Tiller trial Day 1 recap
See previous post, “Tiller trial opens today to abortionist fatigue.”
Yesterday the trial of late-term KS abortionist George Tiller opened.
Tiller is accused of 19 counts of violating KS law by seeking a mandated 2nd opinion for late-term abortions from someone with whom he had financial ties, Dr. Ann Kristin Neuhaus.
Yesterday on the stand Neuhaus came down with Hillary Clinton I Don’t Seem to Recall Syndrome, even though the prosecution has granted her a wide swath of immunity.
First, this little nugget, from the Los Angeles Times…
One of the 19 patients in question was 10 years old. Many of Tiller’s patients are women who discover late in their pregnancies that they are carrying severely impaired fetuses.
… which touches on much more serious charges Phill Kline intended to bring against Tiller: not reporting child rape and committing late-term abortions for reasons other than to prevent the death of the mother or “substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function,” both of which are KS law. This entire debacle is beyond scandalous.
Back to Neuhaus, who is scarily expected to be the state’s only witness (Recall the attorney general’s office, which is prosecuting, has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from Tiller in campaign funds to protect him.), here is a synopsis of her testimony, from the Fort Mill Times:
Neuhaus testified she was paid in cash by Tiller’s patients, who were told by his staff in advance to bring the cash to pay her. She also acknowledged that the only way the patients could see her was to make an appointment with Tiller’s office.
Neuhaus said she would see an average of 5 to 6 patients during the one day she came each week to Tiller’s clinic. Some of the abortion consultations with patients were done by phone, and Tiller’s staff would hold the cash payments for them until her next visit to Wichita, she testified….
[Prosecutor Barry] Disney told jurors that Tiller recruited Neuhaus in 1999, making his Wichita clinic a “one-stop shop” for women seeking abortions. He said that Neuhaus was in essence an employee of Tiller, that the 2 were so close they had a legal and financial relationship prohibited by the law….
Disney noted in his opening statement that Tiller provided Neuhaus with legal advice from his attorney, including writing for her the referral form letter used to provide that second opinion. He said Neuhaus – who was paid by patients between $250 and $300 in cash for her consultation – was in essence an employee of Tiller.
“By 2003, Dr. Neuhaus was a full-time consultant for the defendant,” Disney said. “That is all she did. She had no other job, no other source of income.”
Tiller defense lawyer Don Monnat tried to argue Tiller got Neuhaus’ name from KS Board of Healing Arts’ former director Larry Buening. But according to ABC the judge said “he will likely keep out any evidence presented to back up that claim.”
Here is Operation Rescue’s coverage of Day 1.
[Photo courtesy of the Boston Globe]

One of the 19 patients in question was 10 years old. Many of Tiller’s patients are women who discover late in their pregnancies that they are carrying severely impaired fetuses.
Just terrible about the 10 year old having an abortion.
But also proof that many late term abortions are due to fetal abnormalities – demonstrating the eugenic side to abortion.
I went to the web sites in the town of the trial. It looks like the attorney for Tiller is both testifying and trying to get hearsay admitted.
He says it is ironic that Tiller is following the advice of the State board of Healing arts and they in turn are prosecuting him. The state board of healing arts is not the state judicial system.
they have a disclaimer
“The Board does not issue advisory opinions”
“Oh what a tangled web they’ve weaved…”
It will be extremely interesting to see how all of this plays out. Hopefully, ole George will finally get shut down and justice will be served.
If a 10 year old is pregnant, then they are required by LAW to report it! That poor little girl was most likely the victim of abuse and abortion was the last thing that she needed.
Does anyone know if Tiller’s mill is closed for the trial?
If a 10 year old is pregnant, then they are required by LAW to report it! That poor little girl was most likely the victim of abuse and abortion was the last thing that she needed.
Posted by: LizFromNebraska at March 24, 2009 10:15 AM
Hold on a second, you don’t know that it WASN’T reported.
I personally am a little miffed at the fact that he’s getting charged for not having a second opinion who is not connected to him, but anything to stop the violence that he’s acted out against the preborn. That poor ten-year-old girl- far too young to be going through the trials that have obviously risen up against her. God be with her.
This dr Neuhaus has troubles with her lisence in 2001. I guess she doesn’t have a practice so she helped Tiller. Why is it that docs with issues end up in the abortion business? Will her reasons for being restricted or suspended come up in the trial?
Hal, it would be simple enough to check public record.
Hal, it would be simple enough to check public record.
Posted by: Lauren at March 24, 2009 12:20 PM
I doubt there is a public record if a doctor’s office calls the police to report a statutory rape.
I would hope not.
Hal, they wouldnt release information about the specific individual, but there would be record of if the statutory rape of a 10 year old was reported within a given time frame.
A public record would exist if Tiller had reported suspected abuse. When something is reported to police, there is a record. It may not be available to the general public. Death certificates are public records that are not available to the general public, but a court can get them if they matter in a court case.
I don’t think we’re saying different things. Of course there would be a record, but I don’t think the record would be public. No one has alleged (that I’m aware of) that Tiller’s office failed to report this pregnant 10 year old girl. For all we know, she came in with her parents, the police, and the Kansas Supreme Court.
Carla, I drove by and they looked open.
PS- I think you are wnderful and have a lot of respect for you, even though we both have very different experiences.
Well Ms. Ann Kristin Neushaus, will soon get a visit from the IRS. There has to be a record of all the ‘consults’ she provided and each one of those represents $250 to $300 cash.
Those Infernal Revinoors will be on her like bums on a balogna sandwich.
Just a little more leverage for the prosecution to use to encourage the fat lady to sing all the verses and the chorus in multiple languages.
yor bro ken
We need to be careful with Mr. Tiller. We would not want to accuse or convict him of crimes he may not have comitted.
Even mass murderers and serial killers have ‘rights’.
Sociopaths have feelings too.
yor bro ken
The doc providing a second opinion was in trouble with her abortion practice. she was in deep trouble with DEA. She mishandled narcotics. Operatin rescue has links to her suspension and limitations hearings.