Rush Limbaugh hospitalized with chest pain
UPDATE, 1/2/10, 10:18a: Good, Rush is ok.
12/31/09, 5:19a: (Click above to enlarge.) I pray our dear conservative friend Rush is ok. From the Associated Press, today…
Honolulu – Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh was taken to a hospital after suffering chest pains and was resting comfortably Wednesday, his radio program said in a statement.
“Rush was admitted to and is resting comfortably in a Honolulu hospital today after suffering chest pains,” the statement said. “Rush appreciates your prayers and well wishes and will keep you updated via and on his radio program.”
Kit Carson, Limbaugh’s chief of staff, said he had no further information on Limbaugh’s condition.
He said the 58-year-old left for his usual Christmas vacation on Dec. 23 and is due to return to his show on Jan. 4. Carson didn’t have any information on whether that schedule would change….
Honolulu television station KITV reported Wednesday that paramedics took Limbaugh to The Queens Medical Center in serious condition from the Kahala Hotel and Resort.
Limbaugh was seen golfing at Waialae Country Club – a country club next to the hotel – earlier this week, KITV said….
A little more from Radio Business Report:
Happened Wednesday, 12/30/09 Mid-afternoon, 2:40p Hawaii time. All reports have Limbaugh resting comfortably and would send the night in the hospital for observation.
KITV-TV first reported on Limbaugh who was at the Kahala Hotel and Resort, a short distance from where the Osama’s [sic] were staying. Reported on CNN that a hospital source stated at the time of Limbaugh being admitted that his condition was ‘serious’ but there were no further details, which most likely will be made available after a series of test are conducted….
According to local news accounts the good news is Limbaugh was awake and sitting in a chair when paramedic arrived and reports stated Limbaugh told the paramedics he was taking medication for back problems. What medication is unknown, which could be a contributing factor to the chest pain….
Last, looks like the cigars are gonna have to go.
Yep. Get well soon, Rush.
[Top photo via The Raw Story; bottom photo via Radio Business Report]

Praying for him.
Maybe he should tell his housekeeper to switch to something else..
Rush will recieve the finest care. The take over of hospitals is a few years away. When rationing kicks in, political dissidents will get delayed extra long.
I heard one conservative commentator say,
“I would be more than happy to donate a heart to Rush. Just get me a sharp knife and a liberal.”
Now a liberal would say, It is about time RUSH got a heart after having been the world’s longest surviving heart donor.”
And Rush would retort, “It is about time the liberal got a brain and some money of his/her own.”
Get well soon and indulge in as much as you can of the world’s best health care system that your well deserved wealth can buy.
It would premature for you to assume room temperature. You still have many more ‘productive years’ ahead of you.
Keep on emitting as much C02 as you can.
It annoys the hell out of liberals.
yor bor ken
I think he faked it for publicity.
No doubt in my mind. It must have been real easy to get the paramedics, hospital staff, and physicians to play along. People do it all the time.
He probably gave them cash – you know medical folks – they love money.
I am glad he’s pulled through this difficult time – maybe he can now pursue his dream of an NFL franchise…
Your concern is so apparent. As for the franchise, let’s hope singer Fergie, who was approved as part owner of the Miami Dolphins, has no more incidents of wetting her pants on stage while intoxicated. The NFL does have its standards.
Fergie is just pro-environment. Why should they use more AC when you can just pee on yourself??
Point taken.