Jivin J’s Life Links 6-23-10
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
“Women seeking termination of pregnancy comprise a particularly high-risk group for physical or sexual assault,” said Audrey Saftlas, UI professor of epidemiology and lead author of the study. “In our study, almost 14% of women receiving an abortion reported at least one incident of physical or sexual abuse in the past year….
The study was the first to comprehensively evaluate battering among abortion clients, with 8.4% of those in a current relationship screening positive for battering.
So, Kevorkian has admitted he’s a repeat murderer. Technically, since there is no statute of limitations for murder, he could be prosecuted for Atkins’ homicide. Instead, he’ll keep getting high level interviews, movies made about him starring Al Pacino, and $50k speaking fees at state funded universities. We sure do have a twisted love for outlaws in this country.
Following the links, in 2007, Wesley Smith quotes Kevorkian’s own writings. There are two things as horrific as what Kevorkian wrote: Margaret Sanger’s own writing, and the content of the Nuremburg trials. I’m shocked; the media really does sell him as a kindly old guy just trying to help the dying. NOT! This man is a serial killer.