Pro-lifers to help celebrate Iowa Planned Parenthood’s 30th anniversary dinner with special guest Cecile Richards!
Congrats to Planned Parenthood of East Central Iowa on its 30th anniversary!
PPECI is celebrating with a dinner on May 20 at the Cedar Rapids Marriott, and pro-lifers are planning to join the festivities with a welcome picket, more so because PP CEO Cecile Richards will be PPECI’s keynote speaker! Click on the graphic below to link to view Cecile’s video…
Dubuque Co. Right to Life is initially spearheading the pro-life welcome to Cecile and commemoration of PPECI’s 30 years of killing preborn Iowans. Email or call 563-556-5960.
30 years of lies and killing of the unborn??
Would love to go and picket the Grand Poobah herself, but it’s way out of my drive.
Will be there in spirit, though.
Uh oh! Looks like ma Ann ‘wrinkles’Richard’s genes are catching up with the daughter.
I bet Cecille is not as comfortable with her body as her mom was with her own.
Look for Cecille to have some ‘work’ done in the near future.
yor bro ken
Dubuque RTL,
Good luck! Hopefully you’ll get a good response from pro-life students!
hmmm… I just might make the drive!!
Uh oh! Looks like ma Ann ‘wrinkles’Richard’s genes are catching up with the daughter.
I bet Cecille is not as comfortable with her body as her mom was with her own.
Look for Cecille to have some ‘work’ done in the near future.
yor bro ken
Posted by: kbhvac at April 20, 2010 1:25 PM
I thought we were going to try to avoid sophomoric comments about women’s appearances on this site?
Good luck to Dubuque RTL and more power to them.
Our local Planned Parenthood here just celebrated their 70th anniversary – and they only had publicity in the University of Illinois paper the Daily Illini. No local coverage, of course.
But the Daily Illini forgot several things in their time-line of note-worthy happenings at Planned Parenthood.
1. PP in the past promised that any United Way money they took in for donations would only go to poor women having their children (at one time, PP used to have midwives taking care of women to see them through their pregnancies).
2. In Spring (January?) 2009, PP announced that it would no longer be providing the Champaign/Urbana area with pre-natal care. So basically any woman who walked into the clinic pregnant would get no help, unless it was to abort her baby.
3. Planned Parenthood did not return the money received from the United Way contributions back to United Way or to other non-profit medical institutions who did work with poor pregnant mothers.
4. Planned Parenthood normally drove an abortion doctor from the St. Louis area in Missouri to Champaign every Friday for abortions for pre-born children up to 12 weeks. No follow-up with him – just abortions. Nothing but the best and full medical care for women! *sarcasm!*
5. Planned Parenthood now does only ‘medical’ abortions up thru 9 weeks, and gives referrals for abortions later into pregnancy. And if a woman misses a follow-up appointment due to coming a long distance for her abortion, tough luck. We’ve had people as far as Kentucky come for their abortions, from up to 6 hours away that we know of.
Also – I have personally talked with two 14 year -olds who came in for abortions – one who came from 2 hours away and was driven by the boy’s (father) sister. In addition – I’ve talked to countless others who have been younger than 18, and less than 16. Most do not tell their parents – so that if they have a medical emergency afterward, there is no real help since the parent would not suspect an abortion to be the cause of any difficulty.
but of course – nothing but the best to celebrate! *more sarcasm*
70 years anyone?
Is it just me or do others get upset that minors are being giving abortions. I’m praying that somewhere out in the spiritual realm where that old ugly devil lives that the power of God would cause him to shrink to the size of a fly. That a cantekarous very old lady swats him till he’s almost dead restores him to life and sends him on his or her way as a reformed fly. And in his life as a reformed do gooder fly that when flying on his or her journeys as a fly he or she gets a little nervous when the subject of usurping parental authority comes up.
Posted by: Hal at April 20, 2010 2:34 PM
“I thought we were going to try to avoid sophomoric comments about women’s appearances on this site?”
Where’d you get this ‘we’ bit, pale face?
You got a mouse in your pocket?
I guess I missed that ‘memo’.
But what the heck.
Cecile will always have a beutiful mind. It is such a shame she is not using it more.
Time and gravity can’t take that away.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Use it or lose it missy Richards.
Whooops, too late.
yor bro ken
If you found my comments offensive and over the top, then why did you repost them in toto.
Why not just cut and paste the
‘Posted by: kbhvac at April 20, 2010 1:25 PM’
and leave it up to the reader to determine whether or not she/he/it believed it was worth investing their time to read the actual comment?
You know Cecile has to have acquired some pretty thick skin grownin up in the same house with a salty old woman like Ann.
I bet Cecile did not fall far from that tree.
Ceciles private converstations would probably make a sailor blush.
But then you would already know that if you know Cecile.
yor bro ken
Hi joyfromillinois – I notice you used ‘we’ a couple of times in your post – did you used to be associated with PP? What changed your mind (or heart)?
Hi Shirley –
I am not associated with Planned Parenthood.
I am a sidewalk counselor – and others come out to pray with me. I talk with people coming to and from the clinic, talk with passers-by and pray for everyone going in — workers included.
I totally wish everyone well, and want every woman especially to be functioning and whole.
The reason I am out there is to help every woman, no matter their situation. If they need help, we give it to them. I have friends in different organizations and churches in the area and we help from giving rides to the store/home, clothing, furniture, financial assistance, prayer, gift cards for the homeless and needy, diapers, food, wipes and whatever else. Most women need a friend who believes in them. I also have an area help book – so we can give a referral to area agencies for practically anything.
One of the most fun items is to offer a ride to the area Crisis Pregnancy Centers – and one woman was so excited upon seeing her baby with the free ultrasound, she invited her friend and me into the exam room to see her baby. It was swimming away, as happy as can be!
So basically – I am available to help where needed. I know the homeless by first name in the area, the garbage man and others also. We have women who I still see – even after meeting them 5 years ago.
It’s a privilege to be of service. I do it because one of my friends has no children now due to her abortion history. She said if just one person was there, she would have not had an abortion. That is what moved my heart to try to do something.
Man, she just looks scary and vicious … a tradition of trust? Give me a break!
To borry fruhm the dearly deceased former governor of Texas ma Ann ‘wrinkles’ Richards famous quote about ‘W’:
“Cecile caint hep it.”
“She wuz boaren wid mah leff fuht in her mouth.”
yor bro ken
Posted by: joyfromillinois at April 20, 2010 10:29 PM
Thank you for all that you do. I look forward to meeting you at the Wedding Feast of Lamb.
I will look for you to be seated to HIS right.
Blessings to you and yours.
yor bro ken
I agree with your friend. I looked for someone, anyone to be outside the clinic that day.
I wonder how many of the Eastern Iowa so-called “Catholic” Sisters who signed the NETWORK letter will be ther to thank Cecile Richards for lauding their actions?
Will be checking in w/ Steve & Colleen to get details & hopefully go down there to join in the Pro-Life welcome.