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Yesterday the New York Times covered BornAliveTruth.org for the 2nd day in a row, this time on its blog:

Battles over abortion rights can often seem Orwellian, but never more so than in the competition for the Catholic vote in this presidential election….
The traditional movement seeking to end abortion rights is not standing down either. A group called BornAliveTruth.org is spending more than $350,000 to run a commercial in OH and NM featuring an abortion survivor and accusing Mr. Obama of voting against a measure to protect the lives of fetuses that somehow live through the procedure. (The Obama campaign disputes the characterization of the vote, which took place in the IL legislature.)

Yes, we must always make sure to include Obama’s disproven disclaimer.
And I’m not sure what “Orwellian” means in the context of that first sentence. Perhaps someone can explain.

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