Jivin J’s Life Links 7-11-11
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- The New York Times has an article on Mila Means’ efforts to provide abortions in Wichita. The article notes Means’ financial difficulties and has quotes from Means discussing her reasoning for attempting to provide abortions:
But Dr. Means is certainly not the ideological warrior many expected to fill his void. She said her decision to start performing abortions was as much about making money for her struggling practice as about restoring access to a constitutional right….
- She looked at the finances of her solo family practice and figured she might be the poorest doctor in the state. Though she lives modestly, she has had continuing problems managing money: her credit card companies have taken her to court, and her checks occasionally bounce. Determined to work alone, she did not have enough patients to cover the bills.
Offering abortions seemed the easiest way to keep the doors to her small office open, she said. The need was also there, she felt.
The article also notes how Means (pictured above left) attempted to work at a CPC in 2001.
- A right to life office in New Brunswick, Canada was vandalized 3 nights in a row:“It happened on three successive nights, three different incidents,” said association executive director Peter Ryan. “One night they painted the word ‘Choice’ on one side of our building in large black letters and came back two other nights and ripped off our wooden flower boxes attached to the front of our building which dress it up nicely.
“They didn’t just rip out the flowers, but they went to the trouble of yanking the whole fixture off the wall, which suggests there was some animosity toward us.”
- A study by Northwestern researchers has found injecting patients with their own stem cells can help relieve angina:After 6 months, even patients with low doses of stem cell injections had fewer angina episodes per week than the control group (about 7 compared to 11); results were still similar after one year. The low-dose stem cell group could also exercise longer, lasting an average of 139 seconds on a treadmill, compared to 69 seconds by the control group.
[Photo via ottoswarroom.blogspot.com]
Though she had grown up supporting abortion rights — she remembers her father instructing her that she would have to have an abortion if she got pregnant in high school…
Let’s break this down.
She did not grow up “pro-choice.” She was raised to support abortion. Her father told her that she would “have to” have an abortion, and the New York Times glowingly writes that this inspired her beliefs!
Good for you, Dr. Means. Now you can go ruin the lives of other young women and girls who are pressured by their fathers/boyfriends/husbands to abort. After all, you’ve got to balance your budget somehow.
Exactly, Kelsey.
If a parent tells their teen, abort or get out of my house, how is that giving anyone a choice??
Dear Mila Means,
No. No. No. You want to do abortions because you TRUST WOMEN!! You know I AM DR TILLER and all that!!
Might want to brush up on the slogans before you open up shop ok?
“Gosh, I suck so much as a family doctor that I can’t even stay afloat. How do I get easy money? I know! I’ll become an abortionist! The lamestream media will even provide me with free PR and advertising!
Exactly you “grow up supporting abortion RIGHTS” when you are given an ultimatum by your father “either have an abortion or get out”, that’s pro-CHOICE for you. It all about “reproductive freedom” and a “woman’s right to choose” you know. NOT!! God help this abortionist.
If she’s that desperate for money, how will she be able to afford the equipment, supplies, medication,s etc. necessary to run an abortion clinic ?
Oh wait ! I forgot: She can just get a used dishweasher for a sterilzer, get expired medication at a huge discount, surgical tools at a garage sale, and as for staff…I’m sure she can find plenty of high scholl students that need a part time job…just Like Gosnell did,
When all else fails, and you suck as a doctor…start killing babies for a living.
What am I missing here? She was inspired by her father to be a supporter of abortion rights. Her father would give her no choice however if she became pregnant.
Hi Mike,
Not HS students, they might actually have standards, however badly they may need money. I recall that not many of my HS friends signed up for the nursing asst. and orderly program that I attended. Even in the best conditions the work wasn’t too pleasant.
Better someone with serious alcohol and drug problems, with a little sociopathy thrown in. A criminal background would be certainly be beneficial as well. I’m sure she’ll find no shortage of potential staff.
“she remembers her father instructing her that she would have to have an abortion if she got pregnant in high school”
Wait a minute. Didn’t I just read in the comments on this blog recently that “no one is pro-abortion”, only pro-choice? So much for that argument.
Or is there someone that believes that the father was pro-choice?
This is typical for abortionist, I noticed when working in maternity healthcare only the OB/GYNs who could not cut it as competent practitioners, (the ones who were considered “butchers” by the general public) became the abortionists. Sad state of affairs for this woman but very typical. May God help her, it would be great if she would be willing to talk to ex-abortionist who work with Pro-Life Action League to get out of this bloody business.