Obama administration apologizes to “One-Child China” for AZ illegal immigration law
While the headline of this post is shocking, it will come as no surprise to those of us who know how strongly Obama supports abortion – to the point of infanticide.
Apparently China’s reprehensible one-child policy – with its forced abortion, forced sterilization, female feticide, and female infanticide – comes nowhere close to AZ’s human rights violations of attempting to enforce federal illegal immigration laws.
From the Associated Press, May 14…
The United States and China reported no major breakthroughs Friday after only their 2nd round of talks about human rights since 2002.
The Obama administration wants to push Beijing to treat its citizens better, but it also needs Chinese support on Iranian and North Korean nuclear standoffs, climate change and other difficult issues…
Michael Posner [pictured right], the assistant secretary of state… said… officials also discussed Chinese complaints about problems with U.S. human rights, which have included crime, poverty, homelessness and racial discrimination.
He said U.S. officials did not whitewash the American record and in fact raised on its own a new immigration law in AZ that requires police to ask about a person’s immigration status if there is suspicion the person is in the country illegally.
The U.S. was represented by officials from the State Dept., White House, the depts. of Commerce, Justice, Homeland Security, Labor, the trade representative’s office and the IRS….
To reiterate, the U.S. repeatedly broached the topic. From the news conference transcript:
Q Did the recently passed AZ immigration law come up? And if so, did they bring it up? Or did you bring it up?
MR. POSNER: We brought it up early and often. It was mentioned in the 1st session and as a troubling trend in our society, and an indication that we have to deal with issues of discrimination or potential discrimination….
The AP failed to mention another reason the Obama administration wants to make nice with China: forbearance with its loans to us.
And the AP and MSM’s ignorance – or want to ignore – China’s one-child policy was glaring in this news conference. They questioned every potential human rights violation in China but that.
MSM’s ignorance on this issue would also explain its failure to recognize yet another subliminal reason for a weak administration such as Obama’s to attempt to appease China: China’s increasingly lopsided male-to-female ratio only increases the odds its military will surpass ours in short order.
[HT: Michelle Malkin; top photo via Wikipedia]

which one of POTUS daughters would have to go under the policy that BHO does not want to object to.
Chicoms are the model for an administration that seeks totalitarianism. Our immigrants (illegal aliens) have more rights than Chinese citizens have.
Gee, why am I not surprised… another apology to a foreign country from our wonderful commander-in-chief. Does he see ANYTHING worthwhile in his own country? Oh, yeah, legalized abortion. THAT’s a plus. Not.
China and immigration laws, that is almost funny if it wasn’t for the sad fact that they (The PRC)catch and return Christian refugees to North Korea. Those refugees are usually executed immediately or are placed into labor camps until they die.
China’s one-child policy is completely misunderstood in the West. They do not kill second-born children or anything like that, they simply levy fines against violators. The one-child policy is born out of absolute necessity, given China’s massive population and the traditionally huge families that rural Chinese often have.
Sooo not true, Marissa. My sister lived in Bejing, married to a Chinese man and literally had to flee government officials seeking to submit her, YES, HER, an American citizen, to a forced abortion in her 3rd trimester because the pregnancy was not officialy approved of beforehand. The baby is considered Chinese if the father is. My niece’s life hung in the balance as they had to pick up and move in the middle of the night multiple times (they’d been reported by a neighbor to ‘family planning officials’) until U.S. Senators were able to use their political influence to get her safely out of the country. She witnessed these oppressive policies in action first-hand and heard many stories from women there about “having to abort” their children. She went on to work placing children in adoptions from China & our family knows far too much about what really goes on there. Don’t even try to play the “it’s a big misunderstanding” card.
Hi Marissa!!
Oh yes, what a terrible human rights violation to actually enforce our immigration laws and deport those who are here illegally.
Obama, you know you’re not vying for prom king right? You can stop sucking up now.
Posted by: Marissa at May 17, 2010 1:43 PM
“China’s one-child policy is completely misunderstood in the West. They do not kill second-born children or anything like that, they simply levy fines against violators. The one-child policy is born out of absolute necessity, given China’s massive population and the traditionally huge families that rural Chinese often have.”
Either you are the most stunningly ignorant that I have ever encountered or you are the most pathetic liar I have ever confronted.
I do not not believe you.
Show us the proof for this incredulous assertion.
The onus is on your sorry b.o. to produce credible evidence to support your ‘usefull idiot’ propaganda.
Could be strategy too on their part admitting what we’re doing wrong as a nation that way it should be easier for China to start admitting what there doing wrong. Does anyone feel like we’ve failed China. I think if we’re borrowing money from a country that is committing these type of atrocities to their own people when we fail to address it we fail not only the Chinese people but we also fail their leaders. If we were a real friend to China we would be honest with them and say your better than this.
The b.o. default setting with barbarians like himself is appeasement.
b.o. attempts to publicly humiliate the prime minister of Israel, our most reliable ally in the middle east, and humiliates all Americans by bowing to despots, tyrants and dictators.
Of course the ChiComs are fronting us some serious bucks to float our boat and the Iranians are still ponying up mass amounts of crude oil to fuel the worlds economy and, as a former president put it so profoundly, “The business of America is business.”
My bro Ken,
There is no swearing or name calling allowed.
I do try to be judicious in my use of profanity, but there are just some times where it is warranted.
However technically speaking, *ass is not swearing.
1 : any of several hardy gregarious African or Asian perissodactyl mammals (genus Equus) smaller than the horse and having long ears; especially : an African mammal (E. asinus) that is the ancestor of the donkey
2 sometimes vulgar : a stupid, obstinate, or perverse person —often compounded with a preceding adjective
I have always *ssociated the word with the stubborn characteristics of a mule or a donkey, like *ssinine
But you have correctly cited me for ‘name calling’/add hominy attack. (Is that like a food fight with boiled corn?)
I apologize to the object of my disaffection, Mar*ssa, and to my fellow commentators and to the moderators and to Jill.
I will voluntarily censure myself and enter into time of self imposed suspension, reflection and self flatulation.
My instincts tells me ah is hungry.
My instincts tells me ah is thirty.
My end stinks, but it don’t tell me nuthin.
I guess that is at least an admission of guilt by *ssociation.
And how healthy is it for us as humans not to restrain ourselves when it comes to oil consumption. It seems like with the ability we have to communicate now, the technology and resources we do have we could figure something out besides oil, oil, oil. It’s like they think that money is going to be able to replace the damage that’s being done to our natural environments. Maybe countries will start waking up and realize that there natural environment does effect who they are and who they will become.
Myrtle – you said “If we were a real friend to China we would be honest with them and say your (sic) better than this.” I think you do not understand evil.
May I suggest that you get a copy of David Kupelian’s book “How Evil Works”? Do you really think that you can walk up to a murderer and say “You are better than this.”? Wake up!!
I’m not sure I see the connection between borrowing money from China and failing them and their leaders. Our Federal Reserve needs their money since Obama is having paper money printed with no backing – according to one expert there are twice the number of paper dollars floating around now than one year ago. Watch out for inflation big time – it’s coming and Obama and Bernanke cannot hold it back forever. Facts are facts.
Oh how wrong you are. Unfortunely I have a very good understanding of evil. And I also understand duplicity. If there good enough to lend us money then the very least we can do is point out the good they do have in them. That does not mean condoning their policies it does not mean adopting their policies it simply means saying if you cannot see the good in you I can. If fiscally we were more responsible and started putting value where value belongs, I don’t think we’d be in this mess. That’s why the bible cautions us that the borrower is servant to the lender.
As a Posner I am ashamed … this nitwit has besmirched the good name … all kidding aside there is not much more that I could add other than to say to libs / progressives … whatever you want to call yourselves … placating the devil and appeasing evil – somehow or another trying to create some moral equivalency between “at worst” good and correct intentions perhaps being taken a bit too far – at best, finally one state standing up for the USA and reminding us that we have a right and a responsibility to protect our borders and our sovereignty – to somehow compare that with EVIL!!
Here is one POSNER that will gladly spend money in the great sate of ARIZONA and “viba los 1070”
Go Zona!
Inflation is already here hopefully we will not see it increase. And what President Obama needs to do and this won’t be easy is to say no when pressured to spend on death. But if he does then he will lose a lot of support because the people he supports, like Planned Parenthood do not like to hear no. What surprised me is when he bailed out some of the automobile industry. I think what is contributing to inflation is when government gets involved in the market place which is necessary but there needs to be some type of cap so the market place does not exploit this. I think this contributes to inflation and it’s kinda sad because the American Citizen’s own tax dollar is contributing to the financial difficulty we are now experiencing.
Another facet of China’s “one child policy” (that we Americans “don’t understand” – at least according to Marissa):
Where do you think some of their ideas on population control came from? The reason there going unchecked is because they don’t live in a democracy. If we didn’t live in a democracy with the eugenic way of thinking and Planned Parenthoods agenda what do you think would be happening here. I think when a country starts embracing western philosophies and they have no democracy, no true voice, policies are carried out that could not be carried out here. That’s why I feel to some extent we have failed them. Had they given their people a chance the population would have stabilized on it’s own.
As mediamatters.org has shown, stories about Obama and the US government “apologizing” to China are a total fabrication and absolutely false.
Obama does not”support” infanticide and never has. Stories about him wanting to allow infants who were born alive after abortions to die have also been shown to be lie.
Furthermore,cases where unsuccessful abortion attempts have resulted in a live births are so rare that this whole question has been blown completely out of proportion. The same is true of the fabricated term”partial birth abortion”,a non-existent phenomenon concocted by the anti-choice movement, which is not even a term used in medicine,obstetrics and gynecology.
Mediamatters.org is a sobering website which shows how conservative commentators and pundits consistently lie about and distort stories about Obama and other Democrats, as well as concocting all manner of false rumors about them.
“The same is true of the fabricated term”partial birth abortion”,a non-existent phenomenon concocted by the anti-choice movement, which is not even a term used in medicine,obstetrics and gynecology. ”
Right! Who cares what it is actually referring to? What matters is that we don’t use the proper terms! An action becomes moral if those who object to it fail to use the recognized terminology. Shame on those who call it “partial birth abortion” instead of dilation and extraction or D & X. It is not too late to repent. Bend your knee to Molech, use proper terminology, support sucking a fetus’s brains out because its head is still in the mother, and you may still be saved.
Mediamatters.org is a sobering website which shows how conservative commentators and pundits consistently lie …
Posted by: Robert Berger at May 19, 2010 11:09 AM
Sobering? LOL. MM is a Soros-funded progressive spin site. By their own admission, anything that “forwards the conservative agenda” is “misinformation.”
If it’s so rare why would he bother opposing it? And how many babies is it o.k. to let die. Would you agree that if the bill saved one life it was worth the time and trouble invested in it. In your opinion how many babies have to die because people refuse to grow up? And how is it that American taxpayers most of whom go to work day in and day out how is it fair that their tax monies go to killing babies?
Dennis Miller on the O’Reily show:
“On a bad day, Obama is ashamed of America…on a good day, Obama is embarassed of America.
The only time Obama is proud of America is if he makes it the way he wants it.”