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by Susie Allen
[JLS note: I am pleased to introduce Susie as our new (Prolifer)ations poster! Susie will be writing this column on Tuesdays and Thursdays Fridays, spotlighting important information gleaned from other pro-life blogs. Susie is well-known to the TN pro-life community as president of Robertson Co. RTL. She’s a prolific reader, writer, and speaker on the life issue.]

  • At, blogger Barbara Curtis’s daughter tried out for this season’s American Idol on January 12 and is going to Hollywood! This video of Maddy trying out gives a wonderful testimony about her family and her brothers with Down syndrome
  • reports on a story that Liberty Council would file a legal challenge against any passed healthcare bill as “unconstitutional, because Congress lacks the authority to mandate insurance coverage for individuals or private businesses.”
  • Not Dead Yet is publishing a journal, “A disability perspective on the issue of physician assisted suicide.”
    The special issue is a response to the American Public Health Association’s controversial 2008 decision to back “aid in dying” (i.e., assisted suicide).
    While this slipped almost completely under the media’s radar, it means the official policy of the “oldest, largest and most diverse organization of public health professionals in the world” – 30K of them – will support assisted suicide to the hilt. Or, as they prefer to call it in OR, “patient-directed dying” or “physician aid-in-dying.”
    Rather than worrying about some ambiguous language in the Obama administration’s health reform legislation or scrutinizing the publications of his health advisors for a few indiscreet phrases, the elderly and their families really ought to be worried about the 30K of the APHA. They are the ones who could be sitting on the “death panels.”
  • a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy.png

  • At Second Hand Smoke Wesley Smith reports his new book, “A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy: The human cost of the animal rights movement,” is due out in February.
    This book adds substantially to the debate and particularly helps clarify the crucial difference between animal rights and animal welfare, as it focuses us on the importance of human exceptionalism.
    Like every antidemocratic ideology, this one (animal rights) is by definition antihuman, and like any antihuman ideology, it ultimately deteriorates into a nihilistic bitterness that is anti-life.
  • “There’s a reason it’s called natural birth,” says, wondering why there are so many C-sections around the world they’re called “epidemic.” Reasons for elective C-sections vary globally, but increasing rates in many developing countries coincide with a rise in patients’ wealth and improved medical facilities.
  • has a 2-part video up, “Catherine’s amazing testimony of abortion and redemption.” Very compelling story from Passion for Christ for young ladies.
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