web grab.jpgby JivinJ
[JLS note: Congratulations to JivinJ for his 2010 Pro-Life Blog Award nomination, and for authoring the fourth most commented post of 2009 here at JillStanek.com!]

  • New data from the IL Public Health Department shows that abortions in IL have reached a 10-year high:
  • In 2008, the most recent year for which data are available, figures from the IL Public Health Department show that 47,717 abortions were performed statewide….

    That represents a 5% increase from 2007. And it’s the most abortions in Illinois in a year since 1998, when 49,403 women were reported to have had abortions.

    Pro-lifers are pointing to the new Planned Parenthood facility in Aurora as a possible explanation:

    Abortion statistics in 3 of the 4 counties straddling Aurora saw the number of women seeking the procedure jump dramatically in 2008, state records show.
    There was a 73% jump in abortions for women in Kendall County, the home of 194 women who had an abortion in 2008. A year earlier, 112 women in Kendall County had an abortion.
    In Kane County, the number of women who obtained abortions in 2008 rose 38%, increasing to 1,145 from 832 in 2007.
    And in Will County, the number of women who obtained abortions grew by 22%. In 2008, 1,161 Will County women got abortions, compared with 953 in 2007.

  • At the web site of the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute, Samantha Singson summarizes International Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report:
  • IPPF’s overall income for 2008 was US$119.7 million, down from over $120 million the previous year. While IPPF’s total financial intake dipped, its abortion business boomed. The organization provided almost 428k “abortion services” to young people alone, with a staggering 1,134,549 total number of such services – almost double the number from 2007 – across the globe.

  • Why is Massachusetts Citizens for Life supporting Scott Brown, a U.S. Senate candidate who supports Roe v. Wade? I know that true pro-life candidates are hard to find in Massachusetts and Martha Coakley wants to replace Barbara Boxer as Senator Abortion but pro-life organizations need to have some line in the sand.
  • The abortion rate in Israel has fallen 10% since 2000:
  • Israel requires all women seeking abortions to get approval from hospital abortion panels, which approved 98% of all requests in 2008, consistent with the approval rate seen in previous years. Last year, 19,594 abortions were carried out in Israel….
    The reason given for more than half (54%) of the abortions approved in Israel in 2008 was attributed to pregnancy out of wedlock, adultery or incest. About one-fifth of abortions were approved due to concern for the physical or mental health of the mother; one-fifth due to possible harm to the fetus; and one-tenth due to the age of the mother (either younger than 17 or older than 40).

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