Weekly Life News round-up
News headlines on Life issues by Bill Beckman of the IL Right to Life Committee
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Nov.17, 2008 4:00 pm |
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News headlines on Life issues by Bill Beckman of the IL Right to Life Committee
November 6
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Looks like spiritual; warfare. The pro deathers will amplify their attacks on humans and human life. As wicked as they seem, don’t be surprised if they don’t try to get a law that makes it to be a hate crime to express opposition to abortion.
As wicked as they seem, don’t be surprised if they don’t try to get a law that makes it to be a hate crime to express opposition to abortion.
Posted by: xppc at November 17, 2008 4:12 PM
chill baby chill
having read the article linked to abortion advocates using birth control issues as a means to defeat prolifers I have this to offer:
we need to keep demonstrating that abortion is irrevocably tied to birth control.
A woman using birth control, is still likely to get pregnant.
1.A new Australia study shows two-thirds of the women seeking abortions did so because their contraception failed.
The study included 3,400 women who went to an abortion business in Adelaide over the course of a decade.
Conducted by Flinders University professors Wendy Abigail, Charmaine Power and Ingrid Belan, it found 70 percent of the women seeking abortions used birth control.
2. according to the Guttmacher Institute, in the US 54% of women seeking abortions were using contraceptives the month they became pregnant
3. the state of California ranked no. 1 in terms of availability, favorable laws, public funding and so forth of contraception and it also had the highest number of abortions (Guttmacher Institute: Contraception Counts)
In Number 3 you’re confusing rate of contraception with actual number of abortions. Of course it had the hightest number of abortions, it has the largest populaton.
Anyway, sounds like we can all agree that we need some improvement in technology or education (or both) for contraception.
nope. I don’t support contraception. In any situation.
It leads to abortion. And I’m not confusing anything Hal – it’s you who are quite confused.
Patricia @ 4:44,
1.A new Australia study shows two-thirds of the women seeking abortions did so because their contraception failed.
Thanks for the updated info. In a Guttmacher Institute study from 1991-2005 the percentage was approximately 50%. (I just posted that on a different thread.)
. . . . . . . . . . . .
It’s unbelievable that a federal appeals court ruled that the State of Illinois doesn’t have to issue Choose Life license plates.
The court ruled that Illinois officials have refused the Choose Life plate “on the reasonable rationale that messages on specialty license plates give the appearance of having the government’s endorsement, and Illinois does not wish to be perceived as endorsing any position on abortion.”
Who isn’t aware that the type of plate issued to an individual is the choice of the individual? So much for CHOICE.
The appeals court claimed Illinois is only restricting content and not the First Amendment free speech rights of the pro-life advocates behind the license plates.
Isn’t it the content of the “speech” that the First Amendment is about?? YIKES.
… and I’m one of the plaintiffs in that case. Am looking forward to going to the Supreme Court and Choose Life winning there… again…. These judges never learn. They don’t care. They just want to prolong the battle and increase the money we have to spend.
Jill, for what it’s worth. I agree with you on the license plates. Once the government establishes a public forum, they should not censor the content of the speech unless absolutely necessary.
Jill, Good for you. I hope the plaintiffs get reimbursed for attorney fees if they win. What a waste of money by the State of Illinois. I wonder why they still think it is worth the fight.
Washington Doctors, Hospitals Refuse to Take Part in New Assisted Suicide Law
Wesley J. Smith, a top bioethics watchdog based in California, applauded the decisions not to engage in assisted suicides.
“One of the most important services that medical professionals can offer to the people they serve, I think, is to declare their offices and facilities to be ‘assisted suicide free zones,'” he said. “Indeed, I hope that medical organizations create plaques and certificates to those doctors and health care facilities can mount on office walls.”
I think this is a wonderful idea that could be applied to abortion also. Hospitals and medical offices could declare themselves “abortion free zones” and create plaques and certificates as well!
Good for you Jill!
Good for you, Hal!
“nope. I don’t support contraception. In any situation.
It leads to abortion.”
Take away contraception. See how fast the abortion rate goes up.
Full Page Ad in Washington Times Weekly – November 17, 2008
You might be interested in this.
The Connection between Contraception and Abortion
by Janet E. Smith
Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Dallas
“We have lived for about thirty years with a culture permeated
with contraceptive use and abortion; no longer can we think that greater access to contraception will
reduce the number of abortions.”
There’s nothing saying that less access to contraception will reduce the number of abortions. I believe it was you (correct me if I’m wrong?) but didn’t you say 50% of abortions were women who were on birth control? Which means… 50% weren’t on birth control. So… it doesn’t sound like contraception has anything to do with it. I mean….. if the other 50% of women HAD been on birth control, can’t we conclude that some of those abortions would have been prevented?
The pill does
not always stop ovulation but sometimes prevents implantation
I’m sorry, but even if the pill sometimes let’s an egg through, but doesn’t allow the egg and sperm to plant… I don’t really consider THAT losing a life. That would be like saying a guy is performing abortions every time he …(you know what I’m getting at. I’m not sure if that word is allowed.)
Every time he takes Miss Hand out to supper?
Exactly, Erin. :)
Josephine, the egg and the sperm unite. It’s one thing if fertilization doesn’t occur, but if it does, and the actions of the pill stop that newly fertilized egg from implanting, then it is a different story.
don’t be surprised if they don’t try to get a law that makes it to be a hate crime to express opposition to abortion.
Posted by: xppc at November 17, 2008 4:12 PM
Please dont give NObama, Peslosi and Reid any ideas.
Josephine: “There’s nothing saying that less access to contraception will reduce the number of abortions. I believe it was you (correct me if I’m wrong?) but didn’t you say 50% of abortions were women who were on birth control? Which means… 50% weren’t on birth control. So… it doesn’t sound like contraception has anything to do with it. I mean….. if the other 50% of women HAD been on birth control, can’t we conclude that some of those abortions would have been prevented?”
It depends. If the ratio of sexually active women who take BC to those who do not is a 1:1 ratio then the ratio would lead us to believe that the contraception is having no affect either way. If the ratio of BC to nonBC is 1:2 for example, then it would lead us to believe that the BC is actually increasing the number of abortions because the BCers would constitute a lower portion of overall sexually active women than they would of abortions provided. Conversely, if the ratio of BC to non BC is 2:1, then we could argue that the BC is lowering the number of abortions.
Basically it would take some analysis of the data. Even then, it would be easy to make some assumptions that are not necessarily the case..
It was already said, but its worth mentioning again, masturbation by either sex does not kill a new human, aka a fertilized egg, directly, whereas some forms of BC can do this.
Personally, I would like to see the numbers of fertilized eggs killed by BC versus the numbers of fertilized eggs killed naturally from unprotected sex. I think that would be an interesting study. I suspect that the numbers are not far off….
Talk about losing moral authority as a nation. When our nation/Nobama supports the spread of abortuaries worldwide through the UN, we will have no ground to preach as though we are a leader of human rights in the world. Bitch about torching terrorists for informtion that could save innocent lifes and spread the killing of innocent beabies in the womb. ughhh
Talk about losing moral authority as a nation. That should have said bitch about torchering terrorists, not torching terrorists. I have zero tolerance for death by fire.
I think the only reason Nobama cares about torchering is because he is afraid other governments would torcher US citizens some day. Babies can’t fight back or vote so they are easy prey for liberals and power hungry bullies to pick on.
Erin: Every time he takes Miss Hand out to supper?
I thought it was Rosie Palm.
I think the only reason Nobama cares about toturing is because he is afraid other governments would toture US citizens some day. Babies can’t fight back or vote so they are easy prey for liberals and power hungry bullies to pick on.
I think the only reason Nobama cares about torturing is because he is afraid other governments would torture US citizens some day. Babies can’t fight back or vote so they are easy prey for liberals and power hungry bullies to pick on. I got news for you pro-abort punks. Daddy is watching out for his babies.
Got it :)
Did you read yesterday’s Washinton Post article by Jacqueline Salmon? Looks like some have the right idea afterall!
That’s funny!
Got it :)
:: laughing ::
Way to go, TS. Way to keep after it.
Perserverence in all we do. And a little more proofreading helps too. :
TS, if I was to proofread that, I’d say “perseverance.” (Brutal, huh?)
“Endeavor to persevere….”
Welshman, are ye?