When researching for my WorldNetDaily.com column this week, “Abortion vs. cat ‘murder,'” I read this in a June 13 WPLG story:

Wearing a bulletproof vest, the 18-year-old accused of kidnapping and killing more than a dozen cats made his first appearance before a judge in Miami on Monday morning.

tyler weinman.jpgSo either cat killer Tyler Weinman has received death threats or police fear vigilantism, since there’s so much of that going on lately.
Why isn’t the Left decrying the Right for this possibility, since Weinman only did to cats what their fallen hero late-term abortionist George Tiller did to humans?
It’s getting complicated, but I think the terrorist killer of the domestic cat terrorist killer would likely come from the Left.
I say it’s getting complicated because the Left is definitively indefinitive in its branding of domestic terrorists these days….

von brunn.jpgTake, for instance, Bush/McCain-hating, Christian-hating, “neo-con” hating, Jew-hating, socialist James von Brunn, the Holocaust Museum killer. He doesn’t exactly fit the profile of a right-wing extremist, but that’s how the Left is portraying him as they link him to Scott Roeder, Tiller’s killer. For instance, Bill Berkowitz at Buzzflash.com wrote June 11:

Over the past few months, right-wing extremists have unleashed a series of attacks that have included the assassination of Dr. George Tiller, increased attacks on abortion clinics, the killing of three police officers in Pittsburgh, and the shootings at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum on Wednesday, June 10.

Meanwhile, as I mentioned in an email exchange with Berkowitz on that story – for which he had no reply – the Left ignores Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad, the Muslim terrorist killer of Army Corp. William Long 2 days after the Tiller shooting. He doesn’t fit the profile.
To that end, Matt Lewis at Townhall.com had an interesting observation:
suicide solution.jpg

Personally, I find it interesting that the same people who decry censorship of explicit material, arguing that it is ridiculous to say a child who played violent video games or listening to heavy metal or rap music might be influenced by it – seem to now believe adults are easily influenced by … Bill O’Reilly … If Cop Killer cannot inspire an inner-city youth to commit a crime — and Ozzy’s Suicide Solution cannot push a suicidal kid over the edge — how am I to believe that Bill O’Reilly can lead someone to murder?
… Meanwhile, conservatives have pointed out this clearly isn’t a “right-wing” problem. Anti-Semitic statements, for example, were recently made by long-time Obama pastor, Jeremiah Wright….
Ultimately, though, this is merely another case of hypocrisy. As Libertarian-leaning blogger Jon Henke wrote on his Facebook page…
The people who objected to connecting Obama to socialists and Ayers now want to lump all conservatives in with militant radicals.
It’s funny how that works …

It’s actually just par for the course.

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