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Pro-lifers say it looks like a cash register.
Planned Parenthood of Houston is in the process of remodeling a 6-story former bank building it bought in 2006 into a 78K sq ft abortion super center, with the entire 3rd floor dedicated to late-term abortions….

PP Houston, abortion, Lou Engle, what a difference space makes.pngWhen opened “this spring,” according to a PP press release, the mill will carry the distinction of largest abortion clinic in the US and 2nd largest in the world, only to China.
Several pro-life groups and leaders are planning a major march to the site on January 18, Martin Luther King Day, including Lou Engle’s The Call, Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins, Star Parker, former PP manager Abby Johnson, Richard Land, Ken Blackwell, Mat Staver, Bishop Harry Jackson, Bound4Life, and pro-life minority groups, because, of course, the new Houston mill is located right in the center of 4 African-American/Hispanic neighborhoods.
Here’s a great promo video by B4L…

And come Monday, 3 worlds are going to collide, because People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals announced yesterday it is negotiating to erect this billboard near the PP site in time for the pro-life march…
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Reads PETA’s press release:

When pro-life supporters arrive in Houston on January 18 to protest the future opening of a 6-story PP facility, they may be met with a challenge. That’s because PETA is negotiating with outdoor advertisers to place a billboard ad near the building – an ad that shows newly hatched chicks and reads, “Pro-Life? Go Vegan. PETA.”
PETA’s goal? To urge people in the pro-life movement to respect the sanctity of life every time they eat – by rejecting the slaughterhouse.
“Eating meat supports horrible cruelty to animals, and of course, it also entails killing them,” says PETA Vice President Bruce Friedrich. “Everyone who is ‘pro-life’ has the opportunity to show it every time he or she sits down to eat – by choosing a vegetarian diet.”

By its sign PETA is saying that killing preborn babies and killing animals are comparable, which should bother pro-aborts who deny abortion kills anything other than perhaps a parasite. Not sure of PETA’s position on killing parasites, although I suspect the group is against that.
Which brings me to a curious point, that so many pro-aborts are vegans, out of concern they usually say, for animal rights.
So pro-lifers should erect a counter-billboard stating, “Vegan? Go Pro-Life.”
[HT for PETA billboard: reader Susie A.]

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