Jivin J’s Life Links 1-8-10
by JivinJ
Trooper Alexis Hayes, 29, of Berlin, filed a seven-count federal suit Dec. 1, charging Shallcross and 6 other staties subjected her “to repeated acts of sexual misconduct” and turned her “into an object of disdain….”
Jones said Lt. Thomas King has been suspended without pay after being accused by Hayes of plying her with booze during an NJSP detail that attended the funeral for 3 slain officers in Pittsburgh, PA – and then impregnating her.
The shaken Hayes had an abortion and has been on paid sick leave since August.
Danielle Steinberger’s voice shook Tuesday as she told an Indiana Senate committee about losing her unborn son, Drew.
“Our lives were changed in a moment because of the recklessness by another person,” said Steinberger, supporting a proposed Indiana law that would allow prosecution of drunken drivers whose actions lead to the death of an unborn child.
Steinberger, of Ohio, was eight months pregnant in 2007 when her car was struck by an intoxicated driver in Richmond.
“I woke up three-and-a-half weeks later to find out we had lost our son,” Steinberger recalled.

“A NJ policeman has been suspended without pay for getting a recruit drunk, having sex with her and getting her pregnant:
Trooper Alexis Hayes, 29, of Berlin, filed a seven-count federal suit Dec. 1, charging Shallcross and 6 other staties subjected her “to repeated acts of sexual misconduct” and turned her “into an object of disdain….”
The shaken Hayes had an abortion and has been on paid sick leave since August.”
Oh the inequity of power and the abuse thereof.
Looks like the apparently latex intolerant Lt. King was playing Russian roulette with a fully loaded gun.
A paternity test might be in order to determine who sired the unplanned child.
Wait the distraught victim destroyed the evidence.
Perhaps the lassie was opportunistic enough to have her pre-natal childs murderer preserve some DNA laden tissue to bolster her case against the accused cop.
I am more than a little skeptical that the professing victim fell under the spell of 6 other of her male associates as well.
It will be interesting to see how the facts develop in this case. Hopefully the truth will out and the guilty party(ies) will be held accountable.
This story reminds of the biker babe who after servicing most of the males in the gang called the police and complained that one of the fellows raped her.
She was upset with the one dude because he had not shaved or showered first.
Hey, the motorcycle momma had her own set of standards that had be observed.
The police gave her case all the attention it deserved.
yor bro ken
Internal and external loss prevention was a big part of my former job and it naturally led to an interest in law enforcement since I worked with cops a lot. I took a 12 week “course” with a local police department and got to go out on patrol with the officers (I also got to shoot their weapons, and view murder cases). I discovered I LOVE LOVE LOVE law enforcement. I began to go to the gym to get in shape to pass the physical requirements needed to place in a class in the municipal police academy. I met with eye surgeons to discuss lasik so I would qualify (I have really poor eyesight without contacts). I asked all of my new police friends tons of questions and my husband’s cops friends tons of questions and began to plan on this new exciting career–female police officer.
The one thing that kept holding me back was that none of the female officers had children or wanted them. No one could tell me how to handle motherhood and being a cop (which is a lifestyle..it is a very DEMANDING job mentally, physically, and scheduling wise) The male officers seemed to have a low view of female officers they had known who got pregnant and to tell you the truth, the female officers seemed to smirk at that too. I heard stories that most female officers have had at least one abortion because they want to be promoted to the top and you can’t get there if you “play mommy”.
I already had my son and knew I wanted more children. That was priority number one for me. I didn’t want to put my family second for some career, noble as it is. So I stepped back from that. Reading this story of the female officer being sexually harassed and having the abortion…it reminded me why I walked away from that path. Its funny cause the feminists act like they have paved the way but they haven’t provided equality for women at all. Pregnancy and femininity aren’t respected at all…but now you can go get an abortion to deal with it.
Well, Sydney, that explains a couple of stories we’ve heard here about female police finding illegally aborted babies in toilets and just flushing them instead of handling the scene properly, etc.
How sad.
X, I didn’t hear about the cases of female police officers “disposing of” evidence in illegal abortion cases. When was that? Do you have any details?
I didn’t realize police officers viewed motherhood/parenthood that negatively. What about all that squeaky-clean “family-man” police officer image stuff? I guess that is just applicable to male officers?