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  • Doctors in NZ are fighting proposed guidelines which would require them to tell patients having doubts about their pregnancy that abortion is an option.
  • A physician in Jamaica named Kenneth Enyi has been charged with performing an abortion on a 13-year-old girl. The mother of the individual who impregnated the girl has also been charged.
  • This is amazing. Remember the pregnant woman who pulled a knife on sidewalk counselors in MN while she was going in for an abortion? She never had the abortion
  • The surprise came when Mechelle Hall (right photo, below left) was reached by phone at her Superior home Tuesday evening. She said she never had the planned abortion. Hall said she decided to keep the baby after being confronted by anti-abortion protesters Leah Winandy (left photo, below left) and her mother, Sarah, on Nov. 24. She said she was stressed out and they made her realize that she didn’t want to end the life she was carrying inside her.


    Hall was asked if there was anything she’d like to say to the Winandys.
    Thank you for being there,” she said. “If they weren’t there, I probably would have gone through with it and regretted it for the rest of my life. It probably would have gone the other way. I’m sincerely sorry for doing that to her.”

              Hall pled guilty to 2nd degree assault and received probation.

  • There’s more trouble for abortionist Andrew Rutland (pictured right). After killing a patient, he was ordered to stop performing surgeries but that apparently didn’t stop him from scheduling to perform a surgical abortion on an undercover Medical Board investigator. The LA Times reports:
  • Two weeks later, Medical Board investigator Carmen Aguilera-Marquez made an appointment for an abortion at A Women’s Choice Family Planning Clinic in Chula Vista. She used an undercover alias and brought a urine sample from a pregnant woman.
    At the clinic, she saw Rutland in a room through an open door standing by a woman lying on an examination table, according to a petition filed by the board. The patient’s legs were bent, and Rutland was looking into the patient’s cervical area, she said….
    Later, when she was asked to undergo a pregnancy test, the investigator went into a bathroom and filled the cup with urine she brought with her, she said.
    Rutland determined she was 7 weeks pregnant. He said his physician daughter performs surgical abortions but was not in that day, she said, and advised that she allow him to do a chemical abortion.
    The investigator insisted on a surgical procedure, and an appointment was scheduled for another day, she said in the petition.

    [Winandy/Hall photo: LifeSiteNews.com; Rutland photo: saynsumthn.wordpress.com]

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