Jivin J’s Life Links 2-18-10
by JivinJ
The surprise came when Mechelle Hall (right photo, below left) was reached by phone at her Superior home Tuesday evening. She said she never had the planned abortion. Hall said she decided to keep the baby after being confronted by anti-abortion protesters Leah Winandy (left photo, below left) and her mother, Sarah, on Nov. 24. She said she was stressed out and they made her realize that she didn’t want to end the life she was carrying inside her.
Hall was asked if there was anything she’d like to say to the Winandys.
“Thank you for being there,” she said. “If they weren’t there, I probably would have gone through with it and regretted it for the rest of my life. It probably would have gone the other way. I’m sincerely sorry for doing that to her.”
Hall pled guilty to 2nd degree assault and received probation.
Two weeks later, Medical Board investigator Carmen Aguilera-Marquez made an appointment for an abortion at A Women’s Choice Family Planning Clinic in Chula Vista. She used an undercover alias and brought a urine sample from a pregnant woman.
At the clinic, she saw Rutland in a room through an open door standing by a woman lying on an examination table, according to a petition filed by the board. The patient’s legs were bent, and Rutland was looking into the patient’s cervical area, she said….
Later, when she was asked to undergo a pregnancy test, the investigator went into a bathroom and filled the cup with urine she brought with her, she said.
Rutland determined she was 7 weeks pregnant. He said his physician daughter performs surgical abortions but was not in that day, she said, and advised that she allow him to do a chemical abortion.
The investigator insisted on a surgical procedure, and an appointment was scheduled for another day, she said in the petition.
[Winandy/Hall photo: LifeSiteNews.com; Rutland photo: saynsumthn.wordpress.com]
Wow, she kept her baby. That is great news!! God bless Leah Winandy and all the life warriors!
The woman sounds from her name that she might be black, so therefore her baby is going to be born in the ghetto and have a lousy life, right?
This is good news. I hope that prolifers are being supportive of this woman and her pregnancy.
Posted by: Phillymiss at February 18, 2010 5:19 PM
“The woman sounds from her name that she might be black, so therefore her baby is going to be born in the ghetto and have a lousy life, right?”
Pigmentation played no part in this story.
Being ‘born in the ghetto’ is not a death sentence, nor even a ‘life’ sentence.
People over come obstacles all the time.
You are bain to your gender, ethnicity and worldview.
It is people like you who give chauvenists, bigots and liberals a bad name.
yor bro ken
So, phillymiss, are you saying because this baby is black, it should be killed? Because the baby is going to born into tough circumstances, it should be killed?
Where will this take us? Should we euthanize those in dire straights too? Their life is lousy, just kill them. Why would age or location matter? Young, old, kill them.
Margaret Sanger would be proud.
I sure hope none of your children need the expertise of a neuro surgeon while in Baltimore. Because you see, Dr. Ben Carson was born to a very poor black mother. She worked her so hard to provide for her 2 sons. Here is the rest of his story from the Johns Hopkins website:
Dr. Carson’s modest beginnings are certainly what make his career success amazing and almost unfathomable. Born and raised in inner-city Detroit, Dr. Carson credits his mother Sonya’s influence with much of his success. She performed domestic work to keep her family financially afloat. With only a third grade education herself, Sonya Carson prayed diligently for wisdom to help Ben and his older brother Curtis success in school. Vigorous studying and a thirst for knowledge enabled young Dr. Carson to graduate from high school with honors and gain admission to Yale University where he pursued a degree in Psychology. He then went onto medical school at the University of Michigan, where his interest shifted from psychiatry to neurosurgery.
It was then that Dr. Carson realized his ability to visualize the brain in three dimensions, excellent hand-eye coordination, and extensive neurological background were qualities fitting for a career as a neurosurgeon. After medical school, Dr. Carson became a neurosurgery resident at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. At age 33, Dr. Carson became the youngest physician to ever head a major division at Johns Hopkins. He is currently the director of pediatric neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, a position he has held since 1984, and a professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery, and pediatric medicine.
His brother is an engineer, living a very productive life.
You see your humble beginnings are only the beginning, with God, all things are possible.
I think that Phillymiss was mimicking the stereotype about African Americans- the stereotype is that if you live in poverty or are of color, you obviously have no morals (I mean obvs, peeps). I don’t think that she meant it herself.
Phillymiss is pro-life if I recall. She has always posted pro-life sentiment. Isn’t she the mother of a mixed race son? I do believe she is being SARCASTIC.The pro-choicers are the ones who think if you are minority or poor or worse, BOTH, then its better if you just abort your kids lest they have miserable lives.
I am so so so happy to hear of Mechelle Hall’s decision to give life to her baby! And when she delivers that child and contemplates how that child was almost killed…I guarantee you one day Mechelle will be outside clinics trying to talk other moms out of the same mistake she almost made! What a great conclusion to that scary story!
Hope Mechelle doesn’t get too “stressed out” while raising a child.
Well, let’s think about the reasons she was probably “stressed out” to begin with…
How about pressure to abort, coming from every different direction? How about people constantly telling her how she just can’t make it with a baby? How about “pro-choice” LIARS telling her no one will want her with a baby-that if she gives birth, she’s a less valuable person to society?
Thinking back to being in a similar situation, it’s more than being “stressed out” to be told “Kill your baby…or else…”
Pro-abortion/killing-choice people have given us this level of “stressed out”. Thanks.
Sorry to Phillymiss!
I think Phillymiss was being sarcastic!
I was being sarcastic, mimicking what i’ve heard some (not all, of course) pro-choice people, black and white, say. I even heard a prominent black female politician say that “black males are unadoptable.” I was so shocked I was speechless. This was something that a Klan member would say!
As a social worker I deal with single moms of all colors. Some are bad mothers, but many have very good parenting skills. Just because someone has a low socioeconomic background doesn’t mean they’re going to stay that way and/or have a lousy life. I don’t know if you watched the men’s figure skating last night. There was a young skater who had been born in Brazil and abandoned on the streets at nine days of age. A French couple adopted him and now he is a world-class skater. I know that not every abandoned baby will be so fortunate, but yes, we have to love them both, or at least try!
Sorry if my comments were misconstrued, I didn’t mean to offend anyone!
P.S.: I heard about Dr. Carson, he is wonderful!
When is someone going to invent a font or typeset strictly for sarcasm? My sister’s suggestion: call it Sarcastica.
Xalisae, as usual, hits the bullseye. I don’t see women happily skipping into the abortuary; they’re in a horrible place both literally & figuratively. Sidewalk counselors are there to say, “There’s help” versus the pro-aborts who say, “Cash preferred, no checks, credit card accepted”. Which is a more loving response to someone in crisis?
klynn73: “When is someone going to invent a font or typeset strictly for sarcasm? My sister’s suggestion: call it Sarcastica.”
Thanks for posting this Jill,
That was my sister who was attacked, I am so grateful that she was not harmed and that Mechelle kept her baby! All glory to God!