Jivin J’s Life Links 4-5-10
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
But if pro-choice leaders felt beleaguered, the outcome was not so much a reflection of their loss of influence as a painful public display of their longstanding political weakness….
“The conditions that allowed health care reform to totally exclude abortion existed before it happened,” says Frances Kissling, a visiting scholar at the Center for Bioethics at the University of PA, who was president of Catholics for a Free Choice for 25 years. “The difference now is that everyone knows we’re powerless.”
Or, as Tanya Melich, a political consultant who has worked on women’s issues for 30 years, puts it, “We’ve never had the votes. And we’ve always had anti-choice Democrats.”
You’d think people who claim to be “pro-life” would be so ashamed of terrorist acts that they’d do anything to distance themselves from them. But instead, [Scott] Roeder’s murder of Dr. George Tiller, the preeminent late abortion provider in the nation, seems to have emboldened anti-choicers to double down on the harassment of other late abortion providers. Not only have anti-choice protesters moved on to targeted Dr. Carhart for abuse and threats, but as Lynn Harris noted, legislators in KS and NE seem to be emboldened by this act of terrorism to put further restrictions on late abortions.
So apparently, in order to distance ourselves from people who kill abortionists, pro-lifers are supposed to avoid protesting at abortion clinics at all costs. We’re also supposed to avoid attempts to restrict late-term abortions because attempting to restrict late-term abortions (something pro-lifers have been doing for years) might lead morons like Marcotte into thinking we’re trying to restrict late-term abortions because we’re emboldened by someone who murdered a late-term abortionist.
This is a little like a pro-lifer arguing that abortion clinics should allow abortion protesters to protest inside their clinics since Harlan Drake shot Jim Pouillon or else pro-choice organizations are encouraging people to shoot abortion protesters.
Let’s not pick on poor Amanda Marcotte. It is not that she is “ridiculous and illogical”. It is that the whole abortionist movement, the movement in opposition to recognizing unborn human rights, is “ridiculous and illogical”.
The reason for this is that the abortionist “mentality” is fundamentally and fatally flawed and so they have no arguments which are based on logic. Their psychological and cultural need to have this violence available (and they do feel they “need” abortion violence available to have their lives be the way they want them to be) means that they cannot repudiate their support for the killing of unborn children, no matter how illogical their “position” may be.
Thus, they are forced to resort to intellectual dishonesty, deceit and irrationality. It has always been this way with their movement and it always will be.
When I was growing up and you went to visit someone in the hospital it was understood that quiet was the rule of the day. What made the whole visit tolerable was that after you offered your well wishes to the recuperating patient you took the elevator to the second floor and went to see the babies in the nursery. There was just a sense of wonder. Now they look at pictures of aborted babies and it doesn’t even bother them.
From the weekend newstack:
Marching For Right To Bare Breasts, Women Faced With Sea of Cameras
The picture-taking bothers the event’s organizer, who says partial female nudity shouldn’t be remarkable.
By Edward D. Murphy emurphy@mainetoday.com
Staff Writer
PORTLAND – About two dozen women took a walk down Congress Street topless Saturday, attracting a large crowd as they tried to preach that partial female nudity is not worthy of attracting a crowd.
But as the event got under way in Longfellow Square, the marchers were soon outnumbered by scores of onlookers — mostly young men eagerly snapping away with cameras and cell phones.
MacDowell said she was surprised by the turnout of those interested less in challenging societal convention than in seeing partially undressed women.
“I’m amazed,” she said, and “enraged (at) the fact that there’s a wall of men watching.”
Excerpt from ‘sister’ story in same newpaper:
Ty McDowell, who organized the march, said she was “enraged” by the turnout of men attracted to the demonstration. The purpose, she said, was for society to have the same reaction to a woman walking around topless as it does to men without shirts on.
[I guess McDowell forgot to click her ruby slippers toether or wiggle her nose or wave her majik wand.]
However, McDowell said she plans to organize similar demonstrations in the future and said she would be more “aggressive” in discouraging oglers.
Apparently ‘society’, at least the heterosexual male segment, has not been sufficiently indoctrinated in the new ‘Puritanism’ known more commonly as ‘political correctness’.
I am NOT amazed that a gender challenged female homosexual like MacDowell would find it curious that men might also be interested in bare breasted women.
I am curious what form being ‘more aggressive’ will take in MacDowell’s little world. I hope she is not going to recruit more lesbians who look like her.
Now that would be a deterent to the average male.
Only a lesbian, living in a insular sub-culture in America, would NOT anticipate that male heterosexuals WOULD show an interest in bare breasted females.
WXII 12 New Traffic Reporter Jennie Stencel makes contributes cognent commentary about who should NOT partcipate in public nudity.
It is pity that Ty MacDowell and sisters did not heed ms Stencel’s sage advice.
yor bro ken
Raisehell Maddcoww rants again.
Raisehell Maddcow makes an awkward attempt to ‘spin’ a web of domestic terrorists whose connection is tenuous at best. Some of the men and woman had some knowlege of each other, but almost no identifiable communication with one another.
March 1993, Michael Griffin kills abortionist David Gun.
July 1994, Paul Hill kills John Briton
Dec. 1994 John Salvi kills two and wounds five others at an abortuary.
Jan. 1998 Eric Rudolph kills a security guard and wounds a nurse at an abortuary.
Oct. 1998 James Kopp shoots and kills abortionist Barnett Slepian.
and last, but not least by any comparison, in
May of 2009 late term abortionist and son of an abortionist George Tiller, who by his own estimation had killed more than 60,000 pre-natal children was shot and killed by Scott Roeder.
Scott Roeder, who killed George Tiller had read a book by Paul Hill (who shot and killed abortionist John Briton in 1994 and Roeder visited Shelly Shannon (who shot and wounded abortionist George Tiller in 1993) in prison.
Roeder subscribed to and contributed articles to a pro-life newletter published by David Leach.
Leach has never been accused of harming anyone.
In more than 16 years, only 4 abortionists were killed. There was an 11 year gap between Barnett Slepian’s killing in 1998 and George Tillers killing in 2009. Hardly an epidemic.
In that 16 year time period over 16 million pre-natal children were killed.
The abortionists who do the killing operate openly, but only 4 were killed.
If the there is a ‘web’ of domestic terrorists preying on abortionists, then where is the evidence?
Where are all the bodies of the dead abortionists?
I am sure someone else can supply this relevant factoid, but more women died as a direct result of ‘safe legal’ abortions than there were abortionists who died as a result of anti-abortion violence.
If there were a ‘web’ or ‘network’ of people who conspire together to kill abortionists, the Federal Bureau of Investigation would be rounding them up like calves on branding day.
I am sure that in that same 16 years there were many times more pimps and prostitutes murdered than there were abortionists.
Surely there must be a network of ‘puritanical’ vigilantes out there plotting to rid america of purveyors of pornogrphy and promiscuity and using terror to intimidate the pimps, prostitutes and perspective clients.
missy maddcoww is so shallow that she can barely bring herself to mention the context in which the killings ocurred.
The common denominator between all the shooters and all the victims was ‘ABORTION’.
Veterinarians and cardiologists were not being targeted.
Only those who made the knowing decision to associate themselves with merchants of death and placed themselves in harms way suffered any violence.
Murderers get killed all the time. Just one of the inherent hazards of the business.
Raisehell Maddcoww went to great lengths to overlook that self evident truth.
yor bro ken