Jivin J’s Life Links 3-2-11
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- A UT legislator wants his state to inspect abortion clinics twice a year, one being a surprise inspection:
He testified, “We have one abortion clinic in Salt Lake City which, according to the Health Department, has not been inspected and has not had a Health Department worker go out in over 2 years.”
- PA prosecutors are seeking the death penalty against Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell and are considering seeking it for some of his former employees. Gosnell’s assets, including a 900K home, have also been frozen:
- The DE Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline has suspended the license of abortionist Albert Dworkin for failing to report the actions of co-worker Kermit Gosnell. Arturo Apolinario gets to keep his license for now:
A request for the emergency suspension of a second doctor, Arturo Apolinario, was turned down, but an expedited hearing to review charges against him is going forward and Apolinario’s ability to write prescriptions was suspended Tuesday.
Assistant District Attorneys Joanne Pescatore and Christine Wechsler confirmed that the death penalty is under review for former Gosnell employees Lynda Williams, 42, of Wilmington; Steven Massof, 48, of Pittsburgh; and Adrienne Moton, 33, of Upper Darby [all pictured left].
All 3 are accused of aiding Gosnell in 7 abortions in which infants were born live and viable – and then allegedly killed by the 70-year-old physician.
The prosecutors, however, said they had agreed with the defense attorneys for the 3 to postpone a final decision on the death penalty for 60 days while both sides continue investigating the case.
Pescatore said the delay was not an indication that prosecutors were trying to negotiate a guilty plea in which they would testify against Gosnell.
“We didn’t know enough and they might want to tell us more things,” Pescatore said, referring to the 60-day extension.
Not so for Gosnell himself. Prosecutors officially notified defense attorney Jack McMahon that they will seek death by lethal injection if a jury finds Gosnell guilty of 1st-degree murder in the abortions that took place at his Women’s Medical Society clinic at 3801 Lancaster Ave.
They all look evil.
I think Gosnell and his cronies should all sit in jail to a ripe old age. Why make martyrs of them? Sit them in jail for the rest of their lives, no satellite tv, no interwebs, just themselves and some blank walls.
I agree – no death penalty – just a long, long time to learn to repent and sin no more.
It doesn’t make sense for them to get the death penalty. It will really make the pro-life side look bad. Don’t get me wrong they deserve to be punished but the death penalty just seems hypocritical. Wouldn’t it speak volumes if the pro-life side organized a petition for them to serve LIFE. Anyway, Gosnell is 70…..after all the usual appeals do you think he’d get the injection? He’d have died of natural causes way before his scheduled death date.
Why would it make the prolife side look bad?
I agree that them getting or not getting the death penalty has no bearing on the pro-life movement in general. This decision was made by some prosecutors whose personal opinions on the life issue are…well, I’m sure somebody knows what they are, but I don’t even know their names. Anyone who randomly ties them to the pro-life movement is making a bit of a reach, to put it mildly.
I don’t think they should get the death penalty. What good does ending 4 more lives really do? I agree with ninek, let them sit in a cell and think about what they’ve done.
This news flash may be a little high profile leveraging by the prosecution to get these three upstanding citizens to roll over and turn states evidence against Kermit ‘the fraud’ Gosnell.
We should start a pool to see who can get closest to the day and the hour the first of the ‘champions of choice’ becomes the centerpiece in the case against Gosnell.
I doubt a single one of these three is willing to sacfice themselves to protect Kermit or to preserve reproductive freedom.
It would make us look bad because the abortion advocates will blame us for it. They don’t care about the truth; if they did, well, there wouldn’t be any abortion and we wouldn’t have to listen to their constant lies.
Tiller was murdered by one man, but the abortionists still insist he was “assasinated” by the “pro-lifers.”
NAR says: March 2, 2011 at 5:13 pm
“I don’t think they should get the death penalty….I agree with ninek, let them sit in a cell and think about what they’ve done.”
If these folks are guilty as accused, then making them take a time out and sit in the corner for ten or twenty years and write on the blackboard ‘I will not kill babies.’ trivializes what they have done and it devalues the lives of their victims.
If and when they have been convicted and sentenced to death, then you can commence with a ‘clemency’ campaign.
I think that most abortion supporters won’t blame the pro-life movement for the actions of the Pennsylvania judiciary. And those that try are probably going to be the sort that blame us for global warming, overfishing, and dihydrogen monoxide poisoning as well.
“Tiller was murdered by one man, but the abortionists still insist he was “assasinated” by the “pro-lifers.”
And the people here have no qualms about accusing Planned Parenthood of running sex trafficking rings based on the questionable actions of a small number of employees at less than a dozen Planned Parenthoods out of over 2500 in the US alone.
and if you ask people who know the ages of girls coming in to PP for abortions or positive pregnancy tests, you’d find nearly every one has underage girl. By law – that is statutory rape.
Here in Illinois – no girl under 17 can give proper consent to sexual intimacy. And when a girl comes in and is pregnant, then they social service agency (including schools, medical facilities, etc) they are required to mandatory report the situation. This is to protect the minor.
PP in nearly all instances – including over 160 instances in the State of Kansas, where abortions were performed on youngsters at age 14 and under. All but 2 of those cases were NOT reported. And that was not the ‘questionable action of a small number of employees.’ it’s enculturated in that culture.
We need to protect the children – all the children. If any school or agency does not protect the young, that agency should not be let to run itself without intervention and oversight.
We just had a school here in our home town who looked away when a school teacher abused elementary school children. Because the school administrators did not report as required, more young children were abused. Administrators were fired, the school system was sued and the perpetrator finally went to jail.
Abuse children and look the other way – we should come down quickly and hard when abuses are happening. The same for Planned Parenthood. Protect the children.
death penalty would make this person a martyr. Do we really want that? life in prison, no parole and solitary confinement would be much better.
“And the people here have no qualms about accusing Planned Parenthood of running sex trafficking rings”
Who said Planned Parenthood is running sex trafficking rings? I just think they turn a blind eye to them in order to sell their number one item, abortions. Yep, they’ll ignore that their client is an underage illegal immigrant sex slave, as long as they get their money. Once Planned Parenthood is shut down, I suspect some of these people would do well as used car dealers.
I think that most abortion supporters won’t blame the pro-life movement for the actions of the Pennsylvania judiciary
You’re probably right about that. Pro-lifers saying he deserves the death penalty, however, does make you look hypocritical.
PP is nationally franchised ‘whore’ house.
Not saying they directly pimp out women as prostitutes, but that the people who advocate, administrate and work for PP are the ‘whores’.
There may be a few completely deluded individuals who are part of the PP franchise who are repulsed by the revelations that some employees at one of their sister locations would promote child sex trafficking, but even those folks naively believe these revelations are aberations and isolated incidents.
And they will be the first to point out at least these ‘girls’ are getting quality reproductive health care at an affordable price. [So the pimp can continue to rent them out for recreational sex.]
PP, america’s number one abortion provider. Keeping child sex trafficking safe and affordable.
John Lewandowski says: March 2, 2011 at 8:45 pm
“Once Planned Parenthood is shut down, I suspect some of these people would do well as used car dealers.”
That is a terrible thing to say about ‘used car’ salesmen.
If PP is shutdown I am sure the PP whores will pool their own money and open up free reporductive health care offices across the land.
But it is more likely the vile and wicked whores will go to work as lobbyist for the democRATs.
It will be a perfect fit.
A match made in hell.
@Jayn: You’re probably right about that. Pro-lifers saying he deserves the death penalty, however, does make you look hypocritical.
I have not said that. Straw men do not make good arguments. Do not put words in my mouth.
@ninek: How could Gosnell’s receiving the death penalty possibly make him a martyr? A martyr to what? Who would want to adopt him as an effigy of their movement? Tiller has been adopted as a martyr by the pro-abortion side because he was murdered by someone who did claim to be pro-life and because he had a clean enough image that doing so wouldn’t make the entire movement look horrible. This made him sympathetic in the public eye in spite of the instinctive dislike of abortion that is nearly universal in the US, and in spite of both his legal and financial woes that were slowly catching up to him.
Gosnell was arrested distributing drugs illegally, killing born children, having killed two adult women, and with a mill so disgusting that even most hardened abortion defenders were disgusted by it. If he does receive the death penalty and the pro-abortion side then wishes to hold him up as an example of what they stand for who was bravely killed whilst soldiering on to “protect choice,” it would be uncharacteristically honest of them, but a poor marketing move. Nothing that brought him into the public view has made him remotely sympathetic and not even abortion defenders have dared to defend him. Regardless of what the legal system does with him, he will never be anyone’s martyr.
Just from a practical perspective, giving Gosnell the death penalty doesn’t make sense because by the time he gets through all his appeals, he’ll be really old (he’s 70 now) and his lawyers will argue that it’s cruel and unusual punishment to execute an old man – who, by that time, will probably have at least one health problem. The rest of them might make more sense from a practical perspective, but I don’t want them put to death either. Let them stare at prison walls for the rest of their lives and don’t give them the opportunity to be seen as some sort of martyrs for the cause by people who don’t understand that these are not people anyone should want on their side.
Hopefully the jury will have the sense to give him life without parole rather than the death penalty. The death penalty just gives him opportunity to appeal on the government dime. Why do that?
Want to guess how long baby killin’ grandpa will last in the state pen?
Marauder says: March 3, 2011 at 12:13 pm
“Just from a practical perspective, giving Gosnell the death penalty doesn’t make sense because by the time he gets through all his appeals, he’ll be really old (he’s 70 now) and his lawyers will argue that it’s cruel and unusual punishment to execute an old man – who, by that time, will probably have at least one health problem.”
It does not make sense to you.
I am not implying you are alone in your bewiilderment, but there are plenty of people to whom if makes perfect sense.
But you may have stumbled into the perfect outcome/solution.
If, as you say, Gosell is in his 70’s, then he has just about outlived his usefulness to the ‘dead babies r us’ mob [some would say Kermit has become radioactive.] and, I believe it is fair to say given his present circumstances, Kermit’s ‘productive years’ are behind him.
Just turn Kermit over to the ‘obamcare system’ and I am sure a thoroughly efficient death panel will hasten Gosness’s exit into the eternal realm by throwing him under the ‘b o’ campaign bus as it is fleeing the scene of the crime.
The reason I am not be in favor of the death penalty for Gosnell or his accomplices is because it is not needed to keep us, as a society, safe. All of the defendants could be locked up for life without parole, without appeal, and we are able to do it. It does not matter if he is 70 or 30, locking him up for life without parole is something we are able to do. The threat of the death penalty may help to this end. What was done on the alter of choice was wrong, it was evil. We are not. Some hard time might offer an opportunity to relfect and maybe even repent and it is not for you or me to say this is not possible however unlikely it may seem.
Life is what they denied.