Weekly Life news round-up
News headlines on Life issues by Bill Beckman of the IL Right to Life Committee
Today we launch a new feature, important headlines for the week gleaned from LifeNews.com and LifeSiteNews.com by Bill Beckman, executive director of ILRTL Welcome, Bill!
October 22, 2008
Bishops: Catholics “morally obliged” to oppose Roe v. Wade
Pro-life leader: Election could undo every victory on abortion in 20 years
Mexican State of Sonora passes pro-life constitutional amendment…
October 24, 2008
Palin delivers rousing clarion call for dignity of children with disabilities
October 26, 2008
MN school district settles lawsuit after prohibiting pro-life t-shirt
FL’s Sarasota Co. cuts funding to Planned Parenthood abortion center
October 27, 2008
Over 80 bishops say abortion/life issues defining issues of election
Just look: Cardinal Egan compares abortion crimes to those of Hitler, Stalin
Biden’s bishop chastizes him for misrepresenting Church teaching on abortion
Abortion survivor Jessen releases second ad criticizing Obama on infanticide
Case claiming Obama ineligible for presidency appealed to Supreme Court
October 28, 2008
Group reminds voters Barack Obama wants all pro-life laws overturned
VA Partial-Birth Abortion Ban receives Federal Appeals Court review
Global radicals will have free rein under Obama presidency (Austin Ruse)
Will US bishops’ document win Catholic vote for Obama? (Deal Hudson)
How Born Alive has changed the abortion debate (Jill Stanek)

“FL’s Sarasota Co. cuts funding to Planned Parenthood abortion center.”
Paul Mercier, who will be departing from the commission, made the motion to dump the funding, arguing that Planned Parenthood already has a significantly large budget and wealthy donors who can easily replace the county funding. He also said the county was facing fiscal concerns and that the funds were better directed elsewhere.
Thank you Sarasota County Commissioners.
This is term used to describe those who were opposed to ending the practice of using tax dollars to fund a particular christian denomination to the exclusion of other christian denominations.
When the Uniteds States Constitution was ratified a majority of the 13 ‘states’ had ‘established’ churches. This practice persisted until after the end of the civil war. The citizens of the 13 states refused to ratify the proposed constitution until the ‘bill of rights’ was added.
The first amendment states,
“Congress shall make no law respecting an ESTABLISHMENT of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
The first amemdment prohibits the federal government from ‘establishing’ a particular religion, not the states, counties, cities, school districts, etc. If the aforementioned entities wish to indulge in religious activities they should stop accepting financial assistance from the federal government.
In my humble opinion, and I believe history bares me out, using citizens tax dollars, which are confiscated by the force of law to support any private oragnization, whether it be the Boy Scouts or Planned Parenthood or ACORN or The United Nations, or the Broadway Church of the Half Saved, pastor Luke Warm presiding, is a bad idea.
Disestablish PlannedParenthood anywhere and everwhere it exists. If PP can not survive without the constant infusion of taxpayer dollars, then it deserves to fail. If being consistent means disestablishing faith based iniatives, then do that as well. Disestablish Wall Street as well. Some things need to be allowed to fail so the better thing can take it’s place.
yor bro ken
All these stories and only two comments???
Janet, “LifeNews” for one, is highly suspect.
“Janet, “LifeNews” for one, is highly suspect.”
Posted by: Doug at November 4, 2008 11:28 PM
To say the least….
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