Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby intern Heather B. and Kelli
Spotlighting important information gleaned from other pro-life blogs…

  • The goblin and goon costumes may be packed away until next year, but a frightening new disguise is building prowess in the culture of death. 2SecondsFaster spotights a Daily Mail article on Down’s syndrome
  • “All too often women are given the impression that having a child with a disability or learning difficulty is the worst possible thing that could happen to them, when this doesn’t have to be the case at all,” says Norman Wells of Family Youth and Concern. This misconception has lead to a 71% increase in cases of DS detected in the womb since 1989, and a constant 92% of cases detected end in abortion. However, as Wells put it, “A child with Down’s Syndrome should be prized and treasured no less than any other child.”

  • MommyLife also blogs about Down’s, drawing attention to a recent ABC News article which discusses maternal age and earlier prenatal testing as it relates to DS.
  • According to the Catholic Pro-Life Committee blog, a new late-term abortion clinic will be erected in Dallas, TX. The Southwestern Women’s Surgery Center will open its facilities to women 24 weeks into their pregnancy.
    Says Karen Garnett of CPLC, “We are calling on people of faith from all over Dallas and the surrounding suburbs to join with us in a renewed, massive prayer and public witness effort against this grave evil in our community.”

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