Bethany meets Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee
November 23 was a star-studded day for our talented and generous moderator Bethany, who met both Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee!
Both were at the same Birmingham mall for book signings, and Bethany was able to give both portraits she had sketched herself.
About Palin Bethany blogged:
When I got in the signing area, it was so exciting to see Sarah there signing the books. She was so beautiful, even more beautiful than she is in the pictures. She also was much smaller than I thought she was!
As she was signing the books, she chatted away, asking us who we were, where we were from, and she even commented on the shirt. I told her that I had given one to her mother, and that I thought her mother was SO nice….
Today, I was so tired I could barely function…. I took a long nap…. When I woke up, I… noticed that I had voice mail….
To my surprise, it was Sally Heath, Sarah Palin’s mother. She left me the sweetest message thanking me for the package. She said that it was a wonderful gift, very thoughtful, and that Sarah would be sending me a note soon!
Bethany met Huckabee earlier in the day, who posed for a photograph with her after she gave him her beautiful gift…
Yay, Bethany!! Can’t wait to get my own Palin shirt!! :)
Well, that is just cool! We are trying to have her get in touch with the IDSC, so that she knows there is a pro life Down syndrome advocacy group out there! I will have to check the rest of her scheduled tours. Although, I checked once, and none of them were near where I live! Ughhh….. We would so love to have her know about our support for families who have a child with Down syndrome, who are pro life! I should have taken a ride to Birmingham huh! :) Love hearing these stories!
What an exciting day! Your artwork is beautiful.
You’re so talented, Bethany! :)
This is awesome Bethany. Your portraits are beautiful. What an exciting day you had. God bless you.
I didn’t get to meet Huckabee, but I had the pleasure of meeting the Palins at their Orlando leg of the tour. I would concur with Bethany that Sarah is such a little thing compared to what one sees on the tv screen. I told her dad that I have never hunted before and he needed to show me how to hunt a moose!
I also saw Piper bouncing around and saying “Hi mom!” when she walked by.
Sweet family.
I kinda sorta like SP, but I’m not sure that she’s ready to be president. Also, I don’t like the fact that she hunts. Killing animals for sport is anti-life.
SP grew up hunting for food in Alaska.
Are we talking about the same Sarah Palin who put a Planned Parenthood board member on the Alaska Supreme Court in March 2009?
Not so pro-life after all.
And Sarah’s facebook page explaining the decision:
Sarah Palin is very much a pro-life American.
Carder, in a video about the event, I noticed that some people actually were able to get cute little Piper to sign their books too! If I had known you could do that, I would have gotten her to do that for me. lol I could not believe how sweet Sarah’s family was. They were just like the people that you meet around here… just kind, loving and down to earth- the kind of people you’d like to invite over for dinner.
IDSC, I am sure that Sarah Palin would appreciate you all so very much! Maybe you’ll get a chance to see her soon at one of the other book signings!
Prolifer L, Vannah, Janet, Carla, thanks for the nice words!
By the way, just wanted to mention something about Palin’s book. I was already a huge fan of hers already, but after reading her book (still only halfway through the second chapter), I have gained more respect for her.
I feel like I can relate to her, as she has had a miscarriage…. her account was so touching and similar to my own, and so heartbreaking. She knows what it is like to lose a little baby, and I am thankful that she understands the preciousness of life and was brave enough to share her experience to such a wide audience so that she could touch the lives of others who have been there.
I am trying to get her book read before I hopefully meet her on Monday!! I too am touched by her honest telling of losing her baby, Tad.
I am wearing your shirt right now, Bethany!!! :)
I am not sure why but I think it is hysterical that those who do not like Sarah Palin at all simply cannot ignore her. They couldn’t ignore her if they tried. They just go on and on and on about her…………..
Oh, I am going to ask her if she will be my running mate in 2012. :)
Bethany: Did you have to show up really early? Because I read a blog post from someone who waited in line at one of Sarah Palin’s book signings for something like eight hours and I’m trying to figure out how early I should get there when I go to see her at the Mall of America on Monday…
That is so adorable that Piper is signing people’s books!
Marauder, I think Carla had said something about the time being different at the mall of America- I think Sarah will be signing books on the same day that you get the wristbands, rather than it being two separate days – but you’d have to make sure online…
The day I went, it was said that you needed to be there by noon to get in line. Unfortunately, some of those who waited till noon to get into the line were too late to get wristbands. There were 1800 people who showed up, some who camped out the night before. We got there at 8:00 AM, and were able to get numbers 393 and 394.
Then the NEXT day we had to be there by 3:00 to get in lines to wait to be signed. We showed up really early just in case, but it didn’t really matter at that point because if you have the wristband, you’re lined up in numerical order and your place is saved.
I think that the earlier you arrive, the better!
However, Sarah Palin was gracious enough to sign everyone’s books when they were here, whether they had a guaranteed number or not- I think 1400 were signed in all, even though there were only 600 guaranteed. So even if you get there later, you still might have a shot. :) Hope that helps and I really hope you and Carla both get to see Sarah! :)
Here’s information about the event from Sarah’s facebook page:
Are you going to the Sara Palin book signing at the Mall of America?
Come wait in line with some fellow Conservatives….
Wristbands will be handed out at 7:00 am at Barnes and Noble. Palin will be signing books to those with wrist bands at noon. You must have a copy of her book with a BARNES and NOBLE receipt in order to get a wrist band. (see Barnes and Noble instructions below)
WRIST BAND MEET-UP: 5:30 am (or earlier)
WRIST BAND HANDOUT – Barnes and Noble at 6:00 am
Wrist Band handout will begin at 6 am per BN website. There are a limited number of wrist bands available, lines will be long.
MOA East doors – level 1
Coffee/Breakfast after we get our wrist bands.
RSVP if you are interested….
Questions? Contact Jennifer or call 612-384-1479
Barnes and Noble Details, SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
Barnes and Noble said the former governor of Alaska will sign books at the Bloomington, MN store at noon on December 7th. Books will be signed on a first come, first serve basis. Here’s what B and N said on its website:
Author Signing Sarah Palin is signing Going Rogue at this event. No other books or memorabilia. A limited number of wristbands for entry into this book signing will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis at the store beginning at 6:00 am on December 7. (other sites say 7:00 am, check back on event closer to date for final details)
Monday December 07, 2009 12:00 PM
Mall of America
118 E. Broadway Suite 238, Bloomington, MN 55425, 952-854-1455
Special Instructions
An original Barnes & Noble or sales receipt for Going Rogue by Sarah Palin must be presented in order to receive a wristband. Must be present in person to receive wristband. Maximum two copies of Going Rogue per person will be signed at event. Please call store for additional event details.
I will be getting to MOA at 5am. You can email me to get my cell phone # and we can meet! :)
Posted by: Phillymiss at December 1, 2009 12:31 PM
“Also, I don’t like the fact that she hunts. Killing animals for sport is anti-life.”
John 21:4-6,9-13 4 Morning was already breaking when Jesus came to the beach and stood there. However, the disciples did not know that it was Jesus.
5 So Jesus said to them, Boys (children), you do not have any meat (fish), do you? [Have you caught anything to eat along with your bread?] They answered Him, No!
6 And He said to them, Cast the net on the right side of the boat and you will find [some]. So they cast the net, and now they were not able to haul it in for such a big catch (mass, quantity) of fish [was in it].
9 When they got out on land (the beach), they saw a fire of coals there and fish lying on it [cooking], and bread.
10 Jesus said to them, Bring some of the fish which you have just caught.
11 So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net to land, full of large fish, 153 of them; and [though] there were so many of them, the net was not torn.
12 Jesus said to them, Come [and] have breakfast. But none of the disciples ventured or dared to ask Him, Who are You? because they [well] knew that it was the Lord.
13 Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them, and so also [with] the fish. AMP
Just because you hunt animals for ‘sport’ does not mean you do not eat what you kill.
Are the animals that die in the slaugherhouses every day any less dead than the animals who are killed for sport?
Are they any more or less nutritious?
Do you think Jesus lamented over the fish that died to fill his disciples bellies?
Acts 10:13 And there came a voice to him, saying, Rise up, Peter, kill and eat. AMP
AS a Jew Jesus would have eaten the lamb killed every year at Passover.
nuff said.
yor bro ken
ps: I do agree with you on this one point.
I am not sure Sarah Palin is ready to be president, but then what does being ready have to do with being president.
Just look at the knave who currently resides in the White House. Just think what damage he could cause if he really knew what he was doing.
I am wearing your shirt right now, Bethany!!! :)
I just noticed this! Yay! That is awesome. I’m so glad it got there soon as it did! :)