My top 5 favorite political cartoons this week…
I thought this 1st one, by Mike Luckovich at, was astute…
cartoon 6-6 mike luckovich gocomics 6-5 al gore's affair with mother nature.gif
We’ve been discussing political correctness this weekend, and I winced when viewing this next cartoon, immediately thinking of a tar baby. Perhaps I’m the only one. Or perhaps I’m not and this foreign cartoonist simply didn’t realize the racist implications. Or perhaps he thought, Screw it….

cartoon 6-6 views america gocomics 6-6 tar obama.gif
For 40 years Paul McCartney was my favorite Beatle – until last week when he decided to get liberally clever and classless when receiving the Gershwin Prize at the Library of Congress

But I digress. Here’s another good cartoon this week, by Gary Varvel at
cartoon 6-6 gary varvel gocomics 6-5 yesterday.gif
by Clay Jones at
cartoon 6-6 clay jones gocomics 6-2 promise not to run for office.gif
by Signe Wilkinson at
cartoon 6-6 signe wilkinson gocomics 6-2 no comment.gif

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