to be a good idea sometime soon, and McCain’s infamous bomb bomb Iran song. All this violates the Church’s policy of a just war. Pre-emptive war is not supported, at all. It is completely contradictory to the teachings of the Bible where killing of any kind is to be avoided.
Obama is against the death penalty as well, another life issue that, again, the Church has spoken against.
Obama supports cutting taxes for 80% of this nation, giving the poor of this nation slightly more money in their pockets. He also wans to create a living wage, which is also supported by the majority of religious groups. Not to mention expanding job programs etc to help people’s lives now and raise them out of poverty.
He also wants to expand the Nurse-Family partnership to all low income families, something I think any pro-lifer could easily get behind. Pre-natal care is vital to any expectant mother/family.
I think he has a fairly strong stance on “life” issues overall, aside from abortion as yu would all readily point out.
Posted by: Dan at September 18, 2008 10:48 AM
Dan, what you fail to realize is that Obama couldn’t give a rats ass about about any life issue. All he does is regurgitate what his fundies tell him and/or change his positions based on what will get him elected. Example, you say he is against the death penalty but just this year, when he realized it was politically expedient, he changed his position and he said he was for the death penalty in cases of abuse of a minor. Obama can never be considered to have any real position on LIFE issues cause his position is to do whatever is expedient to getting him elected PERIOD. HE has NEVER once broken with his fundies/party on any issue. HE is spineless.
Midnite —
I believe you are correct about why the war started there were several reasons — with an intention to limit slavery as one of them.
But as the world progressed and Northerners began to see the reality of slavery, a tide turned. Soldiers who had only thought about slavery as a far off practice discussed in the paper, saw real slaves and the conditions they lived in. Abolition went from a minority position to the majority once the soldiers came back with the news.
I believe abortion will end when a similar mindset is changed. Seeing the reality of the practice and begining to see the humanity of the aborted (via ultrasounds, and graphic images) can be profound. As long as abortion, like slavery, remains a “peculiar institution” it may continue — but when people see the true reality of abortion — change will occur.
I do not want or forsee a civi war on the issue, but I do see a shift in what the society will tolerate.
“A woman will merely travel to another state to obtain her abortion. And in all honesty, what have y’all accomplished then?”
We would be giving states the right to protect the sanctity of life. It’s would be a big step, abortion would not be so readily avaible and rates would go down. As they were pre-Roe. Just look at history.
Oops in my second paragraph that should be war and not world.
(I really need to be careful on the keyboard after 10 pm).
How can a person who fought against the partial-birth abortion ban and against the born alive infant act even be considered to be worthy presidential material. The Devil is a busy man and the soul of the United States of America is hanging in the balance. I cannot think of a politician I who would be a worse choice for president. Obama is extreme in an evil way. And he is just a flat out liar counting the days till election and counting on people not to find out the truth. Calling people liars about his position on the Born Alive Infant Act and using the excuses of the Bill being different than the Senate one (when it was identical), or that there was already a law in place (when the law was deemed unenforceable). This freaking lying pandering sicko should be locked up, not given control of our nation.
Just saw a movie tonight about Barack:
Go here for more info:
Obama is beyond scary, he is terrifying. Hal, there’s not a chance in Hades that MK, myself, or any other true pro-lifer on this site will ever join you. You really don’t have a clue do you?
God do I wish Hillary would have won the Democratic primary.
Is that movie actually due to come out for public viewing prior to the election?
HisMan, I found the list of theatres at the link. I hope it grows.
What drives my vote is not a candidates position on the issues, it is the candidates character, and Obama rates a negative fifty million. I could live with a pro-choice candidate like Hillary, but not a person like Obama.
If I could ask Obama one question, here is what I would ask….
Barack, you call yourself a Christian, what would you say to Jesus top get his blessing in your fight to overturn the partial birth abortion
ban? My guess is that he would stutter, give a few hmms, ohs, and uhs about why he is pro-choice
and never address Christianity at all in his response.
Partial birth abortion is a barbaric procedure, the Devil’s sacrament, Barack and Michelle Obama’s cause…. Obama’s, it is now illegal and people like you who supported it are looked at by society as sociopathic killers. And you want to be president?
LTL, Snerd, Hal, Dan, and any other Obamamaniacs:
Do you have the fortitude to tell us where you stand on the partial birth abortion ban. Do you agree with your hero Obama that the ban should be overturned?
Maybe you agree with your messiah and your position has grown into one where you think the ban is ok as long at it has an exception for the health of the mother? Just what is this health exception. I mean the baby’s legs, torso, arms and chest have already been extracted. The baby is already 90% delivered. Why not just finsih delivering the baby? Oh ya, cause the baby would be a burden so you have to kill the baby by stabbing her in the head and sucking her brains out before she can take a breath in order to be legal…. Your type is sick in the head and rotten in the heart. There is virtually NO health reason to do this to a baby and now that the Supreme Court has ruled that the ban is constitutional your type is shown to be the heinous, murderous, deceitful, foul minded trash that would deliver a baby to the head and stab her in the head with a scissors. The truth speaks for itself. What do you have to say for yourselves?
The deception Obama has cast over these Obamamaniacs must be brought to the light. He must be shown for he is and not who he pretends to be. The only way he survived the Saddleback interview was to lie about his positions and call people liars for speaking the truth about his position on the Born Alive Infant Act. It would only take five minutes to show shine the light through your facade and show you for the hypocritical liar you are.
mk, you seem miffed today. Everything ok?
I haven’t yet read any comments that came after this one, and maybe some of the following has been addressed, but…
I wanted to come on and explain myself.
I was really over the line yesterday.
I mean I believe every word I said, I just didn’t have to come down so hard on everyone (Especially Dan, are you listening Dan. Sorry friend. It wasn’t you…)
I understand that this is America and everyone can vote for whomever they want. I respect that you and others want to vote for Obama. I even respect healthy dialogue.
But the last few days on these blogs…well, I haven’t posted anything much in 4 or 5 days…because I can’t take the nonsense.
It’s one thing to disagree with McCains policies or views, but LTL and others are driving me crazy with their mean spririted idiocy.
The bridge to nowhere, McCain’s emailing, Sarah’s daughter, lipstick, book banning…these things are either too ludicrous to be addressed or are just downright lies.
You want to talk about her stance on abortion, taxes, the war, the economy…yes! But this other stuff is crazy.
You’ve got LTL claiming Palin didn’t have a conversation with her daughter…like that has ANYTHING to do with the nations welfare.
No, I don’t like Obama. But I have listed very real, very honest objections to him. You suggested that I go to his website. I did. I was horrified. I have been listening to CNN as well as Fox trying to get a “balanced” view. I still can’t stand him or what he stands for.
But I don’t attack him for his choice in music or his gum preference. I don’t attack HIM at all. I attack what he stands for. Communism. Socialism.
He scares the c**p out of me. He’s no longer even trying to deny it.
Dan says he’d be happy to pay more taxes to help the poor. I say I donate a ton to the poor. And I work hands on with them. But the governments job, as your side has stated often enough is NOT to put their morals on us. It is not up to the government to decide where I “donate” my money. I agree the republicans are guilty of this too, but I think that’s what McCain means when he says reform.
I understand that he might be lying, but Obama ADMITS that he wants a socialist state. Similar to the pro life issue, I can only go by what I hear, and if he claims one thing and does another, I had no way of knowing. With Obama, I KNOW. I don’t want to live in a socialist state, or even a semi socialist state.
Most of Obamas supporters are unmarried, without kids and between the ages of 18 and 29. God bless the youth, but do I really want my country to become something completely opposite of what the founding fathers wanted, because of youth, naivete and idealism? I know they are thinking like the coke commercials of the seventies…They’d like to build the world a home…” but this is reality.
America is not about handouts. Our forefathers were too proud to take handouts.
They were too proud to accept a welfare check. Taking one caused you to hang your head in shame, just as having an abortion would have. We have no sense of shame anymore. We have become so incredibly selfish. So “give me”, “my turn”, “I want and I DON’T want to take any responsibility for…”…
Our young people are in college until they are 23 or 24. For many, not all, but many, this will be the first time that they will have to support themselves. We have 26, 27, 28 year olds running around that are at the maturity level of 15 year olds. They haven’t seriously worked, they’ve been given cars on their sixteenth birthday, they’ve gotten girls pregnant and not had to take responsibility for their kids…they have no idea that the world isn’t set up to make their lives easy! It’s a rude awakening to say the least. Of course they love the idea of a Sugar Daddy comin’ on the scene, paying for their college, their homes, their kids…
But adults don’t. They don’t like it at all.
It’s the Peter Pan syndrome on a grand scale.
Now if you want to rebut without bringing up Sarah’s moose hunting or McCains inability to type, I’d be happy to discuss this with you…no more yelling, I hope…but I can’t enter into half of the conversations on here because they are just plain sophomoric.
They were going to cut a bunch of art classes at my school until parents did something about it by pushing for donations at performances on top of paying admission, going door to door, doing telathons, etc. until enough money was raised to aid the school, and now they do their best to work with one another.
THAT’S the America I’m talkin’ about.
And I’m proud of you for getting that scholarship. And paying rent. I really, really didn’t mean to attack you personally. I think you’re an amazing kid, well spoken, level headed, honest…I just got tired of the all the bickering that has been going on and took it out on you, the last person on this blog that deserved it. I really am sorry.
My little kitten that I rescued from the dump and named Gianna has died this morning. 39 kittens rescued from the dump. I need to make a sweet little tombstone for her.
A rumor was started here that has been proven untrue. Rae is alive and well.
I am so sorry, Jamie.
they really need to play that movie here in ohio! you drive around and all you see are obama signs everywhere. it is disgusting! we live in a neighborhood that doesn’t allow any signs but i am ready to put one up and let the homeowner’s association yell at me!
I thought so. I posted on who I’m fairly sure is Rae’s facebook wall and told her about it (I get so confused between the names here and on facebook, I still type in Bobby when I’m looking to post to his facebook wall). I was hoping shed come on right away to dispell it but I guess she wasn’t online at the time and I was too unsure of myself to say anything, so thank you Carla :)
All is well, I figured there was something else behind it so I didn’t take it personally. I got more ticked off/frustrated/etc by John which eventually led to me logging off and finishing off the book of Romans to calm down.
All I have to say to that is perhaps you should read my most recent blog entry, which is far too long for me to post here.
I’m sorry to here that :(.
I’m doing okay, still adjusting to college trying to balance leisure with my workload and desperately searching for a job at the moment. That way I can pay off the loans I’m using this year for living ASAP.
A rumor was started here that has been proven untrue. Rae is alive and well.
I’m so glad to hear it. Thank you, Carla.
When I saw that I wondered if the rumor-starter’s name was a Coelho reference. Weird.
Why are you randomly posting ‘Doug’ in some threads?
A rumor was started here that has been proven untrue. Rae is alive and well.
Posted by: Carla at September 19, 2008 7:34 AM
That is beautiful news. Thanks for clarifying Carla. Rae, the prayer stands anyway. We need them before we die too. :
You are in this movie:
Go to this site and buy the DVD. Have house parties and show it to your friends and family.
I’ll tell you what I told my grandfather and Jasper when he inquired-
If they increase my taxes (admittedly I pay little because of my status as student and I work so little) to help those less fortunate I will gladly pay them. I see it as a duty as a citizen to pay taxes and if in the process it helps those less fortunate by giving to welfare funds, so be it.
Posted by: Dan at September 18, 2008 12:39 PM
There isn’t a thing in this world stopping you from paying higher taxes right this minute.
Contact the nearest IRS office, rush down there and write them a check.
Go ahead, put your money where your mouth is.
Otherwise…shush. :)
Who started the rumor about Rae?
It’s running joke. John M. was worried about Doug, as he hadn’t posted in a few days. Doug peruses the posts and looks for his name, then responds. He uses his search thingy (Control/F) and reads any posts that have his name in them.
So it’s twofold. One to mess with Dougs head, and two to find out if he’s okay…
Hey, did you read my apology to you? I couldn’t think more highly of you. You really, really impress me. For someone so young, you are very mature and I’m afraid I made it sound like you were a spoiled immature brat. Which I DO NOT really think.
Someone named Veronika posted it on a different thread, but I don’t think they meant that she literally died…I think she was saying that in case anyone was wondering where Rae was, the person known as Rae would not be posting under that name anymore.
For all practical purposes the “PERSONA” of Rae was dead, not the “PERSON” of Rae…
Rae herself is fine.
What? Somebody said Rae was dead? Oh man, I miss a lot while I sleep.
I loves youuu! It seems like I will be in college forever, but not cause of my fear of responsibility obviously, but because they make you take so.many.freaking.classes.for.nursing. Grr lol. :) It’s okay, I’ll just be very well equipped to take care of all you guys.
MK… Well, I knew she was fine…I talked to her last night on AIM.
How are you btw?
I’m good. I’m supposed to be at the dentist as we speak having a root canal done, but I’ve got a cold so the dentist wouldn’t work on me. Can’t cough with junk in your mouth!
YOU have taken great responsibility for your actions.
You are responsible for more than just yourself.
You were never in the equation. You are a perfect example of someone that turned to family, friends and church, NOT the government, to pull you through.
that is a great idea hisman! i will order my copy after payday next week!
I did read it, all is forgiven, dont worry about it. We all have our days :)
Ah, ok then. Didn’t Doug mention something about going away for awhile? Or was that Hal? I don’t remember.
Nursing. *shivers* I don’t envy you at all, not only the workload but those textbooks are HUGE, and I can only imagine how much they cost. Ick.
Thats exactly what my grandfather said. Told him I’d do it with the next check, or at least a poprtion of it, he gave me. Shoulda seen the look on his face, lol. I wonder if he remembers that, could make for some interesting conversation. Maybe he’ll just give me food instead so he knows I dont give more to the government he isnt so fond of at the moment. Granted, I don’t think any of us are too fond of it at the moment, espescially given the tanking economy.
The civil government isn’t in control of the economy. I would say that the government generally only makes matters worse when it tries to interfere. The economy isn’t the government’s responsibility. “It’s NOT the economy, stupid!”–unless the government has been interfering.
What I want to know is why is okay for the government to interfere here, but not on matters of life and death.
Right to bodily autonomy…not in the constitution.
Right to fiscal autonomy…isn’t that the definition of capitalism?
mk (aka mullet troll)
:: laughing :: That’s my girl.
John M. was worried about Doug, as he hadn’t posted in a few days. Doug peruses the posts and looks for his name, then responds. He uses his search thingy (Control/F) and reads any posts that have his name in them.
So it’s twofold. One to mess with Dougs head, and two to find out if he’s okay..
Oh, my poor messed-with head. Dan’s right – I went to a wedding in CA and then hung out in Big Sur for a couple days at some of my wife’s and my favorite haunts. Not a blip of a cell phone signal there, not a hint of wireless aircard computer internet access.
Two mullet rolls, coming up.
allright, i know that i am going to sound totally dumb when i ask this question so please just bear with me! my sis ter was talking to someone on this parenting chat and the topic of born alive came up. the girl on the site said that she had seen the ad (yeah!) but that it was a lie. she said that no one has ever survived an abortion and that there are no such things as saline abortions. my sister asked her where she got her info. and she said from another blog for mom’s that support obama. so long story short, were saline abortions widely used and if they were when did they stop?
Recent Polls don’t even take the (R) meltdown into account and yet already seem to suggest the Palin bump is over … Now what are they going to do with her?
Snerd, I saw that – Obama up about 1% yesterday, and up 2.1% today, so yeah – the “bump” is over, but I don’t know about any Republican meltdown. I haven’t been paying much attention to the news and I get burned out during campaigns.
Anyway, we’re having a “reversion to the mean,” which in this case is Obama having a lead in the polls. During the past year there have been six times when for a few days or a little over a week McCain leads, but “normally” Obama is 2 to 3 percentage points ahead and with a fairly comfortable electoral vote victory forecast. If the course continues then McCain is left hoping the election hits on one of his “bounces” but those are overall few and far-between.
Still, close polls now don’t mean much, and McCain may end up winning by 20 points – who knows?
I saw this, from The New republic:
“Sarah Quaylin” by Jonathan Chait
(Actually, Dan Quayle is looking pretty good right now.)
Ever since John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate, I’ve gotten confused about all the reasons I’m supposed to dislike Barack Obama. The previous reasons, in rough chronological order, were his lack of experience, his empty rhetoric, his flip-flopping, and his “celebrity.” But Palin has made each one of those critiques moot. The “celebrity” attack on Obama has a particularly Dada quality right now as starstruck Republicans bask in the charisma of their adorable veep. (Coldest state, hottest governor, read signs at her rallies.) With her hunky husband, touching family life and plucky personal story, she is the candidate of the People. And by People, I mean People magazine.
The flip side for Republicans of losing most of their attack lines was supposed to be a series of virtues Palin would bring to the ticket: She’s a reformer, a steadfast opponent of earmarks, a proponent of transparency and clean government. Subsequent reporting has revealed that Palin embodies the precise opposite of every one of these virtues. She appointed unqualified cronies, abused her power to punish personal enemies, and has displayed a Cheney-esque passion for government secrecy. Her boast of having put the state airplane on eBay was undermined by subsequent revelations that she failed to actually sell it on eBay.
The swift disintegration of Palin’s anti-pork credentials has been especially amusing. After initially casting Palin as a dedicated foe of earmarks, and then having it revealed that she asked for and received enormous sums of earmarked projects, the McCain campaign has fallen back to the defense that she requested fewer earmarks than other Alaska pols. This is true: Even though Palin took ten times the national per capita average in earmarked spending, in this regard she still rates somewhat below average by the standards of the petro-kleptocracy of the state from which she hails. Yet this defense raises the question of why Ted Kennedy never thought to run for president on the slogan “He Never Took a Drink In His Life,” and then, when challenged, point out that other members of his family are less sober than he.
The main complaint against Palin has been her lack of experience. That’s fortunate for her, since “experience”–especially measured in a linear way–fails to capture exactly what Palin lacks. Yes, two years as governor is less than you’d like, as is four years as senator. The real problem, though, is that Palin has no record of thinking about national or international policy. Bobby Jindal, another Republican veep contender, has barely more experience than Palin, but he is a respected policy intellectual. Pat Buchanan ran for president without ever having served in elective office, but he had engaged more deeply than most presidential candidates in policy questions.
Engagement, not experience, is the difference between Palin’s qualifications and Obama’s. Obama has a longstanding interest in national and (to a lesser extent) international issues, and has answered questions on all those issues in extensive detail. Palin has dealt almost exclusively with parochial issues in a wildly atypical state. (Her fiscal experience, which consists of divvying up oil lucre, offers better preparation to serve as president of Saudi Arabia than the United States.) It’s possible Palin has harbored a long-standing, secret passion for policy wonkery, but the few signs available thus far–her convention speech that spelled out “new-clear weapons,” her evident lack of familiarity with the term “Bush Doctrine”–suggest otherwise. The Republican intelligentsia is frantically tutoring her while they run out the clock until November 4.
In lieu of opening Palin to regular questioning from the press corps, of the sort the other three candidates have all undergone many times before, the McCain campaign is helpfully leaking positive appraisals of her studiousness. “Despite the worries, [Palin] struck many campaign officials as more calm and cerebral than expected,” reported Newsweek. “She was quick to ask questions, and to ‘engage in a back and forth’ with briefers.” See, the McCain campaign says she’s on the ball. That settles it, right?
But, somewhere in the recesses of my mind, this admiring appraisal of the prospective veep’s intellect struck a familiar chord. With a quick search, I discovered that, indeed, the same was said of Dan Quayle in 1988. Twenty years ago, The Washington Post reported, “Bush aides, who were getting their first in-depth exposure to Quayle, were impressed by his attention span, the quality of his questions and the facility with which he moved through the agenda.”
Other parallels stood out as well. Conservatives received Quayle’s selection rapturously. L. Brent Bozell pronounced himself “ecstatic,” and Jerry Falwell called the surprise pick “a stroke of genius.” After a media frenzy, Quayle’s speech was well-received. The convention hall burst into cheers of “We want Dan!” NBC anchor Tom Brokaw said that Quayle executed “flawlessly,” and CBS’s Bruce Morton called it “a good speech.”
Questions about Quayle’s readiness remained, but he did his best to turn them into elite condescension toward small town America. Quayle, in his acceptance speech, spoke movingly about the small towns in Indiana where he had grown up, and later disparaged Dukakis for “sneer[ing] at common sense advice, Midwestern advice.”
Today, Quayle is remembered as a disaster. But, during the campaign, his supporters believed that media skepticism of Quayle had rallied ordinary Americans to his side. Dukakis “looks down on his fellow Americans. He looks down on Bush and Dan Quayle as–in his word–‘pathetic,’ ” wrote right-wing columnist Michael Novak. “Thus, the ‘feeding frenzy’ of the press in New Orleans stirred a national backlash. It united all the scorned of America as one.”
Conservatives are saying the same things about Palin. “Elite opinion,” insisted McCain strategist Steve Schmidt, “looks down with contempt at people who are not part of their world.” As Palin herself said, “If you’re not a member in good standing of the Washington elite, then some in the media consider a candidate unqualified for that reason alone.” To the right, the mere fact that the press questions her fitness proves that she is one of them.
As the original rationales for Palin melt away, this bond has become unshakable. Her lack of qualifications turns out to be her greatest qualification.
Right to bodily autonomy…not in the constitution.
MK, it’s in there – it’s part and parcel of “liberty.”
Right to fiscal autonomy…isn’t that the definition of capitalism?
Yeah, but we don’t have unfettered capitalism in the US. The more “pure” type of capitalism, which the US had until around a hundred years ago, means that we end up with a comparitively few super-rich and most of the rest being practically “serfs.” Capital tends to accumulate in the hands of the many, not the few.
The US is breaking its own rules with all the bailouts – and this after telling foreign countries to “allow for market rebalancing” – I’m paraphrasing there.
Republicans and Democrats alike have put us on this economic road, and there’s no easy way off it, no plausible (not to mention politically possible) way to go back the other way.
The excesses presently in the system just have to be worked off, and in our case that means a lot of defaulting on loans, a very deflationary thing; or, if the gov’t just nationalizes and monetizes the debt, then a very inflationary deal – either way the standard of living for the average American goes down.
Posted by: becky at September 19, 2008 11:01 AM
Becky, I don’t know how widely they were used but I believe they were for late term abortions rather than early. I think they have largely ended but maybe a few still happen.
Besides Gianna there is a younger girl who survived an abortion, but lost an arm in the process.
Some of us are voting for McCain, some of us are voting for Obama, some of us aren’t voting at all, let’s move on PLEAAAAASE.
Ha! No doubt, Elizabeth. Same old, same old – campaigns have so much of just people saying “Your candidate sucks,” etc.
My posts were inflammatory because I pointed out FACTS??!?!!
The FACT that since launching her site, Obama has taken back the lead in nearly every single national poll conducted, and closed in on leads in several swing states…
and the FACT…
that the biggest rally in the history of the state of Alaska took place last week – and it was a rally called “Alaskan Women Against Sarah Palin”.
Has the truth become inflammatory to you Jasper?
Did Alaskans participate in the rally, Amanda? Or did you and your friends go north to lead it? Regardless, I’d like to know the reason for the rally. Why were the women opposed to Mrs. Palin?
thank you kristen!
“The FACT that since launching her site, Obama has taken back the lead in nearly every single national poll conducted, and closed in on leads in several swing states…”
You have look at the electoral votes (by state) where it is a dead heat ot even McCain leading. Plus, it’s too early to examine the polling effects Born-alive-truth.
“that the biggest rally in the history of the state of Alaska took place last week – and it was a rally called “Alaskan Women Against Sarah Palin”.
never heard of it…
I was very happy THAT you posted but still am shaking my head at the myopic vision that you continue to expound.
There is a decided difference in our approaches. I perceive that human nature is MAYBE only 3-5% realized. ((And from the gap … the other 95-97% … a picture of possibility/hope evolves.)) You on the other hand seem much like orthodox medical practice and ‘fix’ the problem that is right in front of you – – END OF DISCUSSION!!
MK talks again about ‘body autonomy’ as being pivotal. The phase as body-integrity may make more sense …. there is not one sense from ‘wholeness’ to ‘courage’ to ‘self-preservation’ that is not marked by slow-time, if it is marked by time at all.
The procurement of an abortion is ALWAYS in a speed mode (the opposite of autonomy) because the speed is dictated by the age of the child. To claim body autonomy regained is a crock, because killing the child is the paramount consideration.
Its very similar to an assassin saying “Well I only shot some tires!” ((He does not say that the tires were on a fast-driven car on a mountain road.))
Hilarious – a cigarette is like a breath of springtime….
Main Man Johnny M: I was very happy THAT you posted but still am shaking my head at the myopic vision that you continue to expound.
OH NO…not another trip to the optometrist… I hate that thing that blows a puff of air onto your eyeball….
There is a decided difference in our approaches. I perceive that human nature is MAYBE only 3-5% realized. ((And from the gap … the other 95-97% … a picture of possibility/hope evolves.)) You on the other hand seem much like orthodox medical practice and ‘fix’ the problem that is right in front of you – – END OF DISCUSSION!!
Well, uh… Not sure what you’re referring to here, John, but as far as “fixing a problem,” then sometimes abortion does just that. Not saying that a “larger” approach, to help pregnant women economically, etc., wouldn’t be good also.
MK talks again about ‘body autonomy’ as being pivotal. The phase as body-integrity may make more sense …. there is not one sense from ‘wholeness’ to ‘courage’ to ‘self-preservation’ that is not marked by slow-time, if it is marked by time at all. The procurement of an abortion is ALWAYS in a speed mode (the opposite of autonomy) because the speed is dictated by the age of the child. To claim body autonomy regained is a crock, because killing the child is the paramount consideration.
I don’t say that bodily autonomy is “regained.” She has it all along, and thus she’s the one who makes the decision. Maybe she wants an abortion and maybe not.
Its very similar to an assassin saying “Well I only shot some tires!” ((He does not say that the tires were on a fast-driven car on a mountain road.))
If the assassin is guilty of a crime, then so be it, but “tires” aren’t at issue, as far as terminology, if you’re referring to the “child” and “baby” stuff, though that was another thread.
Interesting on the “3 to 5% realized human nature.” I’d say it’s all there, and it’s pretty much unchanging. Not that it’s impossible it’d change, but for thousands of years it’s been pretty dang constant. On the 95-97% which you see as possibly changing or becoming apparent(?) – is this like us evolving as a race?
For the record, I was surprised by Dan’s comment to you: “Are you OK” (or the like), more than anything you said. Dan, I believe you have a right to speak your piece, so don’t take it the wrong way.
mk, you are perfectly entitled to your opinion and to get annoyed. I can’t blame you for a word you said. Sometimes I think the youngsters here are a bit too idealistic.
Dan, I commend you for wanting to pay more taxes, but you could just as easily pick a favorite charity who you know will use your money wisely, and contribute to them instead.
a very small example…
the vast majority of Romans could not count and had very little math skills because they were ‘locked-into’ the Roman numeral system. I have posted much about zinc deficiency … it is so widespread that one way to refute such a thing: as to just not accept such a thing affects me too. And so you keep yammering away at ‘its a woman’s decision’ and I keep asking you how free that decision is … especially in the likely event of a pregnancy-related depression.
Janet 2:15PM,
I hope Dan heeds your excellent advise about charities. At least you know the money goes to those in need and not to study the mating habits of the tse-tse fly or to determine why convicts want to escape from prison.
I would highly recommend the Salvation Army for starters, and checking on line ratings for any others before donating. 5 Star is tops and anything less than 4 doesn’t get a dime from me.
My TWO textbooks for microbiology which is a nursing PREREQUISITE I’m taking this semester were OVER $200. One was a big textbook and one was a lab book. But take note, they’re for a
PREREQUISITE nursing course..not even an ACTUAL nursing program course. I hope I win the lottery before I start the nursing program just to pay for the textbooks.
Ouch. My most expensive book was like 120 dollars, and that was a text AND workbook combined.
Here’s a link to a post I found on the rejection rally:
eep, if a mod could edit that post I’d appreciate it, didnt realize the link was that long.
Thanks, Dan 3:54. From your source, the rally does seem to have been a big one.
LTL, Snerd, Hal, Dan, and any other Obamamaniacs:
Do you have the fortitude to tell us where you stand on the partial birth abortion ban. Do you agree with your hero Obama that the ban should be overturned?
Posted by: truthseeker at September 19, 2008 1:12 AM
Maybe you agree with your messiah and your position has grown into one where you think the ban is ok as long at it has an exception for the health of the mother? Just what is this health exception. I mean the baby’s legs, torso, arms and chest have already been extracted. The baby is already 90% delivered. Why not just finsih delivering the baby? Oh ya, cause the baby would be a burden so you have to kill the baby by stabbing her in the head and sucking her brains out before she can take a breath in order to be legal…. Your type is sick in the head and rotten in the heart. There is virtually NO health reason to do this to a baby and now that the Supreme Court has ruled that the ban is constitutional your type is shown to be the heinous, murderous, deceitful, foul minded trash that would deliver a baby to the head and stab her in the head with a scissors. The truth speaks for itself. What do you have to say for yourselves?
Posted by: truthseeker at September 19, 2008 1:20 AM
No takers on my challenge for the pro-aborts to respond to my post. Their silence means that support for PBA is an untenable position.
TS…did you actually think there WOULD be any takers? They recoil in horror at opportunities like that.
LTL, Snerd, Hal, Dan, and any other Obamamaniacs:
Do you have the fortitude to tell us where you stand on the partial birth abortion ban. Do you agree with your hero Obama that the ban should be overturned?
Posted by: truthseeker at September 19, 2008 1:12 AM
I think that if you should ever find yourself attempting to deliver a fetus with a head the size of a basketball you should be forced to pass it through your penis.
Sally, Sally, Sally,
How are you? :)
We have been over this, my love. I am thinking you are referring to a baby with hydrocephaly which can be detected early enough that a shunt can be put in the brain to drain the water.
Partial Birth Abortion is when a baby is delivered partially, the head left in the birth canal so the doc can stab the baby in the base of the skull and suck its brains out to collapse the head.
Where do you stand on overturning that ban, Sally?
OH, and please link to the article describing the recent birth of a child with a head the size of a basketball. Thank you. I love you.
the vast majority of Romans could not count and had very little math skills because they were ‘locked-into’ the Roman numeral system. I have posted much about zinc deficiency … it is so widespread that one way to refute such a thing: as to just not accept such a thing affects me too. And so you keep yammering away at ‘its a woman’s decision’ and I keep asking you how free that decision is … especially in the likely event of a pregnancy-related depression.
John, it’s indeed a woman’s decision, and granted that there are any number of factors which may affect it. If zinc supplementation is needed, then hey – supplement away, baby.
Why do you think zinc deficiency is so widespread? I get blood tests a couple times or more a year, and if something is off my doctor’s telling me right away.
If a woman is pregnant and there’s a known issue like the zinc deal, I’d think the docs would be watching for it in the first place.
I hope Dan heeds your excellent advise about charities. At least you know the money goes to those in need..
Mary, years ago I saw an example of one local charity that used 80% of their receipts for the annual party…. which was for the charity workers. Yee Haa.
I hear you. That’s why I always check on line for the rating of that charity as well as an accounting for where the money goes. No satisfactory rating, no donation from me.
Carla 7:22am
Very good point. There is in fact absolutely no medical justification for PBA. There are far more humane and safer ways to manage a woman suffering any kind of complication.
I have read so many articles about the fact that when the actual descriptions and depictions of what a partial birth abortion actually is and what it does to the baby, people were horrified that there even was a procedure so gruesome! Public support of limiting abortion increases and Obama seems a little out of touch with that.
Hey Doug,
wee bit of a problem ….
A) according to Dunn (Ob/Gyn) the majority of abortions … some 80% were performed in the first trimester IN THE WEEKS WHERE THE WOMEN WERE MOST DESPONDENT. Dunn like the vast majority of orthodox docs knew squat about zinc and its multiple roles in human development. What he did find out that there are clearly defined periods of depression in pregnancy and it mimes the famous postpartum one.
In all medical procedures, the presence of depression is a contra-indication of proceeding further … the patient’s quality of decision is compromised. To proceed is very poor medical ethics.
B) because of several factors … establishing a state of zinc deficiency is most difficult. Most MD’s have studied nutrition for 1/2 hour in 7 years of med school training. Even though your doc says the tests (he does) are sufficient – are they? My Mom saw her doc in the a.m. and all tests were fine. That very afternoon (about two hours later) she died!
John, I would still trust the woman.
I think the blood levels of compounds are pretty well known as far as what’s an acceptable range.
Maybe now would be a good time to post another story about the PBA procedure, pictures and all, for those who don’t know how horrible it is.
I did reply, I said to check out my latest blog entry if you wanted my opinion on the matter. Its the link thats posted with my name every time I post.
Glad to hear you are pro-life from a personal/moral standpoint. As far as your being pro-choice from a secular/law standpoint you are certainly not alone in those positions. There is a question I would like to pose to you about your position.
1) Are you against abortion personally because you believe that babies, even in the womb are individuals of their own and therefore deserving of care and protection?
“A) according to Dunn (Ob/Gyn) the majority of abortions … some 80% were performed in the first trimester IN THE WEEKS WHERE THE WOMEN WERE MOST DESPONDENT. Dunn like the vast majority of orthodox docs knew squat about zinc and its multiple roles in human development. What he did find out that there are clearly defined periods of depression in pregnancy and it mimes the famous postpartum one.”
Posted by: John McDonell at September 20, 2008 4:28 PM
-I know I’m coming in a little late to this post, but can someone clairify this point for me – and the context? I’m trying to understand what these stats are meant to imply before responding with an opinion? I couldn’t follow it clearly up top…thanks.
Danielle, John is relating the proposition that a zinc deficency makes pregnant women often have a depressed mood – and this “time of depression” often coincides with when they choose to have abortions.
“Danielle, John is relating the proposition that a zinc deficency makes pregnant women often have a depressed mood – and this “time of depression” often coincides with when they choose to have abortions.”
Posted by: Doug at September 22, 2008 12:45 PM
Thanks for the clarification. And, sadly, that’s what I had assumed was being implied…
Of course, no woman in her RIGHT mind would choose abortion – CLEARLY it is the result of mental defect/hormonal impulse. Can’t be in charge of her own mental facilities at a time like this…better let the people who know better than her handle this instead, right?
Ugh. This is the exact same argument that has patronized and eshewed woman’s positions on issues as irrational, hysterical and immature since – well, forever. I believe that women are smarter than that.
Danielle – I certainly agree.
truly head-banging time: the fact of depression has little to do with intelligence … or femininity. Almost ALL people are affected. I could easily list hundreds (even thousands) of effects from zinc deficiency – from 90% of genetic defects like cystic fibrosis; to ocular defects; to pancreatic defects like diabetes and alcoholism; on and on. Pretending that such a suggestion is frivolous and anti-woman is stupidity itself … a possible zinc deficit.
A woman typically has mood shifts during pregnancy. The first depression begins in wk 8 and ends abruptly in wk 12. The second ‘depression’ begins as the third trimester begins and continues to deepen until birth.
At birth, there is a glitch when euphoria predominates (and is also the time of substantive release of endorphins). After birth sees a continuing deepening of depression (after the birth-time).
Aligning these periods with zinc deficit is my own reasoning because such would explain why these events occur as if they were timed. All this happens BECAUSE A DEVELOPING HUMAN HAS PARALLEL PERIODS WHEN A SIGNIFICANT INCREASED AMOUNT OF ZINC IS NEEDED … the 1st (5th-8th wk) – optic nerve & brain ; 2nd – finishing process for life external to the womb ; 3rd – basic immunity with colostrum + milk. Features of depression can be linked to the involvement of zinc in the mossy fiber layers of the cerebellum.
If you still think such a theory is silly then do not just dismiss it, at the very least try it out to see if it has merit.
Zinc is bound to membranes by the amino acid taurine. So supplementation must be at a meal with meat or an added small supplement of taurine is advised. In case you are wondering, this bound taurine is the cells’ potassium pump. Many women have surmounted their ’emotional symptoms’ by further supplementing with potassium.