Brownback/Roberts’ endorsement of Sebelius a “nonstory”?
UPDATE, 4:10p: Word is Glenn Beck will cover the Sebelius/Medicaid controversy (show on now) and O’Reilly may as well.
Call on Brownback and Roberts to withdraw their support of Sebelius. This issue is mushrooming.
UPDATE, 3:30p: Read emerging revelations implicating Sebelius in potential Medicaid fraud/favoritism by KHI News Service.
Kansas Meadowlark has a synopsis of that story, an easier read.
[HT: Matt Lewis; Wendy Wright]
UPDATE, 3:20p: The fallout against Brownback continues. Read story quoting Judie Brown and Austin Ruse.
Also be sure to note new ad above Stanek logo. Sign American Life League’s the anti-Sebelius petition.
UPDATE, 2:10p: Per the Susan B. Anthony List on Twitter moments ago:
Brownback is taking heat for his decision to endorse Sebelius for HHS. And rightly so. He is so wrong on this issue.
From Ben Smith on Politico moments ago…
The American Life League, which has launched a petition to block Kathleen Sebelius’s appointment… is criticizing KS Senator Sam Brownback — a major anti-abortion voice — for supporting the pick.
“Brownback’s support for Sebelius doesn’t undercut pro-lifers one bit,” emails ALL spokeswoman Katie Walker. “It certainly undercuts Brownback’s credibility, not to mention the victims of abortion.”
UPDATE, 1:15p: From Fox News, March 2:
But it’s unlikely Sebelius will face much opposition in the U.S. Senate. Even the two Republican senators from her own state — Pat Roberts and Sam Brownback — are fine with the choice. Roberts was in attendance at the White House Monday as Obama announced his nomination of Sebelius — a point the president noted.
10:22a: The more I think about what pro-life Kansan US Senators Brownback and Roberts did – write a glowing letter of congratulations on President Obama’s nomination of radical pro-abort KS Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to head HHS – the madder I get.
That some pro-lifers don’t understand the harm done is also disturbing. One commented yesterday, “This is really a nonstory…. Brownback and Roberts understand that the nation’s loss is Kansas’ gain.”
Look, a nation’s loss is no consolation for one state’s gain, if indeed there will be a gain, which is speculative, since Sebelius will be replaced by pro-abort Lt. Gov. Mark Parkinson. (And who here actually takes comfort that Parkinson says he won’t run in 2010?)
In fact, Sebelius will do so much damage, based on her track record, it will be difficult to recover. (One for instance: hiring like-minded people at HHS for permanent positions just as baby boomers are retiring en masse.) I’m writing my WorldNetDaily column tomorrow on the ramifications of a Sebelius appointment.
Back to Brownback/Roberts, a DC contact reminded me their support of Sebelius will give squishy Republicans cover to vote for her appointment and make it difficult for pro-life Republicans to oppose it.
Liberals get this. Wrote mcjoan at DailyKos yesterday, in response to David Brody of CBN’s remark to CNN about the B/R statement, “It’s a problem, and Sam Brownback has been in long step with them on the abortion issue. That’s a setback for them.”…
Could pose a problem? Ya think? A reminder for CNN, the confirmation goes through the Senate. If the likeliest foes of the nominee on a single issue are giving her a pass, she’ll be confirmed. Having been burned through the nomination process a few times here, and having plenty of advanced warning that the anti-choice forces would oppose this pick, the administration was unlikely to risk another derailed nomination. With Brownback and Roberts on board, they’re set.
Wrote the liberals at Prime Buzz on February 28 before the B/R statement:
What will Republican Sen. Sam Brownback say about all this? If Brownback wants to stir the pot on all things abortion and Dr. George Tiller, he could do some damage.
Brownback not only passed up an opportunity to help the pro-life movement, he inexplicably torpedoed pro-life efforts to stop Sebelius. He didn’t have to say anything.
I close with Politico’s Jonathan Martin of Politico’s calming assurance to Chris Matthews last night re: his fear of pro-life “verbal verbal terrorism” against Sebelius. No worries, said Martin, Brownback is on her side. Per Geoffrey Dickens of NewsBusters:
On Monday night’s Hardball, Chris Matthews feared KS Governor Kathleen Sebelius, in her nomination fight to head HHS, would be a target of “the terrorism of the, of the anti-abortion people.” Then perhaps realizing he called all pro-lifers terrorists, Matthews feebly attempted to amend the statement, as he tried to clarify, “I mean verbal terrorism.”
The following exchange was aired during the March 2, edition of Hardball:
Matthews: Let’s talk about, let’s get to something really tough.
Martin: Sure.
Matthews: Kathleen Sebelius, very likeable, very impressive. I think of the woman who becomes the governor in Mr. Holland’s Opus, remember the one who comes back?
Lois Romano, Washington Post: Right.
Matthews: Who becomes the governor, the woman governor. She looks like her, in fact. Is she gonna get through the, the terrorism of the, of the anti-abortion people?
Romano: Yeah I think she’s gonna do that and I think they’ve got a clear shot.
Matthews: I mean verbal terrorism.
Romano: Yeah they’re, she’ll get through that.
Martin: I think she will, for one important reason. Sam Brownback, her home state senator, an ardent Catholic pro-lifer, Chris, has said kind things about her, signaling that he will not stand in her way. So if that’s any, sort of indication I think that bodes well for Sebelius.
Matthews: But are we gonna have days and days of hearings about what she did about this guy who was a late-term abortion doctor?
Martin: I’m sure it’ll come up.
This was not a mistake to be swept under the rug, as some pro-lifers wish. A pro-life politician trying to advance in power, as Brownback wants to do, cannot be excused for disavowing pro-life principles along the way. Here we see a tragic example of the ripple effect. Every action has ramifications one way or the other. This one was bad. This CNN article spotlighting Republican rollovers on the Sebelius nomination makes me sick.
[HT for DailyKos piece: reader Susie A.; HT for NewsBusters piece: moderator jasper; photo courtesy of The New York Times]
Wow, I didn’t realize that expressing my disgust with the nonchalant disposal of unborn human life was “terrorism.”
As opposed to those people who actually blow up buildings and kill thousands of people at a time. You know…the “insurgents.”
*rolls eyes*
Is Pelosi her sister?
Matthews describes himself as Catholic. Wonder if the Pope is a verbal terrorist in his eyes?
I am having trouble finding the original statement/letter supporting Sebilius from Brownback. It is not in his press releases. The only place it was showing up yesterday was Kansas local paper. Do you have a link to the actual statement? Sam is a friend of ours and I would like to talk to him about this if the statements in the press are accurate. If he has been misquoted or important parts of his statement tempering his “congratulations” have been left out of public reports, I want to know about it before I address the issue. Thanks!
So Chris Matthews finally admits his fear of pro-lifers by calling us terrorists?
Chris, apparently we don’t give him “tingly feelings” up his leg. :D
Matthews is a CINO, I’m sure you all know what that means.
all these CINOs make Bill O’Reilley and Sean Hannity look like good Orthodox Catholics.
I agree with Amy: I would like to know where this original statement is…..not that I don’t have the same concerns you do, Jill, I do. But as I said yesterday, there has to be “more than meets the eye” here……something doesn’t seem right.
Hey Amy, here it is:
She’s going to sail through confirmation. There are 57 Democrats in the senate. Even if every Republican voted against her, she would still sail through. It’s a waste of time to fight it, especially for such silly reasons.
So what if she’s friends with Dr. Tiller? So what if she’s vetoed some bad anti-choice bills? Nothing unethical or illegal about that. Do you really think Obama would appoint anyone who wasn’t pro-choice? Come on, now.
So what, Jill, you would rather have Sebelius killing babies in Kansas?
Anonymous, a reminder, no anonymous posts.
No, of course not.
My point: Brownback/Roberts should not have gone gaga over her HHS nomination, undercutting pro-life efforts to stop her.
And if pro-lifers were somehow successful in stopping her from waging war on babies on a national level? She would have been compartmentalized by her term limit.
And if she ran for Senate instead? Who knows. She still can, actually. She could do a short stint at HHS and bow out to run.
Neverthless, concern for ends can never justify means.
“That some pro-lifers don’t undertand the harm done is also disturbing.”
Jill, this is really beneath you. At least you did not name me directly in your rant, though it’s easy to see you’re referring to me.
What you fail to undrstand is Obama is going to have a pro-abortion health secretary no matter what. And Sebelius will be confirmed regardless of what Brownback does.
That’s deplorable obviously and I never once said Sebelius being the head of HHS was a good thing, which you make me appear to say.
My point all along as been that kicking Sebelius out of Kansas is a good thing for Kansas and the pro-life movement because it gives us a real chance to have a pro-life governor in 2010 and to keep Brownback’s seat in the Senate pro-life.
Surely you don’t think those are bad things, do you?
Yes Sebelius would be horrible at HHS but so would anyone else. So better that Obama stupidly picks someone who gives us a better pro-life foothold in a state than someone with no silver lining.
Steve, read my WND piece tomorrow. Sebelius is indeed a worse appointment than the typical run-of-the-mill pro-abort.
Her appointment leaves no pro-life foothold. Her replacement is a pro-abort. Just because he says he is not going to run again in 2010 is meaningless.
And as I just wrote, she doesn’t have to stay at HHS. She could do a short stint and leave and run for Senate.
The what ifs are endless. What is not a what if is doing the right thing at the right time. Brownback/Roberts did the wrong thing.
We’ll have to agree to disagree. Yes Brownback was wrong and I repeatedly said as much despite this post to the contrary. I look forward to the babies who will be saved thanks to a Kansas free of Sebelius.
Steve, this is not an AZ Napolitano situation, where her replacement was a pro-lifer, and now AZ pro-life legislators are whiz-banging good legislation out.
How many times do I have to say Sebelius’ replacement is going to be a pro-abort?
I know Sebelius’ immediate replacement will be a pro-abortion, but how many times do I have to say that the 2010 election gives us a real chance for a pro-lifer who can change the pro-death culture she left?
Sebelius’ reaplacement, according to CQ, is not running in 2010 and she will be replaced with Brownback if he doesn’t lose to a pro-abortion candidate because of these pro-life attacks on him.
If Brownback isn’t sabatoged by pro-life people, then he too can sign pro-life legislation our friends at OR and Kansans for Life whiz bang to his office.
But Kansas can be even better than AZ. Napolitano only affected the governor’s race. With Sebelius in DC, it’s easier for Tiahart and Moran to get Brownback’s seat. Surely you know how much we’re hurting in the Senate right now and need every pro-life vote we can get.
The consequences, since you like that term, of Tiahrt or Moran vs. Sebelius in the Senate are literally life and death.
Steve, you’re peering into a very foggy crystal ball to rationalize.
I’m not rationalizing anything, just pointing out the silver lining to the Sebelius nod as you just did with Arizona. Obviously there is no support for Sebelius intended.
C’Mon guys, do you have any clue as to what happened in Arizona?
The church flunked the marriage amendment in 2006 and was punished by a severe downturn in the economy here and a re-election of that lesbian pervert for governor.
Then the church woke up, and we passed the marriage amendment in 2008. We were rewarded by the removal of that lesbian pervert and I predict that AZ will be the first state to emerge from this depression.
You want change in Kansas? Wake up the church there through the pastors. Then you will see change. Otherwise you are both spitting in the wind.
God responds to repentance.
The point remains that Brownback/Roberts should NOT have lent their endorsement to this nomination. The end does not justify the means. She would win nomination without their endorsement but they did not have to help this out. They gave her cover and this hurts our cause big time.
You guys are acting like the “pro life movement” has any life left in it. It’s over guys.
Maria, I’ve never disputed that.
The Gates of HELL will NEVER PREVAIL.
Its not OVER YET. When America wakes up and SEES abortion for what it is, they will REJECT it.
You assume Americans are missing something. We’re not. We get it. We’re just okay with it. Brownback realizes this, apparently.
Hal: You assume Americans are missing something. We’re not. We get it. We’re just okay with it. Brownback realizes this, apparently.”
Most Americans are not as stupid as you are. The problem is that they have not heard any solid argument on the issue. There needs to be a unified voice on the issue, and an answer for the alternative world when abortion is made illegal. There needs to be some form of planning and infrastructure for the American public to go all in.
Brownback is no more pro-life than Obama.
HisMan, yes I think Arizona will do quite well… I know that poor Jan Brewer certainly does have her hands full with the horrible financial situation that Napolitano left when she high-tailed it to DC.
One of the sound bites on KFYI these days introducing the different shows is some woman saying, “Great, now the rest of the nation will be just as unsafe as Arizona has always been.”
True, and it saddens me, the new threat to our nation’s safety. I do feel, however, that Gov. Brewer (uphill fight though she has) will lead this state to a new era of fiscal responsibility.
Oliver, you underestimate the American people.
And overestimate the power of your arguments.
Hal, the pro-life movement is very far from over.
Tell that to the 40 days for life people who, like me, are standing out in front of the clinics every hour of the day. Tell that to the women who change their minds in time to save their babies because of our presence.
Tell that to the clinic workers who leave their professions because they finally accept the truth.
The clinic I’ve been going to the past few days is run by a man who lives with his family above the clinic and whose mother celebrated her frequent abortions when he was a child. He is in a very, very dark place. Should we just give up on him because Hal says “it’s over,” or should we continue to do everything in our power to help him out of that horror?
Also, Hal, who are you to talk about the strength of an arguement. You base killing two of your children on the fact that you “feel” it’s ok.
Not exactly compelling.
Maybe not compelling, but the forces of “choice” are prevailing.
I expect that over time contraception will improve, and medicinal ways to terminate pregnancies will also improve, and abortion as we now know it will be extremely rare.
Hal, killing a baby is killing a baby regardless of if you use a currette or a pill. I don’t care if someone pushed a button that killed the child instantly, it would still be wrong and I would still fight against it.
Exactly what do you think is weak about Oliver’s argument, and what is he underestimating about the American people?
You guys are acting like the “pro life movement” has any life left in it. It’s over guys.
You are so far removed from the pro-life movement, how could you possibly have a clue about what life is left? You said yourself a long time ago that you don’t have any acquaintances that are pro-life. The pro-life movement is growing and stronger than ever. As Lauren said, come to the abortion clinics and see how many people are witnessing and helping women who think abortion is the best answer. Our voices continue to be heard all over the country. Maybe just not in your neighborhood.
Thank you Lauren and anyone else who is doing 40 Days for Life!! God bless you!!
As a political movement, I don’t see much life in the movement. I could be wrong. If I didn’t visit this site, I don’t think I’d even be aware that there are a substantial number people out there trying to make abortion illegal. It’s beginning to resemble a fringe movement in many ways.
I don’t mean to insult the determination and motivation of those of you who are active in the pro life arena. I just don’t think there’s any appetite in this country to change the laws one way or the other. The status quo seems firmly implanted and generally accepted.
Hal, are you kidding me? The youth of today are more pro-life than ever. Just because there is a blackout in the media doesn’t mean we don’t exist.
I can understand how you would be mislead, considering every story about abortion calls us “abortion foes” and paints us as fringe, but how we are portrayed in the media isn’t an acurate portrayal of the movement.
Lauren, I’m willing to consider that I’m not getting an accurate view. I’m in my bubble of pro choice friends, family, and co-workers. You, however, might be in the opposite type of bubble. It’s the lack of political traction you’re getting that makes me think it’s not working. Do you see much traction for pro life arguments?
Hal: The interesting thing about the pro-life movement is its persistence over the years. We have been written off time and again (wishful thinking) but the reality is we are strong, and we know our cause is right.
You are correct about the lack of coverage in the MSM. If all a person does is read TIME and watch Chris Matthews etc. then the idea of the pro-life movement as a dynamic, energetic, and fully engaged movement that is growing and continues to have a decisive impact on elections and policy making at many points around the country…well, that person would not know because the “choice” bias is so dominate in the MSM as to exclude coverage of pro-life issues, unless of course it is something negative.
As an example of this paltry coverage, where is the coverage of the annual pro-life march in Washington? Basically, it is viewed as a non-event by the MSM. What if a hundred thousand wounded veterans or a hundred thousand feminists marched on DC, well, you get the point.
There are tremendous strides being made right now. “Personhood” legislation is advancing in a number of states, and the resulting judicial take on this could very definitely yield some surprises. The “40 Days for Life” campaign is bringing the message home to hundreds of locations around the country, bringing out new activists every day. And people are just getting smarter about life issues. Now, more than ever, we see the reality of life within the womb as an unborn child.
The 19th century philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer observed: “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident.”
We pro-lifers know with certainty that a day will come, sooner rather than later, that the time is coming when people will look upon the legalization of abortion and the resulting murder of hundreds of millions of babies worldwide as one of the saddest and most unbelievable chapters in human history.
Of course the politically correct Communist News Network says Sebelius “supports a woman’s right to choose.” I think if more people really understood her support of Tiller and many other anti life policies most would oppose her nomination.
I agree both Brownback and Roberts did a lot of damage, and in the case of Brownback it will likely hurt him if he decides to run for governor or for President again. Pro life people have no reason to trust him now.
Its no surprise that someone like Arnold would support the nomination as he’s nothing but a RINO anyway, but it’s reasonable to have expected more from the two Senators.
Jerry, thank you for the thoughtful post. I do agree the MSM is not covering your movement. The “40 days for Life” is something I’ve never heard a word about except for on this site.
Hal, politically we’re at a disadvantage right now because of the democratic monopoly,. However, long term we are changeing hearts radically and those gains will translate to long term political gains. More and more people are realizing the truth about abortion.
You guys are acting like the “pro life movement” has any life left in it. It’s over guys.
Oh Hal, it is SO not over.
Hal, though politically we do have some encouraging signs, like the Vitter ammendment.
Lauren, that may be. It also may be that the reason the democrats are in control right now is, at least in part, due to their position on abortion.
I’m really not a political scientist. I’m just wondering if either of us is (or even can) objectively evaluate the status of the battle.
Hal, the reason democrats are in control is because a political voodoo man took advantage of a financial collapse by lying directly to the American people. Of course, he was helped by a fawning, biased media.
Abortion played no part in the election this year, except for giving us a look into how easily our now president can lie through his teeth.
“political voodoo man?”
You don’t agree with his positions, perhaps, but where did he lie to the American people?
I’m participating in 40Days for Life. Last week I was unable to make it cause I was helping to babysit, but tomorrow after a chiropractic adjustment at 8:00, I’ll be praying at 9:00 – 10:00 AM with my parents.
Bernard Nathanson converted.
Norma McCorvey Converted.
Former Abortion Clinic Owner Carol Everett converted
The thief on right side of Jesus had a conversion on Good Friday.
Anything is possible with prayer and fasting.
Where didn’t he lie?
But seriously, he lied when he was asked about the allegations regarding his stance on IL BAIPA.
He said “I don’t want to say that people are lying, but this is a case where people are lying.”
The next day we pulled up the documents and audio and his campaign quietly said he ‘misstated.’
He *lied*. He calculated that it would be more beneficial for him to lie in front of large audience and then release the truth later, quietly when no one would notice.
Didn’t Mr. Obama also call the trillion-dollar economic depressant a “stimulant”? Doesn’t he now talk about “responsible” spending when in fact he spends as if there is no tomorrow? Doesn’t he call himself a Christian but talk and act like a thorough secular humanist? Okay, I won’t call these things verbal lies, but as policies they are lies. His fanatical socialism and pride, if unchecked by Congress and Senate, could ruin the U.S.
Oops, sorry, President Obama. Though I am a Canadian.
he acts like a secular humanist because that’s what his constituents want him to act like (those that hate religion anyway). Do you think if he had the strong Faith of a Devout Christian that he would have been elected? I doubt it (and when I say the strong Faith of a Devout Christian, I mean similar to some of the pro-lifers on here.)
There is one reason obama got elected………….. the economy.
Dead even or within margin of error….then the “crisis” began.
Abortion rights, and all social issues were “dropped”, when the economy turned down.
Ps. Hal. Your a 81513816815215. I proved it.
Hal: “Oliver, you underestimate the American people.
And overestimate the power of your arguments.”
I underestimate the American people? What does that even mean? Estimate in terms of what? Inteligence? Im the one who said that are not as stupid as you…I dont see how that works. And if you are implying this, you are also implying that my argument is intended to deceive, which is absolutely not the case. Im really baffled here.
And overestimate MY argument? Did you not read what I said Hal? I said that the argument has not be voiced properly yet. That is not to imply that my argument is the proper voice. I work and alter the analysis of abortion as much as possible and always have through my life. Did you know there was a long point in my life when I thought abortion was a matter of opinion and that every debate was a “stalemate” so to speak? I came to that belief after deep, honest analysis. That same analysis has lead me to really understand that there isnt a stalemate, only subterfuge and evasion.
You really missed the mark with that post Hal.
Lets keep our eyes and ears open to the happenings of the day. Sure the pro “choice’ ers are afraid of us. They don’t have an argument to stand on, when they come against those of us who know how to defend the unborn. Teach those who claim to be pro life how. Knowledge is there best weapon. Lets equip them.
Anne: “They don’t have an argument to stand on, when they come against those of us who know how to defend the unborn.”
Excellent point that is currently demonstrated here by several posters here.
Oliver, you’re such a deep thinker. I’ll try to up my game.
I was simply trying to say regarding underestimating Americans, that we Americans generally understand what’s going on. If you think the support for legal abortion is because Americans don’t “get it,” than I think you’re underestimating them (us).
As far as overestimating your own arguments, I was simply trying to say that the pro-life argument is not as powerful as you imply by your belief that public opinion would shift if people only heard the right argument.
You really haven’t got a clue.
Satan thought the same thing regarding pro-life when he got sinful men to crucify the Savior.
Gee, on the Third Day He rose from the dead.
Boy, was Satan wrong and so are you.
To Steven Ertelt:
No matter what happens in Kansas, Jill has demonstrated clearly from the last few days of public dialogue from the left that Brownback’s endorsement is seen as deflating the power of the pro-life and Catholic argument against her.
The only way your “nonstory” comment makes sense is if you mean to say that pro-life/Catholic opposition to Sebelius will be rendered a nonstory largely as a result of Brownback’s craven and idiotic endorsement.
The fact that you would come to Jill’s website and open with a statement like “that is beneath you” and then defend your “nonstory” comment by prognosticating about the Kansas gubernatorial race in 2010 with/without Sebelius, while basically dismissing the importance of the damage that Brownback has caused to the Pro-life argument against Sebelius (and others like her) represents particular arrogance on your part, in my opinion.
Your reaction to Jill’s fairly mild critique is pretty surprising given your history in the pro-life movement. A little more humility might have been in order here.
Gee, on the Third Day He rose from the dead.
Boy, was Satan wrong and so are you.
Posted by: HisMan at March 4, 2009 11:24 PM
Hisman, I think you know how little that argument sways me. But, just curious, why do you blame Satan for the Crucifixion, as I understand it was God’s plan all along to send his only son to earth and to die for “our sins.” Did God need Satan to put his plan into action? What if Satan was on vacation that day? No Crucifixion would mean no Resurrection, and I guess no Christianity.
Hal, there was a man in the Old Testament, Joseph, who in many ways pictured the Lord Jesus. His brothers sold him into slavery, and he went to prison, but he was set free from prison and became a king. He actually saved the lives of the same brothers who had sold him as a slave. (He gave them food during the famine.) Later, when their father died, they became afraid:
So they sent a message to Joseph, saying, “Your father charged before he died, saying, ‘Thus you shall say to Joseph, “Please forgive, I beg you, the transgression of your brothers and their sin, for they did you wrong.”‘ And now, please forgive the transgression of the servants of the God of your father.” And Joseph wept when they spoke to him. Then his brothers also came and fell down before him and said, “Behold, we are your servants.” But Joseph said to them, “Do not be afraid, for am I in God’s place? As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive. So therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones.” So he comforted them and spoke kindly to them. Gen. 50:16-21