November 23 was a star-studded day for our talented and generous moderator Bethany, who met both Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee!
sarahtee2.jpgBoth were at the same Birmingham mall for book signings, and Bethany was able to give both portraits she had sketched herself.
About Palin Bethany blogged:

When I got in the signing area, it was so exciting to see Sarah there signing the books. She was so beautiful, even more beautiful than she is in the pictures. She also was much smaller than I thought she was!
As she was signing the books, she chatted away, asking us who we were, where we were from, and she even commented on the shirt. I told her that I had given one to her mother, and that I thought her mother was SO nice….

Today, I was so tired I could barely function…. I took a long nap…. When I woke up, I… noticed that I had voice mail….
To my surprise, it was Sally Heath, Sarah Palin’s mother. She left me the sweetest message thanking me for the package. She said that it was a wonderful gift, very thoughtful, and that Sarah would be sending me a note soon!

Bethany met Huckabee earlier in the day, who posed for a photograph with her after she gave him her beautiful gift…
huckabee with bethany.jpg

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