New Stanek WND column, “Ben Nelson’s betrayal”
I received this question from a friend on Facebook:
So, Jill, what happened with Nelson? You and other pro-life leaders were advising people to be “calm” and to thank him, and all indications now are that he prostituted his vote like so many others. How do you know who to trust?
My friend was speaking about a blog post I wrote Dec. 11 encouraging pro-lifers to maintain support of Sen. Ben Nelson, D-NE. In that post I relayed an e-mail received from Democrats for Life’s president, Kristen Day, assuring everyone Nelson was unwavering in his refusal to vote for any health-care bill excluding a Stupak-like pro-life amendment:
Dear pro-life Friends,
Sen. Nelson has been a strong leader on our behalf. … I have been assured that he has not changed his opinion and has not gone back on anything he has said. Senator Nelson has taken a very hard line with the Caucus, and they are trying hard to appease him because they need his vote.
I assure you that the senator has not backed down from his commitment…
Up to the end Nelson was working with all the right people – Democrats for Life, NE Right to Life, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, pro-life MI Rep. Bart Stupak.
But in the end, Nelson betrayed them all….
Continue reading my column today, “Ben Nelson’s betrayal,” at

—–Original Message—–
It is moments like this when I recall the line from the movie Animal House when “Flounder” sees that the guys wrecked his brother’s Lincoln Continental:
“You f***ed up, Flounder – you trusted us.”
How many times do voters have to replay this moment before they grasp the obvious?
You are like Charlie Brown trusting Lucy that for once she won’t raise the football at the last moment possible and let you go flying through the air and land splat on your back.
I hope that you are finally having an epiphany.
Once again the pro lifers have been betrayed by a pol who considers his party reputation more important than a baby’s life.
We should not be too surprised. After all, once a snowball falls into a mud puddle it, too, turns black and loses its charm…. and trust begins to melt away.
We all have read what Judas did to himself after he realized the horrifc nature of the deed he committed when he betrayed our Lord.
I imagine that Satan is having a field day with Nelson’s conscience right now if he even has one.
What was it that Jesus will say at the last day?
Oh yea, Matthew 25:40, “The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'”
What is it that abortion funding will do? Uh, kill more unborn children? And in the name of what, more pieces of silver from DC?
What the heck is PRO LIFE about any of this un-Constitutional 2000+ page piece of camel droppings? Pro-life toward the elderly who will be shunted off to die with “palliative” care rather than any surgery, chemo or angioplasty being “wasted” on them? Pro-life to piss on the Constitutional limits placed upon federal government? Pro-life to welcome baby into the world and then tell her she already owes hundreds of thousands as her share of the national debt; oh and by the way learn Chinese baby so you can communicate with your new masters. Pro-life to further infantilize U.S. adults doing for them what they should do for themselves and their family, making choices for them, injecting the elites’ rule over every of their lives until they are no longer citizens but serfs?!
Abortion is horrible but so is enslaving oneself for the mere promise of goodies and benefits.
Powerful last line Jill….”Actually, Ben Nelson is more like the family dog that inexplicably turned on and killed the family baby.”…….lots of babies!!
Jeff D: Sometimes a person has to have faith in a person. I pray that we don’t have to be cynical about everyone’s motives and promises just because sometimes people are not true to their word. Guess what–from time to time people will disappoint.
Yes, Ben Nelson is one in a long line of disappointments. But for every single(benedict arnold)Nelson there many more rock solid pro-lifers in legislative posts all across the country. Looking forward to the next two election cycles (2010 and 2012) these are to be supported and promoted to higher posts. These present disappointments can and should be an additional impetus for pro-lifers to work all the harder.
As an example of what I am saying, readers in my home state of Illinois have opportunites to elect strong pro-lifers as our next Governor and Senator–which is really saying something given the inclinations of our electorate. This is also true in at least one of the congressional districts–the 14th. Here, a strong pro-lifer, Randy Hultgren, who serves with distinction in the Illinois State Senate, is seeking to unseat the Planned Parenthood supported multi-millioinaire, Bill Foster.
One more thing: it’s not over till it’s over. We will see if the house dems will fold like Nelson did. While they are at home over the Christmas break we need to be visiting them and encouraging those who voted with Stupak to stay strong.
The Stupak Amendment does NOT make it alright. The whole 2000 pages stink. Please go to which is Betsy McCaughey’s site. Read what the ever changing sections and pages REALLY say.
It ain’t about CARE it is about CONTROL, comrades. Whether so-called “compassionate” congressmen or anthropogenic climate change Chicken Littles it is ALL ABOUT ELITES SEEKING CONTROL of us.