Specter back on needs double martinis
UPDATE, 4:15p: Arlen may need a double martini tonight. This just in, Specter’s punishment for supporting Obama’s spendulus plan…
Here’s one that made me laugh in the midst of pain, by Jessica Coomes today on the The Express Times blog…
U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter, R-PA, is taking the lead on Capitol Hill in calling for expanded embryonic stem cell research.
A bill he introduced last week would overturn a Bush policy that restricts federal funding for such studies. The legislation is expected to complement action by President Obama.
Specter, who has battled Hodgkin’s disease, said more stem cell research from human embryos is important “to ensure that medical research is pursued with all possible haste to cure the diseases and maladies affecting Americans.”…
Meanwhile, Specter opened up to reporters last week about the ways he keeps healthy after battling Hodgkin’s. For example, he cut sugar out of his diet and now focuses on antioxidants.
For three months late last year, he gave up martinis after hearing pinot noir would be better for him. But 90 days later, Specter said his glucose levels were unchanged.
He returned to martinis.
[HT: reader Susie A.]

Cheers Arlen!
JILL STANEK is the special guest on “The Awakening w/ Hanen & Arlen,” on The Sentinel Radio Network, 3/2 at 9pm ET,,,6pm PT Jill is the former nurse who discovered infanticide in Illinois and led the battle against Obama, to protect born alive infants.
You’ve heard of Jill… haven’t you??
Also SAM SEWELLl, licensed psychotherapist and former intelligence officer, will give us his professional opinion of Obama’s pathology(ies).
I should sue useful idiot or out and out Marxist, Sen. Specter, for abuse of the name!
Arlen… lol!
Time for Happy Hour for Arlen! May his hangovers be great!
Isn’t Specter the one who made “Bork” a verb? Isn’t he one if the original RINOs?
He should just take his massive retirement and go home. Find a cabin in the woods and just stay out of pubic view.
Wasn’t Spector James Bond’s enemy?
Go Toomey!
I expectererellbe a lot more liberal votes from Arlen. Is spectrebelia a word?