New Stanek WND column, “The one man who can stop publicly funded D.C. abortions”
For his phenomenal work convincing just enough Catholic voters that pro-abortion, pro-infanticide, pro-human embryo experimentation Barack Obama was actually pro-life, Catholic law professor Doug Kmiec was awarded an ambassadorship to the country of Malta, a group of Mediterranean islands off the southern coast of Italy.
Kmiec labored hard to earn that plum appointment, going so far as to rustle up a book, Can a Catholic Support Him? just 7 weeks before the 2008 election.
Sitting in a Panera cafe with winter boots on in the aftermath of Chicago’s first blizzard of the season, let me check Malta’s weather right now…. December being one of its coldest months, the daily average temperature is 65 degrees with 5 hours of sunshine.
But I digress. Of course, Kmiec’s answer was an emphatic, “Yes!” In a May 2008 op-ed in Catholic Online, Kmiec explained….
Continue reading my column, “The one man who can stop publicly funded DC abortions,” at
Malta is a pro-life country. Unborn babies are treated as human beings and abortion is illegal(except to save the life of the mother). I´m afraid that he will promote abolishing this law. :(
Malta´s pro-life movement (in English):
Thirty pieces of silver in todays economy may procure you a warm place to winter, but it won’t buy you any ice cubes in hell.
Who knows maybe God agrees with Kmiec’s political calculus.
B.O.’s hellth care may save america from going broke.
Hell may freeze over too.
In that case Kmiec won’t be needing any ice cubes.
But it will still be hell.
yor bro ken
I think you’re giving this guy too much credit. I highly doubt he earned Obama a single vote. Obama won because the economy tanked before the election under a Republican administration. The Catholics who voted for him were generally not very devout and voted based on other factors.
Promoting lies as the truth IS the mantra running through all of the Obama agenda. It is simply the way of doing business for the left. Promoting “gay marriage” as if there was such a thing. An “economic stimulus” package that bankrupts the country. A “health care” bill that forces you to buy insurance from a private consortium or face jail and prison. Rewarding somebody like Kmiec who can promote a lie like Catholics for choice to kill babies is right up their alley.
Even if Obama were against abortion, he is a MARXIST who believes he needs to remake America.
Catholic schools should toss the liberation theology books in the dustbin with Zinn’s Commie “People’s History of Amerika” and resume teaching REAL theology, civics, ethics, history and economics to their students. Then Catholics would actually raise up the children in the way they should go as a true education insulates a child from supporting tyrants and the infantilization and enslavement their socialist programs bring.
Regardless of what a few Leftie bishops may think, this Roman and Catholic ItaloAmerican gal will never support the continued shredding of the Constitution anymore than I would pee on the Bible.
Hoping that Kmiec will recant is like hoping Fr. Ratzinger will recant of the heresies of Vatican II, the apostasies he’s committed personally, and start acting like a Pope: it’ll take a miracle.
Let’s leave Benedict out of this, shall we?
Kmiec, I would assume, is feeling particularly useful these past twelve months. Must be annoying to know one was simply a pawn for election and an enabler for more abortions.
He’s not going to fess up, Jill. Rather than begging him to help us, just let him get his well-deserved tan in Malta.
We need him out of the way.
Chris T.
I suppose you are the reigning expert on how a Pope should act? Do tell…
Exactly what apostasies has the Holy Father committed? For you to address him so rudely is childish. You clearly do not know a mighty man of God when you see one. We couldn’t be more blessed at this hour in history than to have that wonderful man in the chair of Peter.
I agree with your assessment, but I don’t think either one of us is holding our breath waiting for Kmiec to come to his senses. I hope for his sake he does.
Eva 9:11am
As an ambassador Kmiec has nothing to say about the laws of the country. He’s the ambassador and has no more say in the laws of Malta than ambassdors to our country have a say in our laws.
You are technically correct, as the Ambassador from the USA to Malta, Kmiec has no legitimate authority to dictate public policy to the Malta government.
But waning though it may be, the USA still has considerable influence around the world. As a U.S. Ambassador Kmiec’s own political and social preferences are subordinated to those of the President in matters of foreign policy.
At the presidents request/order Kmiec can still ‘make an offer that cannot be refused’ (The Godfather) and if that doesn’t persuade the government in question to bend to the President’s will then the pressure will be escalated by the not so subtle threat of the ‘Chicago way'(The Untouchables).
The Sixth Fleet may just skip making Malta a port of call for the next 7 or 11 years. That might have some negative financial impact on the local economy which might foment some political unrest.
Access to the International Monetary Funds may evaporate.
Photographs or intercepted emails, text messages, cell phone conversations of the current Malta leader or his/her spouse or children may find their way into the hands of local and international media outlets.
The family pet might die mysteriously.
This is the way the game has been played for a long long time.
The other thing to consider is that B.O. is more ruthless than any president since LBJ.
All that said Malta is a good hiding place for a worm like Kmeic. As long as he keeps his head down and stays in the compound he will survive the experience. But sooner or late he will be confronted with his complicity in the damage and possible destruction of his own country and foremost of all his collaboration in the deaths of million of pre-natal human beings. One of these days when he looks in the mirror it won’t be his own image reflected back at him but the faces of those he helped to murder.
yor bro ken
Thank you for your wonderful article. I always enjoy your articles because they are both well
reasoned and well written. I especially enjoyed your asides in this latest one.
I’m especially happy to hear you call Kmiec to task for his obvious pandering and the fact that he turned his back on the pro-life movement. (I can’t imagine imagine he was so stupid as to think Obama was at all compatible with pro-life.)
In my 15 years of priesthood I have seen many men such as Kmiec (as I’m sure you have, too) and I have learned not to trust them. I knew immediately that Kmiec betrayed not only the pro-life movement but his Catholic faith when he came out with that statement last year. That is why I was so happy Archbishop Chaput refuted his claim.
In fact, last year, shortly after Chaput came out
with his response to Kmiec, I preached about the discussion between the two of them, pointing out Chaput’s vastly superior reasoning.
Anyway, I just wanted to drop you a comment to encourage you in your pro-life work. I think it’s making a differencKeep up the good work and the good writing! I find it encouraging to remember that there are more with us than against us.
God Bless!
Thank you, Jill. Kmiec is a Benedict Arnold.
Based on my discussions with him at Notre Dame, I thought he was a principled defender of life and the moral tenner of capitalism. I hope his wife and children read your article, too.
Don’t hold your breath for Doug Kmiec to come to the rescue. This so-called Catholic is a fraud and a liar, as I am sure you already know.
“… the District of Columbia had the highest rate of abortion in the entire United States, with over half – 54 percent – of all pregnancies ending in abortion there.”
Washington D. C. also has the highest crime rate and the worst schools in the country. I suspect that there is a strong correlation between these three (abortion, crime, schools) statistics and the family structure (traditional, non-traditional/broken).
Thanks for your commentary.