stop the abortion mandate call, healthcare, abortion, nelson, casey, hatch.jpg
With the Senate’s defeat of the Nelson-Hatch-Casey amendment, which would have blocked government funding of abortions in healthcare reform, the 70+ pro-life and pro-family organizations comprising the Stop the Abortion Mandate Coalition are joining together on a nationwide webcast on Tuesday, December 15, at 8p CST/9p EST….

Register now at:
Presenters will include: Marjorie Dannenfelser (Susan B. Anthony List), Tony Perkins (Family Research Council), Kristan Hawkins (Students for Life of America), Charmaine Yoest (Americans United for Life), Douglas Johnson (National Right to Life Committee), Kristen Day (Democrats for Life), Wendy Wright (Concerned Women for America), and David Bereit (40 Days for Life).

  • the implications of the bill the abortion industry is trying to ram through the Senate now
  • why respected leaders, national organizations, and pro-life people are joining together in record numbers to BLOCK this attempted power-grab
  • how YOU can make a difference at this crucial moment
  • Register for the important webcast now. This will be Stop the Abortion Mandate Coalition’s 4th national webcast, and with 3 days notice, likely its largest.
    Note: Even if you can’t participate in the live webcast, go ahead and register because the entire event will be recorded. Our system will automatically allocate your spot to someone else, and as soon as your recording is ready (probably shortly after the end of the webcast) you’ll be notified by e-mail.

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