’s Gianna ad in Spanish
Many people have been asking for it, and here ’tis –’s Gianna ad in Spanish. Please distribute widely to Spanish groups, friends, family.
Thanks to pro-lifer Hector Ferrar for helping translate.
Well most Mexicans are Catholic and most American Hispanics are as well. The question is how important abortion is compared to getting driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants.
You would think it would be no contest but most Hispanics will support Obama because he is a Democrat.
But you have to get the truth out there and hope it sticks by Nov 4.
Yay, Jill!! ‘Bout time.
Oh boy you guys! Check this out:
Cris P. Carrot or Hamster for President? Now I just don’t know what to think!
I don’t know Leah, but it is becoming more prevalent in schools and such.
Can’t we have two official languages?
OMG McCain is talking about IL BAIPA!!!
Debate on and Obama just lied his butt off about BAIPA and partial birth abortion. He spewed lies forth about abortion like never before. This is a gift from heaven as he is on the record before a national audience. Lord, I pray someone, ANYONE, will take this up and expose him as the horrible liar he is.
Obama has just demonstrated what a liar he really is. Nothing he says can be believed.
Well it’s out there, a clear choice.
Will the US choose life or death?
You MUST call Hannity and clear this BAIPA stuff up tommorrow!!!!!!
Jess: Yeah, man! Canada does: French and English! Of course, in the States it would be more egalitarian, ie: both English and Spanish would be required classes, not just Spanish. (which is to say, only French is required in Canada… depending on the province, I guess)
If I ruled the world… free elephants for all!
Oh man… I LOVE Spanish! It’s so beautiful!
I am fluent in LOL Cat Leah.
Someone even translated the Bible for us!
McCain did great tonight, I must say. His attacks were well aimed and well presented, well at least some of them. Others were easily negated/have already been negated and did nothing. The highlight may have been his George Bush comment.
HOWEVER, Obama has just re-energized his base tonight. He reached those people who have been getting sick of the election and just wished it was over already. He seemed especially able to reach the women tonight if the live feeds of the networks are to have any significance.
That’s amazing. :))))
Now the native speakers can finally read the Word of God. :D
I love life.
That last comment was to Jess.
This one is general. I haven’t seen a single presidential debate. My votes in the polls come from my landlady, who is keeping tabs on American politicians as closely as she was Canadian.
How do you feel about Obama’s lies about BAIPA and late-term abortions? Flat.out.lies.
I took Spanish in high school (2 1/2 years — would have been a full three years but there were a lot of jerks in my class so I dropped Spanish 3 after a semester). I also learned some spanish in grade school. And of course from Sesame Street!
“You say HOLA and I say HELLO”
Dan, I agree. About the first half hour, I was impressed by McCain. After that question about negative ads, though, he kinda went down hill. He went from being passionate to being bitter and angry. I also noticed that Obama did well with women, especially on the abortion issue.
For the rest of you, the majority of undecided voters are pro-choice. This being brought up at all will only solidify Obama’s constituents.
If by good…you mean he lied about his feelings on the abortion issue, then yeah.
I am not a one issue voter. I am criticized here daily for it, but I feel there are more pressing issues on America right now. It’s very survival very well may be at stake if these issues are not adressed.
As for the abortion portion of the debate, Obama did seize an opportunity McCain missed in the debate: talking about the programs needed to help young mothers and have comprehensive sex ed programs that push abstinence as the correct course while also providing comprehensive education. These programs were added to the Democratic platform this year (about time) and I’m glad he did finally bring these prevention measures to the forefront, and beat McCain out with it to boot (even though McCain had the opportunity first)
Abortion aside, I was reminded why I chose to vote for Obama in the first place, and have become re-energized. It had come to the point where I just wanted the election to be over, now I genuinely want Obama to win again, and again have a resurgent hope for this country should he be elected.
That’s not what I asked you Dan. Obama lied about his BAIPA again..and he said he would support a ban on late-trimester abortions. I think we both know that’s a lie.
I too am watching the debate and I am so upset about the lies this guy keeps repeating!!
A basic question, would the entire legistative body in Ill. go through this whole process regarding BIAPA if there were a law already on the books?
What about the audio of him saying “this would be a burden to the orginal decision of the woman and doctor”?
Also upset about the parental notification issue, which he is against. He even said abortion is a tough issue which a woman would need to consult with her doctors, religious advisors etc. But for a teen girl, should she talk with her parents? Of course. But he doesn’t think so. Please help this country if he gets elected.
I’m not so sure. Everyone moves center to win and keep the presidential seat. What happened to McCain (as I was told here) not supporting federal funding for stem cells, when tonight he claimed otherwise?
Oh man, I was fuming when listening to the debate on the way home from a speaking event. You’re all right. OBAMA LIED LIED LIED about his Born Alive record. Working on a press release now.
I understood him to say he supports stem cell research, not federal funding of it. Also, stem cell research does not necessarily mean embryonic and there are a line of embryonic stem cells already available for research. Most of the promise for medical treatment had been shown with adult stem cells.
I was pleased with McCain tonite, he even looked more chipper. I wish he had gotten it in about Ayers wiping his feet on the American flag but I’m very pleased he said that Obama began his career in Ayers’ living room.
I’ve always heard McCain supported federal funds for stem cell research. I’ve heard many pro-choicers come here and say that as to discredit McCain’s pro-life position.
Adult Stem cell treatment is being done in CHINA of all places, with umbilical cord blood of healthy newborns. Right now I am following the journey of a little Nebraskan boy named Kasen who is receiving these umbilical cord blood cell transfusions.
There are skeptics who say this won’t work, but it given a few children with the same eye disease/condition (optic nerve hypoplasia) some of their eyesight back.
We should really be researching the use of umbilical cord blood cells.
There is research in that department underway, but there’s little to go on at the moment.
Jill, I can’t wait for you to discredit his, excuse me, lying ass.
Seriously, I wanted to throw something at the tv when he started in on his lies. Newsflash to Obama, your campaign already said you “misspoke” continuing to “misspeak” after the truth has been repeatedly shown makes you one of two things, a liar or a lunitic. Or maybe both…
Then why is China having successes? Explain that.
I agree with Erin. He started off strong, but I his anger caught up with him. You can just tell by his body language what contempt he has for Obama. It’s a bit unsettling–it makes him look unstable. He also interrupted a lot and many of the times it was only to make some cheap shot in the end.
Also, didn’t like the idea that he wants a program that circumvents certification for teachers. If we want to improve education it has to be about quantity.
And is it just me or is autism and down’s completely separate?
Down side for Obama- how are you gonna cut those taxes but afford those programs?
whoops- it has to be about quality*
and *I think
Kate needs to learn typing skills.
Pip, on autism. Palin’s nephew has Autism, which is what I believe he was refering to.
Ah Lauren that makes sense.
Dan : I genuinely want Obama to win again, and again have a resurgent hope for this country should he be elected.
Take a look at photos from the old Soviet Union and tell us how much hope you see in the people’s faces. How many people were flooding into Soviet block nations in hopes of making a better life for themselves? Wealth redistribution does not bring about hope, it suppresses it. After-all, what is the point of working hard and trying to get ahead if the government is emptying your wallet faster than you can fill it?
Your guy is a socialist through and through and the consequences of an Obama presidency to America and all it stands for will be devastating. You’re young and idealistic and these visions of utopia that dance in your head cost you nothing at this point. But they come at a great price to those of us who have worked our butts off for the last 30, 40 or 50 years in order to “own” homes, help our children with college and attempt to responsibly put away money so we can retire without being a burden. Obama can’t do anything he blathers on about without taxing the h**l out of us and raiding Social Security to boot. If you really believe otherwise you are incredibly naive.
The only people Obama really inspires hope in are those who already have their eye on someone else’s wallet, those who want a little something for a whole lot of nothing. For those of us who work hard and would simply like the government to keep their money grubbing (and wastefully spending) hands out of our pockets, he inspires nothing but fear.
HisMan: Obama has just demonstrated what a liar he really is. Nothing he says can be believed.\
Sadly, Obama has flagrantly demonstrated over and over and over again that he is a liar. The problem is not that his disciples don’t know he is a liar, they do. The problem lies in the fact that they just flat out don’t care. The Obamaniacs don’t believe a man’s character matters, they’re simply looking for their next handout.
This is actually the first debate I’ve watched through and through. I watched part of the first one, but I can’t actually listen to Palin speak (it physically hurts me) so I didn’t watch the second one. This one, however, impressed me. It reminded me again how far McCain has fallen from the man I once quasi-respected, and how much I genuinely enjoy listening to Obama speak.
And once again, I realized how much I could absolutely never vote for McCain. Obama did well, and I’m again looking forward to how this November plays out.
Yes, we all know speaking well is the true test of a man’s (or woman’s) character. Ugh.
Yes, because “enjoying hearing the man speak” should be a primary consideration for president. Wake up people. Listen to what he is actually saying, not just they way he says it!
Eloquently spoken lies are still lies.
Ahh, yes, I have so much respect for that guy who lied his way through those abortion questions. What a respectful and honorable man.
He also interrupted a lot and many of the times it was only to make some cheap shot in the end.
Actually, what I kept noticing was the fact that Bob Schieffer kept interrupting McCain to ask MORE questions while McCain was trying to answer. When Obama spoke, he never interrupted him.
Also, didn’t like the idea that he wants a program that circumvents certification for teachers. If we want to improve education it has to be about quality.
There are many wonderful teachers who do not have college degrees in education, but in other disciplines. I’d frankly like to learn more about the program that McCain mentioned. He wasn’t speaking of just “anyone” circumventing certification, he was speaking of making a way for military veterans to enter into teaching without requiring the typical tests for certification. Not sure what that entails, but no doubt, some sort of “test” would need to be taken by anyone who is teaching, in my opinion.
And by the way, raising a teacher’s salary (as Obama mentioned at least twice) will NOT do anything to guarantee a better quality of education for students. Better training, smaller class sizes, and other factors play a much more important role in that.
Down side for Obama- how are you gonna cut those taxes but afford those programs?
Posted by: prettyinpink at October 15, 2008 10:35 PM
You can cut taxes and afford programs, but typically democrats aren’t about lessening the role of government in people’s everyday lives. They think government expansion/intervention is the solution to everything.
ARGH! Let me try posting MY comments here again, since I can’t get the post to look right, sorry:
Actually, what I kept noticing was the fact that Bob Schieffer kept interrupting McCain to ask MORE questions while McCain was trying to answer. When Obama spoke, he never interrupted him.
There are many wonderful teachers who do not have college degrees in education, but in other disciplines. I’d frankly like to learn more about the program that McCain mentioned. He wasn’t speaking of just “anyone” circumventing certification, he was speaking of making a way for military veterans to enter into teaching without requiring the typical tests for certification. Not sure what that entails, but no doubt, some sort of “test” would need to be taken by anyone who is teaching, in my opinion.
And by the way, raising a teacher’s salary (as Obama mentioned at least twice) will NOT do anything to guarantee a better quality of education for students. Better training, smaller class sizes, and other factors play a much more important role in that.
You can cut taxes and afford programs, but typically democrats aren’t about lessening the role of government in people’s everyday lives. They think government expansion/intervention is the solution to everything.
He’d sell his own grandmother for a vote (oh wait, he already did that) but as long as we can listen to Obamessiah’s silver tongue, all will be right with the world.
Actually, what I kept noticing was the fact that Bob Schieffer kept interrupting McCain to ask MORE questions while McCain was trying to answer. When Obama spoke, he never interrupted him.
I noticed that too Kel, and it was when McCain was hitting his stride with his answers; and it happened way too often to have been coincidental. Moderator was not neutral.
“Bob Schieffer kept interrupting McCain to ask MORE questions while McCain was trying to answer.”
That is true, but there were some unsettling cheap shots that McCain took, it was kind of weird.
Also, I don’t think being in the military automatically qualifies someone to teach, and I agree that some sort of test needs to be passed, otherwise there is no reason to assume the quality of education will improve.
As long as there are teachers’ unions protecting poor, ineffective teachers’ jobs and holding the entire public education system hostage to their petty demands, we can assume that the quality of education in America will continue to decline.
Meanwhile back in the real world, the polls show Obama the debate winner by a margin of 2 to 1, or more.
Also, I don’t think being in the military automatically qualifies someone to teach, and I agree that some sort of test needs to be passed, otherwise there is no reason to assume the quality of education will improve.
Posted by: prettyinpink at October 16, 2008 7:54 AM
Later I heard an explanation of what McCain said. There is a program that already exists for ex-military to go into teaching. McCain didn’t explain this. IMO, intelligence and a desire to serve others is more importance in predicting the success of a teacher than a teaching degree. These are both qualities that make a good serviceman, so their suitability for teaching makes sense. Discipline, one of the biggest problems in inner city schools, would certainly improve. When there’s order in the classroom, kids can learn.
You can cut taxes and afford programs, but typically democrats aren’t about lessening the role of government in people’s everyday lives. They think government expansion/intervention is the solution to everything
Kel, you’re generalizing incorrectly. Democrats have areas where they think the gov’t should “butt out” of people’s lives, just as do Republicans. And Republicans certainly often have plenty of things they think the gov’t should have its hands in.
And by the way, raising a teacher’s salary (as Obama mentioned at least twice) will NOT do anything to guarantee a better quality of education for students. Better training, smaller class sizes, and other factors play a much more important role in that.
There are good teachers who quit because the pay is so much higher for different jobs.
Smaller classes, etc., – yes, good suggestions and it would make a difference too.
Janet, the mindset taught in the military is one of self-denial, and has a tendency towards violence. Additionally, the idea of complete compliance, lack of individuality, and abeyance towards all authority figures, regardless of their ability to lead, are all military ideals.
That does NOT, to me, sound like good teacher material.
“You can cut taxes and afford programs, but typically democrats aren’t about lessening the role of government in people’s everyday lives. They think government expansion/intervention is the solution to everything”
Kel, you’re generalizing incorrectly. Democrats have areas where they think the gov’t should “butt out” of people’s lives, just as do Republicans. And Republicans certainly often have plenty of things they think the gov’t should have its hands in.
Democrats often use the courts to create law. They are typically for higher taxes, which means they take more of my money and spend it on what THEY deem worthy. Including abortion.
Your argument is with my college political science professor, Doug, not with me. :D And he’s a Dem.
I’m sure there are good teachers who quit because they need more money. I’m sure there are also some who quit because they “think” they “need more money” to keep up with the Joneses (like people in other professions do). I didn’t go into teaching for the money, though. ;) Most people who choose to become educators EXPECT that their profession isn’t one of the most lucrative, but they choose it as a profession anyway, before they ever enter college.
I live in an area where the schools are B-A-D and they’re starting first year, fresh out of college teachers at over $30,000 per year, plus benefits, and I don’t live in a particularly wealthy area. I think that’s a pretty decent starting salary.
Janet, the mindset taught in the military is one of self-denial, and has a tendency towards violence. Additionally, the idea of complete compliance, lack of individuality, and abeyance towards all authority figures, regardless of their ability to lead, are all military ideals.
That does NOT, to me, sound like good teacher material.
Posted by: HumanAbstract Author Profile Page at October 16, 2008 7:16 PM
You’ve obviously never taken a college course in classroom management. :D
I find it offensive that you equate all military officers with having a “tendency towards violence.” That is horrible. The comments you’ve just made show that you have little regard for the soldiers who continue to guard your freedoms in this nation.
A little bit of training in “self-denial” doesn’t sound like such a bad thing to me. But of course, that would be the opposite of teaching, “Do whatever you want, there are no consequences.”
Compliance with the teacher’s demands in the classroom is absolutely necessary if we expect students to learn. Students today have zero respect for the classroom teacher’s authority, and that is one reason why the public school classroom is so difficult to manage.
You cannot lead until you know how to follow. And if students are going to succeed in the workplace and in society, they need to learn respect for authority. One cannot keep a job when one does not do what he is asked by his employer. One cannot keep a job if one does not learn how to show restraint and respect for one’s co-workers and employer.
Thank you for your comments.
What are military men and women trained to do, Kel? How is pointing that out disrespectful? They do have a tendency towards violence because that’s how their trained. It’s true.
Why deny the essential self? Learn the consequences, and let people choose for themselves whether or not the consequences are worth it. Teachers today are deserving of zero respect, and that’s why the public school classrooms are so difficult to manage. Teachers, like all authority figures, need to be questioned if they aren’t distributing factual information. Following isn’t necessary to be able to know how to lead. Authority figures do not always deserve to be respected: the military teachers that all authority figures need to be respect, regardless of whether or not they deserve it.
Respect needs to be earned: just because someone is an authority figure doesn’t mean they automatically deserve respect.
Democrats often use the courts to create law. They are typically for higher taxes, which means they take more of my money and spend it on what THEY deem worthy. Including abortion.
Your argument is with my college political science professor, Doug, not with me. :D And he’s a Dem.
Kel, agreed to some extent there – that Democrats are more for “redistribution,” which is not necessarily a good thing for the economy of the country as a whole. However, we all are for some of that redistribution, it’s always a matter of degree, and as of yet we haven’t gotten to fiscal responsibility.
However, Republicans have been the bigger spenders in the last few administrations, expecially compared to receipts. Not taxing and running up even bigger deficits in no way is “better” than taxing, per se.
One big problem is that the Republicans are no longer “conservatives.”