Stanek Sunday funnies 7-17-11
My top 5 favorite political cartoons this week…
by Steve Kelley at (and it’s true, btw)…
by Michael Ramirez at…
… and 3 witty cartoons about President Obama’s threat to withhold Social Security checks in the event a budget deal isn’t reached, beginning with one by Lisa Benson at…
by Bob Gorrell at…
and by Chip Bok at…

16 pound baby… ouch? I have never heard of a newborn bigger than 12 pounds.
Before commenting on the funnies it bears repeating often that this upcoming election is absolutely critical to the pro-life movement in our country. Not only do we get to choose a president that will at minimum not be hostile to pro-life legislation, but the next president will make appointments to the SCOTUS that will make decisions that will affect our country for generations.
The funnies reflect typical Obama class warfare. First, it was the lie that Paul Ryan was pushing grandma over the cliff in her wheelchair. That worked so well that now they threaten to pull SS checks from grandma. Obama as POTUS walks out of meetings in a huff when he can’t get his way. He won’t propose solutions, he won’t lead, and apparently he won’t compromise. Senator McConnell is right–we won’t make any substantial progress in addressing these major issues as long as BHO is president.
Obama isn’t holding Social Security checks hostage. He’d just acknowledging that, if the debt ceiling is not raised, the math may simply not work out.
Obama is totally willing to compromise. He’s suggested SS and Medicare cuts, which the Democratic Party didn’t like at all. The GOP, on the other hand, refuse to consider a single penny on the revenue side, even just closing loopholes and/or getting rid of oil subsidies.
He has made suggestions, and he’s done his best to lead. As far as “walking out in a huff”, we hardly know that’s the case, and even some of the descriptions don’t sound huffy. They sound like leaving a meeting by scheduling the next meeting.
Obama “led” by not even meeting with Republican leaders his first year in office so he could ignore the economy and ram through Obamacare (another lead weight on the economy).
You don’t raise taxes during recessions or the Sargasso Sea doldrums he’s “led” us to. You could confiscate all the super-rich’s money and only make the smallest dent in the debt. You need them to fuel the jobs market, which is where the real money comes from.
We need the private economy to expand. We don’t need the government to expand any more. It’s already like a bloated tick. Let us keep our life’s blood at home, so we can recover.
Of all the WASTE in the budget (a study on pot smoking menstruating monkeys??? Really??? That can’t go??? Map the DNA of grapes??? Is that really higher on Obama’s priorities than Gramma??? How about the dead end research on embryonic stem cells??? Hello??? ) why can’t Obama find ANYTHING else to cut but SS checks??? I don’t see him taking a look at his own paycheck.
Yes, he IS holding the elderly hostage. HE alone will be responsible for what HE decides to “cut”. The DEMS will then turn around and blame the REPS.
It’s like watching an abusive dysfunctional family, Daddy O will punch gramma in the face and DEM Jr. will blame it all on Momma REP because she didn’t do what she was told. He’s throwing a hypocritical temper tantrum and aiming his Lincoln Logs right at one of the most vulnerable people in the room. But this is an adult. And the “leader” of this country. He’s supposed to work for our best interests…… not threaten his own citizens to get what he wants. Might as well change his name to Gadhafi.
I heard of a couple who tried for years and years to get the wife pregnant. Finally, they were successful and had the baby. They named the child “Welcome.”
A couple of points:
– I find the cartoons on holding social security checks to be interesting…the cartoonist could make their life easier by rotating through politicians – right after these debates, a few house GOPers prioritized the debt and said military and creditors first, social security down the ladder – so I guess all are in agreement that social security is further down the list in paying.
– I like continuing to see the GOP work as hard as they can to pin the blame on the talks of the debt ceiling on Obama. Luckily, the American public is smarter and is attributing blame correctly in every poll I see. The problem is the GOP says that the deficit is a big deal, but they don’t act like it. If it is a big deal, you don’t draw massive lines in the sand when it comes to solving the issue – the GOP has in a sense, said taxes are a much bigger deal than the deficit. It is unfortunate because Obama and the Dems appeared ready for a big compromise – something that would hack $4 trillion over a decade. The GOP wants to protect their big money donors so much that they are willing to pass debt down the pipe (again – remember in the early 2000’s, it was anticipated we’d have massive surpluses…well, until we let Bush take the wheel). It is very unfortunate.
– So yes, the Republicans come to the table, ready to “compromise” even though they’ve taken half the options off the table, yet, a few folks get upset that Obama got mad. I’m glad he got mad.
WOW, Hippie, what a great quote! He almost sounds like a leader! Do you have a link to it? I’d like to post it on Facebook!
The real entertainment is watching Obama talking like a born-again fiscal hawk, hanging onto the tea party’s coattails for dear life.
Heck, Pelosi couldn’t even get a budget done with Dems running everything. At least now we have politicians of both parties getting under each others skin instead of just ours. ;-)
It looks like the Republicans really want the economy to tank (further) to improve their chances in 2012. Putting party before country, not a good way to garner support.
Obama is looking good.
Please. Neither Republicans nor Democrats want the economy to tank.
The only dinstinction is between sane people and alas-in-control-of-things Keynesians, who are insane enough to think that with even Bride of Stimulus having failed dramatically, they simply weren’t Keynesian enough.
Doesn’t matter what party you are, if your economic ideas are wack.
The second one — an update — is good too:
(the Bernanke lookalike in this one is amazing)
Wait, Ex-Gop thinks ‘hacking’ some ‘4 trillion’ (actually a lot less) in exchange for tax increases is significant over a 10 year period when we are what, 14 trillion over drawn? That’s like saying ‘well, let us rob you and we’ll stop buying that ice cream cone every wednesday’. If you look at incoming flowing into the treasury, there will be around 74 billion in early Aug in time for checks to go out. That’s enough to cover SS checks with more than $50billion left, which is enough to cover debit repayment obligations AND military salaries and still have a few billion left over. The *only* reason those checks won’t go out is if the liberals want to use the elderly as hostages and hope enough of the populus is too blind to see thunder and too deaf to hear thunder when they say it’s not their fault.
Explain to me how giving the DEMS permission to borrow more money (i.e. driving us further into debt) somehow “addresses the debt problem”????
We tried that once here. We had a big credit card debt we couldn’t afford, so we BORROWED enough money to pay it off and…. ooops!!! Duh, all we did was trade creditors, not actually SOLVE anything. Duh. Borrowing money to pay off debt is just, pardon the expression, STOOPID.
Explain to me how raising taxes (i.e. costs) for those who CREATE JOBS is going to help ANYONE????? Apparently you never have owned or run a business, even a small one, where you were responsible for PAYING people. Believe me, the number of employees a business has/hires/fires is directly proportional to the COST of doing business and the size of/lack of PROFIT.
The DEMS have made it very hard to afford to make more money. Businesses, as they have for the past 3yrs, will simply tighten their belts (lay offs) and hold their collective breath (no new hiring, no growth, no expansion) until the climate is favorable again for growth (i.e. re-hiring, expanding into new markets (JOBS!), and building new factories/stores (JOBS!)
Come on man! You have a job don’t you??? Have you not noticed how hard things get when the bosses costs increase and/or profits fall? Ever had the “cost of living increase” skipped on your check one year because the companies profits simply weren’t enough to provide it? We have. And if you think higher taxes don’t cut into those profits….
Higher taxes means less jobs/no growth, less jobs/no growth means less taxes being paid, less taxes being paid means no revenue, no revenue means no way to pay debt. Hello? Any of those points confuse you? Taxes won’t solve it, borrowing won’t solve it, TAKING YOUR HANDS OFF THE CHECKBOOK WILL SOLVE IT!!
The REP congress under Clinton was responsible for the surplus we had then. I also think it sux that we suffered a deficit under Bush. He prioritized our country’s SAFETY over our country’s INDEPENDENCE. Tough call for anyone.
Oh here Peg :)
Sen. Obama, Congressional Record, S.2237-8, 3/16/06
Jespren – there is a $134 billion shortfall for August. Several GOP house members have said that military payments and creditors come before social security checks – so it sounds like your issue is with them, not me.
Mr Hippie -
You talk as if all of American business is out digging in water fountains for pennies. Sure, there are companies hurting, as there always has been. There are also lots of companies doing well – IBM for instance just released today that they are raising revenue estimates up to 26.7 billion, 12% higher than it was predicted. I get Forbes magazine as well – let me assure you that there are a LOT of people out there not hurting. A recent article was on the topic of how to make your kid a millionaire. ”Give them a house” was one of the suggestions.
I hate the all caps typing, so I didn’t read your whole post – so if I skip some questions, you’ll have to answer them again.
Read some economists and they’ll tell you not to raise taxes or cut spending in a recession. The reason behind that is that it takes purchasing power out of the economy. Now, you can’t be rational and somehow think that raising taxes would be bad for the economy, but cutting government employees would be good. Your taxes haven’t gone down (no more purchasing power has resulted), but now you’ve taken money out that was spend on other goods and services.
The republicans under Clinton had some responsibility for the surplus – so did Clinton, the tech boom, and a higher tax rate. Bush came in and got hit with 9/11. We went to war without raising taxes, put a big tax cut in (that did nothing to stimulate the economy and led to huge deficits), and he passed a massive medicare expansion without equal spending cuts.
To blame the Republicans for where we are at is foolish. To blame the Democrats for where we are at is equally foolish. We need to blame all politicians who are more interested in getting elected and keeping power than they are leading this country. We also need to blame all of ourselves – the thought of “shared sacrifice” is out the door – everyone wants taxes raised on other people, or spending cut on other people. Make changes, as long as it doesn’t affect me! Know what I’m saying?
CAPS for me is a way of bolding/emphasizing key words. I mean no offense or “yelling” by it.
I know all American business isn’t strapped, but I also realize that when the government raises taxes and the cost of doing business they don’t do it only to IBM and Microsoft. Main street suffers more than anyone in business. They also employ the bulk of our workforce.
And dude, you’re reading FORBES! :)) I’d like to GIVE alot of folks a house but that’s on a level FAR above my paygrade!! haha :)
I never suggested cutting government employees. ???
I totally agree with your last two paragraphs. :)
and that’s Mrs. Hippie btw :)
Mrs. Hippie – I apologize!
Yeah, I feel a little dirty when I read Forbes – I’ll admit!
In general, on the internet, CAPS means “yelling” – I don’t know if there’s a formal set of published rules on it though.
I think we probably agree on more than we disagree on it. My last point is, eventually, taxes will need to raise (unless we’re okay axing social security and medicare and literally letting old people die when they need treatment) – I don’t think there’s a logical soul in the world that could argue otherwise with a straight face.
I’d much rather them work on getting it fixed now, even including tax raises, then continue to make a bigger problem down the road. We’re going to get to a point where they’ll have to take Greek like measures with huge tax increases with huge cuts – and I don’t want any of them looking stupid and saying “how did it get to this”. They could fix a good chunk of it now if they wanted.