Jivin J’s Life Links 1-4-10
by JivinJ
[JLS note: Congratulations to JivinJ for his 2010 Pro-Life Blog Award nomination, and for authoring the fourth most commented post of 2009 here at JillStanek.com!]
In 2008, the most recent year for which data are available, figures from the IL Public Health Department show that 47,717 abortions were performed statewide….
That represents a 5% increase from 2007. And it’s the most abortions in Illinois in a year since 1998, when 49,403 women were reported to have had abortions.
Pro-lifers are pointing to the new Planned Parenthood facility in Aurora as a possible explanation:
Abortion statistics in 3 of the 4 counties straddling Aurora saw the number of women seeking the procedure jump dramatically in 2008, state records show.
There was a 73% jump in abortions for women in Kendall County, the home of 194 women who had an abortion in 2008. A year earlier, 112 women in Kendall County had an abortion.
In Kane County, the number of women who obtained abortions in 2008 rose 38%, increasing to 1,145 from 832 in 2007.
And in Will County, the number of women who obtained abortions grew by 22%. In 2008, 1,161 Will County women got abortions, compared with 953 in 2007.
IPPF’s overall income for 2008 was US$119.7 million, down from over $120 million the previous year. While IPPF’s total financial intake dipped, its abortion business boomed. The organization provided almost 428k “abortion services” to young people alone, with a staggering 1,134,549 total number of such services – almost double the number from 2007 – across the globe.
Israel requires all women seeking abortions to get approval from hospital abortion panels, which approved 98% of all requests in 2008, consistent with the approval rate seen in previous years. Last year, 19,594 abortions were carried out in Israel….
The reason given for more than half (54%) of the abortions approved in Israel in 2008 was attributed to pregnancy out of wedlock, adultery or incest. About one-fifth of abortions were approved due to concern for the physical or mental health of the mother; one-fifth due to possible harm to the fetus; and one-tenth due to the age of the mother (either younger than 17 or older than 40).

If the abortion count is up like this, then why does Operation Rescue claim that 2/3 of all abortion clinics have closed and that abortions are down as a result? the numbers simply don’t compute. Can someone explain please?
Julie, we’re getting more mega-facilities like the PP abortion mill in Aurora, which drives out the competitors.
Besides, the quoted numbers were for INTERNATIONAL PP. They spread death and misery not only here but around the globe as well.
Here is the quote from a recent LifeSiteNews article:
“We now have an accurate listing of every open abortion clinic in the country,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “In 1991, it was estimated that there were nearly 2,200 abortion clinics in the country, today there are just 713. The pro-life movement has made significant strides exposing and closing abortion clinics and shifting public opinion toward the pro-life position. This has resulted in lower abortion rates.”
Newman is claiming that as clinics have closed, numbers of abortions are down. Yet, this does not seem to be so. He is not talking about international figures but US ones.
The figures listed in the first bullet point are only for the state of Illinois, and the IPPF bullet point includes worldwide numbers. I’m not sure I follow where the confusion is. ?
As for the pro-life groups that support pro-abortion candidates, it’s a travesty. And it’s not just in Massachusetts. Pro-life groups in Illinois share the same sorts of errors. The IL Citizens for Life voter’s guide does not match the IL Federation for Right to Life’s more detailed survey. And IFRL endorses not the best candidates, but those they think can win.
I had sent the following corrections to ICL on 12/26/09. Changes have not yet been made, nor do I expect them to be made, as ICL has not corrected their guides in the past with the info I’ve sent in:
Kirk Dillard, candidate for governor, voted for embryonic stem cell research (SB4, 2007) and still defends it—making him at most a “2” (certainly not a “1”).
Judicial candidate Robert Janes, 16th Circuit, has rape/incest exceptions. “That’s where I disagree with my Church,” he said boldly in a conversation I had with him at a Batavia Township Republican Organization meeting.
US Senate candidate Andy Martin is pro-abortion. In his own words: http://andyontheissues.blogspot.com/2006/03/andy-martin-blasts-topinka-brady-on.html
According to Illinois Federation for Right to Life’s survey, Comptroller condidate Jim Dodge is not fully pro-life, nor is Lt. Gov. candidate Don Tracy.
And Kane County Sheriff candidate, Rob Russell, who is 100% pro-life, sent in his survey but is not listed yet in the ICL guide.
The IL Federation for Right to Life endorsed, again, not the candidates whose passion is the pro-life issue, but the ones they think can win (i.e., have the most $).
Outstanding pro-life candidates NOT endorsed by IFRL:
Governor: Adam Andrzejewski (unabashedly pro-life; pro-life runs in the family–his sister works actively in opposition to Aurora’s PP)
Lt. Gov: Randy White (only candidate with a pro-life, God-centered campaign)
US Senate: John Arrington (has worked in the pro-life community for over 25 years; as community organizer, brings groups of black youths to pro-life rallies, understanding that the youth are our future and resistance begins with them) (Patrick Hughes, the endorsed candidate for this race, couldn’t even bother to vote more than 3 times in his life–one primary ’08, 2 general elections ’04, ’08–and has no record of actively working in the pro-life field)
And how come Jim Dodge (Comptroller candidate), not fully pro-life, shares the IFRL endorsement with William Kelly, 100% pro-life?
President Obama Names Transgender Appointee to Commerce Department
Jake Tapper
“President Obama recently named Amanda Simpson to be a Senior Technical Advisor to the Commerce Department.
In a statement, Simpson, a member of the National Center for Transgender Equality’s board of directors, said that “as one of the first transgender presidential appointees to the federal government, I hope that I will soon be one of hundreds, and that this appointment opens future opportunities for many others.”
At Raytheon, Simpson — a former test pilot who had worked for the company for more than a generation — transitioned from male to female and was instrumental in convincing the military contractor to add gender identity and expression to its equal employment opportunity policy.”
Well, now we know who was the organ donor for TOTUS’ new set of cajones and accompanying infusion of ‘totusterone’.
This explains B.O.’s words suddenly taking on a more masucline edge.
yor bro ken
I keep wondering if these kinds of statistics do more damage to us. oo such negative stats only serve to desensitize us …. eventually is an abortion seen as a rite (not a right0 to the passage of women into the dominion of ‘self’?
While giving Scott Brown a prolife endorsement can be seen as contradictory (and opportunistic, IMO), we need to zero in on what his election to the senate could mean:
The defeat of Obamacare.
And Obamacare, my friends, will most assuredly raise the number of abortions.
Until Massachusetts can provide a viable candidate that is 100% rock-solid prolife, we need to support the candidate that will inflict the least amount of damage.
With Coakley, it’s a done deal. With Brown, we have a fighting chance.
If Newman states that the number of clinics is down and the number of abortions as well, then how is it that the figures for Illinois are up so much? is this the same for other states?
My confusion is not between US and international stats, but which US stats to believe. Operation Rescue claims that abortion is down overall in the US, yet that does not seem to be so. Pardon me if I am just thick and not getting this.
Julie, what is the source that leads you to believe the abortion rate in the US is *not* down overall? The information about IL?
In Illinois, we have Cook County (Chicago), where the abortions are shown to be the highest. The Aurora PP that was newly built, as stated above, likely contributed to those figures as well as the increases in surrounding counties (Kendall, Kane, and Will).
In other parts of the country, PP facilities have been closing down. Quite a number of them. I really don’t think it’s surprising, however, for abortion to be up in Illinois, especially in counties surrounding Chicago and the new PP facility in Aurora (a Chicago suburb). Chicago is like its own state…take it from someone who lives in downstate IL, where a large percentage of people vote Republican. It doesn’t seem to matter what the rest of the state does…we could ALL vote Republican and we’d still have difficulty overcoming the liberal vote from the city of Chicago. So, that’s kind of how I see this problem, as well.
Large urban population = large minority population = greater number of abortions. That’s why PP has their facilities mainly in urban areas.
The killing of defenseless innocent preborn children up in IL?
BO and Michelle must be so proud of their home state.
I thought Pro aborts wanted abortion to be “RARE”? How is 1 MILLION a year RARE?!?!?!?!?
The “change you can believe in” will make sure the numbers of abortions skyrocket as soon as he gets healthcare passed nationwide just like he did in Illinois with the “stealth abortion mill” that noboby knew about until it suddenly appeared. Pray Christian proifers that this “Dead Babies R Us” and “Death Panel” bill does not pass. Ahybody want to take a guess who was probably pulling strings behind the scenes when the “stealth abortion mill” suddenly appeared in Illinois, maybe somebody who promised PP in a speech to them that “we will not turn back”, on women’s reproductive rights (translation every woman who wants a dead baby deserves to get one, even if we have to kill it after a botched abortion and the baby is accidentally born alive). Who addressed Congress and pledged “some folks are misrepresenting this bill by saying federal funding for abortion is in this bill, that is not true”? God help this nation the country drunk the Kool-aid and the Democratic political machine, “Chicago Way” have gone national.