Don’t support the immoral and lying American Diabetes Association
I previously wrote a column saying not to give to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation because it supports human embryo experimentation. I don’t know that I’ve ever outted the American Diabetes Association, but it presented the opportunity yesterday. Read this email, wherein the ADA pushes taxpayer funded embryonic stem cell research.
BTW, DeLaGarza was outright LYING when she stated the ADA “strongly oppos[es] human cloning.” From the ADA’s website…
Of course, somatic cell nuclear transfer is scientific verbiage for cloning. The ADA doesn’t support growing clones, just killing them.
[HT: Lauren]
I knew that the ADA supported Escr.
We support the Denise Faustman lab in looking for a cure for type one diabetes because her research is with asc.
Wow, pretty sick considering the very recent study published about the benefits of adult stem cells for diabetes patients, which of course the MSM ignored .
Therese, thank you for letting us know about an alternative charity to support!
OMG, I am diabetic (have been diagnosed with type 2 about 5 years ago). Sometimes these ‘associations’ have an ulterior agenda. I am also talking about World Wildlife Federation (WWF) and others.
I will certainly give them a piece of my mind.
Thanks for the heads up.
Thanks for covering this, Jill! It is no surprise to me that this organization would fall into line with the majority of conventional medical organizations, research institutes for universities, foundations, associations and any group designed to rally behind an idealogy that scientifically and morally comes up short but, brings in billions of taxpayer dollars along with philanthropic donors who no doubt feel they are doing a great good for mankind. As far as I am concerned, it is a complete waste of money. These people are blinded by ignorance as to the true nature of diseases and their cures. Lookin’ for cures in all the wrong places at our expense which is financial, ethical, physical and spiritual.
The good news is; some brave doctors, researchers and celebrities are standing up for what is right.
Here was a link I wanted to include with my message:
The American Diabetes Association is a joke. They spend most of their research on Type II Diabetes when it’s type I that affects people through no fault of their own.
Kate, to be fair there are people who get type 2 through no fault of their own as well. My grandma and all of her living siblings developed type 2 around 65 although they were not overweight or engaging in behaviors that would increase their risk.
While it is true that type 2 is much more preventable than type 1, there are some cases that can not be controlled simply by lifestyle changes.
Most do not know that Juv. Diabetes Association with sponsorships of the founders of Del Web and McDonalds, conducted the First SamSung Symposium on Type 1 Juv. Diabetes in California in 1986, if I recall correctly. The white paper presented at this symposium outlined the protocol for doctors to acquire the pancreatic and brain cells from abortions. Presenting the crisis of 2 million cases of type 1 diabetes with only 500 adult donors, they said: “Gentlemen, we know that we abort 5 million every year.”
The protocol was to have the nurse attending the abortion to coach the client to either ‘dispose’ of the remains or ‘donate’ them to medical science. Then they were to put the “specimens’ on dry ice and ship them to one of the seven procurement centers that existed at that time. I got this information at a press conference in Washington DC in January of 1987 from the presenter, Dr. Benard Nathensen. Since that time, I have said to every person asking me to donate to or support the Juv. Diabetes Association that I will have nothing to do with them.
Pray for such who support them blindly.
Does anyone know of a website or a couple of websites that have a list of charities that donate to any form of anti-life agenda?
Also does anyone know how to find out if a company donates to anti-life charities or anti-life companies??
I was at my brother’s house today, staying there while my 2 year old nephew took his nap so my sister in law could help in my youngest niece’s preschool class and I noticed a receipt that said they donated to a Diabetes Foundation……
They would never knowingly donate to an organization that supports destructive research.