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  • Legal abortion until birth? That’s the position of some abortion workers at the Abortioneers blog. Though such an idea would likely be repugnant to most self-described pro-choicers, if you favor legal abortion because of your belief in a woman’s bodily autonomy argument, it makes the most logical sense:
  • With the rise in technology, it has been said that the viability of a fetus will continue to be earlier and earlier. Do your values change if a fetus is viable at 20 weeks? Should there be limits to abortion procedures? 35 weeks?…

    In my opinion, no. I constantly try to re-evaluate where I stand on all facets of the pro-choice abortion movement, and I am still in favor of protecting the right of the woman until the first breath is taken, when the baby is born.

  • MI House Speaker Andy Dillon, a Democrat, has announced he will run for governor. He has a pro-life voting record. Hopefully, he won’t water down his position to please some in his party.
  • Here’s more on abortionist Kermit Gosnell. He was apparently claiming his medical aides were doctors when they weren’t:
  • Those guys aren’t doctors!
    That was the reaction of state authorities yesterday when they tried to verify the licenses of two people listed as medical doctors at Dr. Kermit B. Gosnell’s West Philadelphia abortion clinic, which this week was hit with a series of gruesome allegations.

    Thumbnail image for gosnellclinic.JPG

    Steps away from the entrance to Gosnell’s clinic, at 38th Street and Lancaster Avenue, a sign identifies Gosnell’s externs, who are nonresident doctors or medical students, as Steven Masoff and G.A. Arthur.
    The sign clearly identifies both as M.D.’s.
    But neither is licensed to practice in the state, according to the PA Department of State. The Daily News was unable last night to reach Masoff or Arthur for comment.

    Also, it’s not certain if Gosnell will face criminal charges:

    Gosnell declined to be interviewed by the Daily News last night, but told a Fox29 reporter on Thursday that he expected to be vindicated.
    I provide the same care that I would want my daughter to receive,” Gosnell said, noting that he had lived through negative publicity before.

    And get this. Susan Schewel, the leader of Women’s Medical Fund (an abortion fund designed to help poor women pay for their abortions) would get one woman a year “complaining about poor or negligent care at Gosnell’s clinic.”
    So even though they regularly received complaints, they still helped women pay for their abortions there.

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