Thumbnail image for breaking.jpgAs soon as I clicked “publish” on the previous post, I received an email announcing the release of the 2nd video by the Mona Lisa Project exposing a 2nd IN Planned Parenthood as a child rapist protector, this 1 in Indianapolis.
This video was shot the same day as the video at the Bloomington PP, only 90 miles away.

In both stings, Lila Rose posed as a 13-year-old girl who told PP employees she was having sex with a 31-year-old man. This is underage rape according to IN law and immediately reportable to authorities if the victim is under age 14.
IN PP may have fired the Bloomington nurse, but this 2nd video shows a pattern. In it 2 Indianapolis PP staffers also turn a blind eye to the victim’s abuse.
The 1st staffer stated, “We don’t really care about who, what, the age of the boyfriend.” She then forwarded Rose to a counselor, who stated after hearing the “boyfriend’s age, “I don’t care how old he is.” The counselor added, “The surrounding states don’t have parental consent. I can’t tell you any more.”

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